So yeah, there you have it. While the market was expanding with games like Gwent, Shadowverse, MTG Arena, Artifact and others, Hearthstone was milking money from its player base. Now others are starting to get ahead, and Hearthstone is now less of a money grabber and more of a sh*tshow. Stupidly overpowered cards messing with the normal flow of the game are rare or epic, sometimes even common, creating difficult situations that you can only escape out of by being ahead with an even more retarded build (like pogo rogue vs ress priest or armor druid) or by spending some cc cards, only to not actually do that much to curb your opponent’s abuse. It’s like all the sensible decks got thrown out the window and in it’s current form the game encourages dumb as hell card combos that have more impact on the game than they should be allowed to have.
I like hearthstone and keep coming back every expansion, hoping that maybe the devs realise what they are doing and fix this joke, then i get into a match and realise that im wrong again. Gwent is a far better game. Sure it does have some crazy combos (glustyworp arachas for ex) but it isn’t as gamebreaking as most of hearthstone’s cards, and the cards and combos in Gwent are rarer and harder to pull off, as it logically should be.
I play HS for lore, when they’re gonna remove their Gwent lore and replace wit with the much better WOW lore I’ll play it
Of all the games you mentioned, only MtG Arena doesn’t seem to be struggling, all others are either not expanding or in really bad shape. To compare Hearthstone with Artifact on the basis of an expanding market, is just clueless.
I’ll share a secret with you… I like Hearthstone more than Gwent. That’s why I play Hearthstone and that’s why I don’t go to Gwent’s forums saying, cluelessly, that Gwent is going to die.
Artifact is the game that’s dying, not Hearthstone.
But then again, not like Valve gives a crap.
wow wow wow. chill out dude. what did the game do to you? you don’t have to kill it, we can talk this out
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For the first time in 4 years f2p and long hours i uninstalled this game.
This game has become insanely greedy/expensive,dumb rng and net-decking and pampering to whales who have nothing better to do.
Artifact? Mate, Have you visited the steam store page for the past months?
It’s dead, Dead dead!
I agree that Artifact is dead, but only because its pay to play. Hearthstone would have had the same fate if it were not free to play. And what frustrates me about this game is its lack of balance, which can’t be found in other genre games. And i’m not the only one that is feeling this way. My point when i listed other ccg games is that now players have an alternative, and some will take it, which is why Hearthstone needs to step up or bleed players to its competition.
is Artifact still alive ?
I thought it died months ago
atleast I see no reason why would anyone play on 3 boards
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This is something a lot of people cluelessly say about Blizzards games. Say what you like about the company or it’s games but one thing Blizzard is good at is giving their games long term survivability. People have been saying WoW won’t be able to keep going for 15 years…and guess what…it’s still going. Diablo announced a couple of years ago that they won’t be expanding the game any further…guess what…it’s STILL incredibly popular. Hearthstone reported at the end of last year that it had over 100 million active players…if that’s what you consider to be a game that’s dying I’d be interested to know what you expect of a game that’s succeeding
I do see you point, But going around these games store pages, All I can see is people complaining about how:
- RNG is ruining their fun.
- Game is unbalanced.
- The game’ about to die.
I don’t remember not seeing these 3 complaints from any players mouth that plays those games (Maybe with exception of 1, But I don’t remember which one). It actually confused me to the point I thought: What the hell is the point. These games are all the same.
Those 3 points are fair, and while some jerks might raise them for other games, in hearthstone’s case they are valid. Take druid for example. The new quest offers Ossirian Tear as a reward which is a self-activating hero power that allows you to gain both benefits of “Choose One” cards. Now those cards obviously are strong, which is why they were CHOOSE ONE (not both) from the start. Having both benefits for the same mana cost and rarity as before means these cards will punch above their weight most of the time, while i (or anyone else really) will have to spend a larger amount of mana on a powerful card to deal with the situation created, while my opponent has invested less than me. That’s a major disadvantage because it stacks over the course of the game. The priest’s quest is also very hard to deal with. Healing AND boosting a minion by 3 basically means you have to either spam ridiculously strong minions and hope you can one hit the enemy minion or use a spell to instakill it, otherwise priests will just spam heal and 3/3 boosts until that minion becomes unkillable in a few turns.
My anger comes from the fact that the devs just dropped explosive cards in our laps without thinking about the impact they will have and basically told us “Here, have these and do what u want until next expansion.” And it’s been a trend. We remember Whispers of the Old Gods (Yoggsaron) and Witchwood (Shudderwock). The trend towards chaotic RNG based cards and OP-vs-OP decks continues without showing any signs of stopping.
To be fair though, Yogg wasn’t THAT strong and ridiculously inconsistent and Shudderwock was decent, but hardly meta-breaking even before the nerf to Saronite Chain Gang.
The biggest thing you should be looking at is that you’re using the druid quest as an example, and yet it currently sucks! It gets ripped apart by murloc pala/shaman and I can testify very well that taunt warrior crushes it also.
I know it’s only early days in the meta but the best ranked druid deck (still token druid) is current sitting near the bottom of tier 2 and it doesn’t even run the quest.
My question would be is what decks are you running that are struggling against quest druid and should you consider changing because every single one of the top 5 rated decks at this moment in time ruin quest druid, and therein lies the flaw in your argument because you’re just looking at one individual mechanic and seeing that it’s powerful, but you’re not seeing how well it plays in the current meta build
It’s only logical that an aggro deck such as murloc pala/shamy will destroy a quest deck that’s basically midrange/control. It’s not the strength of the deck that bothers me, i don’t have TOO much trouble with it (2/3 of these encounters are a win for me) but i want to point out the devs mindset and their lack of interest in the game’s direction. New players are having a hard time with this game, and veterans are getting tired of the rng that has f-all to do with a player’s skill and can easily turn the tables at the end of a game.
How do you know the mindset of the devs?
Funnily enough even when there’s a game come out since three days there’s always a doomsayer heralding the downfall of said game. Like really… every year the game is dying. If it’s dying I really want to die too then.
Do I need to explain everything to you, Toad? If I don’t agree with the game’s direction, then the devs are doing a bad job. Since all games have at least one unhappy player, then all the devs of all games are bad, lazy, etc. Try to keep up, dude!
You shoukd relax even more …
Haven’t seen Vlad expressing so much feeling since Un’Goro
I’m relaxing right now. Google “portocarro manda-chuva 2018”. That and a risotto with lime and claims.