Silas Darkmoon card - how can i get this card?


i just read in client “log into the game and claim Silas Darkmoon card for free.” I logged into the game and… don’t get this card. I saw people playing with this card, my friends got it when they log into the game, but i didn’t get this card. I see this card “grayed” in my collection and uncraftable.

How can i get this card?

Hey Kotlet,

Can you try logging into the game in different regions, and also if possible different devices? For example, if you are logging on your mobile try logging into a computer etc.

I downloaded game on my smartphone. After login to mobile version, i got information about last changes in game and Silas appeare in my collection. Thanks for help

Unfortunately it doesn’t work for me… I’ve already done everything.

What else can i do to become Silas??

This was 3 years ago when Madness at the Darkmoonfaire launched. Today you are able to obtain him by buying a pack from that expansion.

You must already have a wild card to purchase that pack in the in game shop for 100 gold.

You also are able to pay 2,99€ in the shop for two packs. Once you log in to open that expansions pack, you will receive Silas.

Note: He is a wild card, so he will only show up in your wild tab, and currently only usable in the wild format.