Trying to recover the Email address

My friend recently just started playing Hearthstone on her iPhone10.
Today I was trying to log her in on my laptop and asked her the Email she was using.
However, after a few attempts, we still could not figure out how she login.
Then I advise her to switch account so that the previous email might show up there, then we just have to let her try out all her passwords.
Then the problem occurred, we have no info at all and she was quite sad.
Before we lost everything, she added me.
吾輩は猫である#1835 was ger tag. The region should be in Asia. I’m her only friend as for my battlenet in Asia region, her account is the only friend I add to.

Hello Misaka10777,

Please ask your friend to contact our support team directly for further assistance with her account. It’s imperative that it is her that contacts our support team, not anyone else.

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