Unable to login, error BLZBNTBNA00000A8E

I am trying to go online on my account to play hearthstone as the system appears to have switched me to offline, however whenever i do it asks my to put in my password which i do then i get this error and am told i can either retry (to which i get the same response) or continue offline so i cannot play hearthstone. Following this error to your website it just says its an error on blizard’s end but does not provide any solution or support, this has persisted for several days now can anyone help me out?

I don’t know what the problem is and it seems like no staff care to offer a solution. But this post on one of the other technical forums worked for me

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Hey there Rogue,

Sorry to hear about your troubles! Definitely give the solution proposed by tigernein a try, though if you’re still having issues you can also find more info and steps to try here:


Thank you so much for your reply on the matter, I will give it a go when im off work! :slight_smile:

I have the same error, right now


i currently have this issue

Same here. It only occurs in Battle.Net desktop app(both on Win and Mac) . The error code is 2405, nothing to do with the 2403 error.

See a workaround from a player on WOW Tech Supports forum, but it doesn’t work for me:

  1. Open Battle.net in offline mode.
  2. Launch gamer with the game’s launcher, there is a in-game login (Diablo, WOW both have in-game login, Mobile too, that is why mobile not affected).
  3. Input your account and password, and maybe authentication code.
  4. Done.