I have a trouble. When I try to find an opponent in traditionnal mode (Standard Mode), very often, when the matchmaking process is about to find an opponent, the button “Cancel” becomes blank and the wheel keeps turning endlessly instead of stopping on “Worthy Opponent”.
I guess an opponent has been found but the game doesn’t start. I’m stuck in “Finding Opponent” window and no button to cancel.
When I got this trouble, I tried several time to wait more than 20 minutes, but nothing changed, the wheel kept turning without stopping and cancellation wasn’t possible.
I had no choice but to close Hearthstone and relaunch it.
Just crazy …
And when I relaunch Hearthstone quite quickly, it says it’s resuming my game. But I’m stuck in that state and nothing occurs. I can do NOTHING. No one button.
I have to wait ~10 minutes for the fictive game to finish.
I have been facing this problem for 2-3 days while I had no problems before.
Note I’m very convinced that it doesn’t come from my network cause I’m very close to my Internet box and it’s a very stable ADSL box.
I really don’t understand what’s wrong.
Am I the only one to have this problem ?
Thanks for your help
EDIT : in the FAQ, there is a section “Able to connect to Hearthstone; Unable to enter game” which recommends to delete cache (explained here)
So followed instructions to delete cache, but the trouble remained.
SOLUTION : Maybe it will help someone : as the problems persisted, I forced a verification of files via Battle.net app. I did a “Scan and Repair”. A file was re-downloaded and no more worry since.