What to do about those who add after the game to abuse you?

I met my best friend on Hearthstone. That’s why I’m making this thread.

I am tired of getting friend requests after the game, only to be abused by someone, and then to be blocked by them before I even have a chance to respond. I report them and nothing seems to be done about them. These saddos are ruining the community. 1/10 times a person adds me they say ‘good game’ and 1/50 times I actually make a friend. Why should anyone have to go through those other 9/10 times being abused? I refuse to see why I should let that 1/10 slip by just because of some abusive people who aren’t being punished.

  • These abusive people are ruining genuine friendships forming because no one wants to add anyone after a game anymore, because most of the time they get abused by a bad player who instead of learning and getting better at the game wants to blame and abuse other people.

  • I still have someone on my friends list who I can’t even remove due to a bug, probably because they blocked me after abusing me. On mobile it takes up about 20% of the screen saying ‘friend request’, and I can’t get rid of it.

  • Do something about these abusive people. Ban them from adding people after the game or something, because it’s creating a very toxic community. I report them but you don’t seem to do anything about it.

As I said, I met my best friend on this game. If I hadn’t taken that 1/10 risk that one time I would never have met that person. Why should anyone have to go through abuse just because they are good at the game and are open to making friends? Do something about it, Blizzard. And fix the glitch on my account where someone won’t go off my friends list and the ‘request’ (it’s not a request he had already added me and deleted me) is taking up 20% of the screen on my mobile app.


Only thing you can do is to report them. They will eventually get restriction to chat in game. The problem is that they will not get banned if 1 person report them (everyone can have bad day??, what? ) , so they need to be reported from more people and then they will get punished.

What Tome says.

I always encourage anyone to block people who are abusive in chat. And because not everyone knows how to do this, here are the steps.

  1. Open the battle-net app and ensure you are logged in on the account and region where you were playing.
  2. Go to the social tab. You will find a history of all recent in-game chat messages received and sent. This includes people who removed you as a friend after sending their abuse.
  3. Right-click the message(s) you want to report and click the report option from the menu.

If we all do this, Blizzard will quickly see which accounts do this all the time, and then they can take action.

Have you tried removing the request through the Battle-Net app?
See https://eu.battle.net/forums/en/hearthstone/topic/17623923855

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I doubt this. the forum doesn’t work that way, so I assume that in-game chat is the same. (24 hour ban for first offense, then it scales up for repeat offenses).

We don’t know, since they never report back (and they shouldn’t, due to privacy issues and such).
But I do know one thing: IF they take any action at all, then more reports on the same person will definitely help.

Personally I don’t mind the abuse just knowing the fact that they added me to friends to try unload on me must mean I’ve made them pretty salty, mission complete. :smiley:


The worst thing about this is that actual friendly reguests are just getting ignored.

I defeated a priest in wild casual yesterday and he sent me a request afterwards.

I was actually excited because in the year and 3/4 i play the game i only had one guy to verbally assult me so far.

But i have to admit i expected that kind of a response.

But actually the guy just wanted to know if wild odd mage us actually a thing now :slight_smile: (no it isnt)

We had a nice talk and played a couple of games so there are nice people out there

I tried to friend a few guys after a game just because their deck was amazing even tough i lost.

But most of them declined probably because they thought ill indult them

I haven’t disputed that. my point was that I doubt that a person is immune to a ban if only 1 person reports them.

Funniest part about this is - you don’t seem to comprehend how toxic you are yourself, here is why:

Go out and socialize more, HS is the strip club equivalent of social interaction - sure you will meet ppl, but nor rly the best place to search for a serious relationship. Same applies to any online game

So your actual problem is that you didnt have time to try to hurt them back, no?
Welcome to the Internets - if you are not strong to take some verbal punching just walk away.

Well, what do you want? A blizz moderator to come and tell you how great of a person you are, for taking vengance on someone who told you something, after you willingly accepted to give him the right to talk to you in a personal message? To tap you on the shoulder? Get a medal or something… lol

So are you, actually - by flaming people and raging over something someone wrote. Can you really be that petty?

Because you accept to do it? Nobody is forcing you. Also - define “abused”?

Awwww, you want others to punish ppl because of some personal reasons. Rofl - look mate, nobody likes a snitch. You have a problem - deal with it, personally. Also - you seem to refuse to see a lot of things. like comon sense reasoning.

Nope, incorrect. They are not doing it. Not in general, only for you, as you expect to form friendships over a mobile game o.O

Mashes randomly buttons on the screen
gets no result
Oh, it must be a bug!

Here is “something” - grow a ticker skin. Nobody bans nobody over what is spoken in private chat. And you know why? Sure you don’t. Because you were to lazy to read the TOS and what do you accept when installing the app.

What you do is run straight to someone, take his hand, punch yourself in the face with it, like really hard, then start crying and play the victim card, asking for someone to punish the guy… comedy, gold.

Have you ever considered, most people are stable and don’t get shaken after some means word from a stranger on the interneds and don’t consider this as abuse?

Also I consider such whining, and over using of the word a real insult to anyone who was under real abuse. Consider it for a while.


I havent accepted a friend request to get abuse for ages, I must not be getting enough soul crushing wins. Such a shame I enjoy seeing how creative people can be with their abuse.

“Words are like bullets, and I let them pass straight through me.” - Dr David Nelson


Well i disagree with the part of true friendship over games.

I have a punch of very good friends in the online community which shared stories hapiness and tears with me just like real life friends do

Doesnt apply to everyone ofc but so do reallife friends

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You have my sympathies David. Just a few months ago for the first time ever I was at the receiving end for abusive language and made a post here about this. I was so angry that I not only reported the player but I also contacted and ticketed Blizzard directly. They were concerned enough to look into the matter. Whether this was adhered to is uncertain.

David has legitimate concerns. You don’t know what kind of words were exchanged in the dialogue. Back in August after a match I was told to die of cancer. This is a game and words maybe heated but it is one thing to wish illness or death on someone. Just because this is the internet and someone feels brave behind their screen to be spiteful and abusive does not mean it should be tolerated.


Go on, have you crusade about reeducating milions of brats that trash talk online. Tell me in a year how is the fight going. Just try not to reach a melting point.

Boohoo. Well - did you? Nope, right? As long as ppl complain and trigger about that, others will use such unimaginative ways to push em.

Yep, what such posts ask is - safe space, well irl nobody is giving you safe spaces, and as soon as you realize it and deal with it - the better. I strongly believe that the attitude “oooh, momy, i gut hurt, please hurt em back and punish em” is bad for anyone. When you get pushed one way or another either push back or walk away. No need to complain

yep, thats what I’m talking about

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I personally refuse to lie to others.
Nobody likes a snitch? If you really wanted me to be a pal, you wouldn’t make me lie.
Seriously, that phrase just makes me think of either a guy who’s liable to get stuck in jail or a middle schooler who’s prone to bullying and says that as if it makes a difference.

Also this.

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I get those sort of “friend” requests. Let’s call them Fiend requests.

I got my first Fiend Request back when the Rastakhan expansion was new. I was playing a handbuff Whizbang Warlock Deck with Hireek the Bat, playing a (you guessed it) Rez Spell Priest whose entire gimmick was to APM spells and summon Obsidian Statue when he could, and Rope when he couldn’t.

I used all the terrible cards like Spirit of the Bat and Arena Fanatic to my advantage and somehow manage to fill the board with 5/5 Hireeks.

Needless to say he wasn’t expecting that on turn 8 and got really salty with me, spamming “The Light shall burn you” each turn bc I ruined his board via a randomly generated Treachery that added a randomly generated Howlfiend to his Rez Pool and making him discard his second Obsidian Shoeface. I used demonic project to turn his Ysera and Sunshard Lyra into a 2/2 Void Analyst and a 4/3 Succubus Felstalker, resoectively, while my Flame Imp became the very same Howlfiend. Doubling Imp became a Doomguard.

Keep an eye on that Doomguard because Anduin was on 14 health and I just topdecked a Soul Infusion. Damaging the hero’s health is not enough for me though.

The heart, Osborn. Now we attack his heart.

I took my sweet time eating a tuna sandwich as I roped my next 2 turns Soul Infusing my Doomguard twice to a statline of 9/11. Fair’s fair. I’m fighting BM with BMemes.

He resurrects an obsidian shoelace to protect himself. Pathetic. I siphon soul it while he kills one of my Hireeks, I reduce his health to exactly 9 and I then coined my buffed 9/11 Doomguard and me went face.

I genuinely thought he was going to be my friend. I was mildly upset, but the fact I triggered a Rez Priest player improved my mood fast. They monologued how I’m a total failure in life and how I need to go outside and go on a diet like the neckbeard I allegedly was. Rich, coming from a typical Rez Priest player.

I simply unfriended him mid-monologue after telling him he’s not being a very pleasant chap. My own words.

Needless to say I think that I think I burst a few of his blood vessels with anger like that. :clown_face:


That depends on the lie.

Im not gonna tell my nieces that there is no easterbunny

But i have to agree on the snitch line

There’s no WHAT!?


My first and so far only of those was a guy who played the single WORST Thief Priest deck.

It was so easy it wasnt even funny

The things he told me afterwards …

I was on the train and had a hard time not bursting into tears of laughter

“Nobody likes a snitch”?
Sorry, but that’s just a load of bullcrap.

It’s nonsense like this that allows people like Trump to get away with stuff, to blame the whistleblower.
It’s nonsense like this that allows bullies in the school yard to beat up smaller kids and get away with it.
It’s nonsense like this that perpetuates the shameless self-enrichment of the few men (yes, men) at the top.

If we want our society to be better, we need to start by making people accountable for what they do. And since most of the stuff I want people to be held accountable for happens outside of public view, I want those who witness people doing bad things to step forward and disclose it.

“Nobody likes a snitch” … I can accept that if we first redefine “snitch” as “someone who discloses a secret that is personal to who shared this but doesn’t harm anyone” (such as telling the entire school that your friend has a crush on Jimmy).
But currently, “to snitch” is defined as “to inform, to tattle”, and “to tattle” then as “to tell secrets about what someone else has done” (source: Merriam-Webster online). That includes all the cases where it is our moral duty to society to expose a person.

Verbally abusing someone over a game is of course not even remotely on the same level as shameless self-enrichment by dirty CEOs, or as Trump’s abuse of power. But it is rather close to schoolyard bullying. And it is in itself just not how we as a society should interact with each other.
Anyone who receives such abuse, knows how to report it, and then deliberately chooses not to, is complicit to allow the practice to continue and grow.


sorry not too much into political stuff but what did trump to abuse his power?

i agree with the rest but still getting over thta helps a lot

doenst mean it shouldnt be reportet in genrell but if that stuff doesnt come to you in the first place its good for your mental health