In the description of Sudderblock is written that battlecry goes off 3 times and cannot hit the enemy hero. But in combination with chaotic tendril, once at lvl 10 it does and simply hit the enemy hero with the 10 damage. This is contrary to the description. Hope you fix this error soon.
This means that battlecries that say “Deal X damage to ” can’t damage you. However, battlecries which say “Cast a spell” can damage you, which is what the tendrils do.
then the whole card makes no sense, and you know in advance that the tendrill card will overrule that. It says very clearly, but cannot hit the enemy hero. So that shouldn’t be the case with that card aswell.
By the way, then the recent adjustments such as the removal of Windfury make no sense at all, while you do not adjust those types of cards for their errors or flaws.
It’s exactly the same kind of combination, with the same joke. Whether you get 6 times 10 damage hit or a 15-15 Leeroy Jenkins with Wind Fury , it’s the same kind of combination. And is kinda odd, that you chance a 30 hit combination but leave a 60 hit combi ingame.