Welcome to the Technical Support Forum!

Writing an Effective Post

Before creating a new thread, be sure to search the Blizzard Support Site and read our “Common connection and latency issues - PC/MAC/MOBILE” sticky post. Additionally, perform a quick forum search before posting may yield helpful results.

If you’re still unable to resolve your issue, feel free to open a new thread with a descriptive title and a list of the troubleshooting steps you have already tried.

Providing relevant information will also expedite the diagnosis process greatly:

  • Installation and patching issues should include any error messages you are seeing.
  • Connection and latency issues should include your country, ISP as well as the results from WinMTR.
  • Performance and stability issues should include when the issues began and a DXDiag report.

NOTE: If you have an issue with payments or your Blizzard account, we’re unable to assist on public forums for privacy reasons. Please contact our support team directly and they will be more than happy to help.