This game is about to die

I gotta say both Priest and Druid, Even when their new powers are no matchup against a Rogue with Mirage Blade and bunch Thief cards. Add in Togwaggle and Lackey’s to this and it’s a win every time (At least it’s been so far against 5/5 Quest Druids and 3/5 Quest Priests). The sad part is that this deck doesn’t stand a chance against Control Warrior right now, Even with perfect draws and best generated cards.

Im not gonna google curva vlad…

Fool me trice shame on you fool ne 4 times shame on me

Vlad, since you’ve been so relaxed and I’m always at least twice as so I want to share with you some of my thoughts in hope this isn’t enough for me to have to delete it

“I think my religion stopped working, I touched myself in the shower yet I feel very clean.”

Religios debates are the best cause in those you’re right regardless of on which side you’re on

I just took a shower.
This one in is what I’m most frightened to write:
“A shower without mast*** can be equivalent to washing your hands”

This one isn’t my own but I remember in detail the day I heared it whenever I take a shower.

All three have been spammed for several years now, along with stuff like:

  • Matchmaking is rigged
  • Everyone else is toxic
  • I’m uninstalling and never comming back (often with the poster in question asking for advice or complaining about something related to the game on the very same forum a month later)

And this happens with every Blizzard title (or really any major title with a large audience).

That last one cracked me up good.

Gwent is dead, speaking in population, maybe will have some spyke when the Witcher series come on Netflix, but probably not

So is the doto 2 card game

both were proclaimed as HS killers…

so let me press X for doubt on your entire point

Anyway, just another “I’m bad at a game, get frustrated, and want to hurt it in some way, but the only one i can do is to go on its forums and hate it, just further promoting my own feel of impotence and victimisation” post

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you won’t be missed. as a f2p player, you are simply a burden on the rest of us

How are f2p players a burden exactly?

These games survive on volume of users. Assuming F2P players are a burden is extremely short sighted. F2P players are extremely valuable.

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I wanna know that as well

Like an explenation

Haven’t been here in the forum for a while…

Good to read HS is still dying, so nothing has changed.


How do people still not get this. It’s power creep, new cards have to be better than old cards so they sell. If they were all the same then there would be no point in buying new cards because you’ve got cards that are just as powerful. Gwent will obviously be slower because it’s brand new so there is no power creep

The concept of how f2p players relate to paying ones and vice-versa has a much higher skill cap to grasp. Most ppl can’t see the ecosystem and understand it :slight_smile:

Btw, anotgher interesting thing is the micro ecosystem of krakens, whales and dolphins. Especially in a big IP related game as Marvel, SW, WoW or something like that.

Well, waiting five minutes for each game is too boring, Hearthstone is stone dead…

Anyone knows how many daily active users Hearthstone has?

Last report I saw was in November 18 when they reported 100 million active accounts

Pressing X for doubt on that number

I was writing a big text about game analytics and decided to check that information. The sources I could find show that those 100 million are roughly equivalent to accounts created. That is, unfortunately, completely meaningless. It’s also quite disappointing to be honest.

To be able to understand how the game is doing, we need something like daily active users and a retention curve. No one is going to give me a retention curve, so I’d be happy with DAU.

The best I could find was a report also from November 2018 of 37 million monthly active users across all Blizzard titles with a confirmed drop on Hearthstone, but to which numbers, we don’t know. To be clear, for a top mobile first company (which Blizzard isn’t) 37 million active users is good IN A WEEK, not in a month and not across all titles.

I wish I had access to the data and dashboards of Team 5. Would be fun!

HSReplay counted 10 million games over the last 7 days, collected by 300,000 contributors.

Of course, we have no idea if 5% or 20% or 50% of all active users use HSR, but whatever the numbers are, this limits the maximum number to a range between several 100k and one-digit millions.

To give credit to the OP, I agree that Blizzard’s strategy to turn HS into a slot machine is a reason for the declining numbers. Only players who really, really enjoy wacky RNG can be happy with this game right now - fortunately, I am one of them.

On the other hand, keeping HS as it was when it started would have ended in pure boredom sooner or later, and maybe even more players would already have moved on to other games.

I’m not saying that’s players, that’s just the number of accounts Blizzard reported were active at the time. Unfortunately it’s impossible to say how accurate this number is and how many of those accounts are from players with multiple accounts. Only relatively up to date information I could find. But lets just hypothesise that every player has upto the maximum of 3 accounts they are allowed, that would mean that 100 million accounts would equal 33 million players so you could use that as a minimum rule of thumb given that probably most players don’t actually have multiple accounts whereas some probably have more than they are actually allowed :stuck_out_tongue:

I agree, but it’s the only information I could find. I’d say 37 million is probably more accurate and, while it’s not as good as the top mobile first companies, it’s not exactly a number to be sniffed at when you consider that hearthstone is a bit more of a specialised interest game type than a lot of mobile games due to it’s game type/strategy involved/lore etc. etc. It would never compete with something like candy crush for active player numbers because those kind of mobile games appeal to a much broader customer base