What to do about those who add after the game to abuse you?

The latest: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump%E2%80%93Ukraine_scandal
Also (and ongoing): many golf trips to his own resorts, forcing the secret service members who need to go to protect him to rack up enormous bills, and getting the next G5 in one of his resorts.

Many more before that, but I’ll leave that to your googling skills. This forum is not supposed to be for political debate. I just used it as an example to point out why “snitching” can be good and even necessary.

Sweet dreams are made of this
who am I to disagree…

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I travel the world and the seven seas

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Everybody’s looking for something…


oH No nOt aNoThEr PoLiTicS pOsT

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I DO NOT ADD THEM, so nobody gets the chance either way

Agree, and will use to reply to you to clarify some missunderstanding.

I used “Snitch” as a term describing, someone who instead of facing his own problems and dealing with them runs to higher authority and asks them to deal with it, by telling on someone (iike “i’m gonan tell mom”)

This is not about bullying (have in mind, i hardly consider someone trash talking you over the interent bully)

Its about atitude towards live in general. Do you face your demons, or do you run under mom’s skirt (figuratively speaking).

Snitch is someone who talks about his colegues to the boss, spreading rumors about his friends about common ones etc. And yeah, nobody likes that kind of persons, never.

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For the record I am not on any crusade as I have better things to do with my time. The report function exists for a reason and I will use it accordingly when it is justified. It takes a lot for me to be offended and it was just that once.

The turning a blind eye mentality is just ensuring this type of behaviour continues. People should take responsibility for their own actions. There should be repercussions if you are wishing ill health or death on someone in a game. If you want to ignore it that is your prerogative but some of us have moral compass.

It depends on your definition of trash talking but I certainly do not believe those that verbally abuse players after a Hearthstone match as a bully. However when it goes to murky territory ie. when the trash talk turns into a form of spite or abusive behaviour then it has gone too far.

Comparisons to a snitch is a moot point and irrelevant in this instance when you do not know the context of the words exchanged.

I always believe in this phrase ’ treat others how you want to be treated’

Well i agree in generell and even tough i got banned for a day because i (my honest intention) tried to encourage people to be “bigger” as the idiots who indult them after a match.

Also the actual post got even deleted

Can anyone who apperantly flagged me pls engage in a friendly discussion why?

About the Insulters

I dont mind this people simply because they dont deserve my Time at all!!!

Imo if i actually take time out of my day to report them they did more harm to me then the actual words.

This is my opinion which i dont force on anyone and yes i do have a moral compass which is part of the reason why i give those requests the same chance to be a new good friend as everyone else.

I have a guy in my steam friendlist who i dpent over 1000 hours playing shooter together.

He was a random guy once as well

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Dude, get a grip. You don’t even have the slightest idea what is verbal abuse or abuse if you consider someone trash talking you over a game a thing that:

It’s not about ignoring. It’s about being rational and coping with reality. If you trigger over what some random dude is telling you in a private chat box (that you’ve agreed to recieve), how would you even cope in a real abuse situation and life is like taht - at one point you will be in some. And lemme tell - youtube is full of funny videos with melting snowflakes that just realised what’s going on.

would a comparisons to a proto-sjw be a better one? Both serve the same social role.

yeah - i’m doing it - being honest and no bs attitude.

And look - I’m not defending the brats that feel strong behind the screen, but will never look you at the eye IRL. But all that “gib us save spaces”, “molding people behaviour and what is allowed to be spoken and what not and there should be … “repercussions” (still giggling at taht)” is just nonsense.

Even worse. You practically want ppl to be punished about expressing a thought in a medium that you provided them to do it. To have the freedom of speech removed from them, after allowing it. Do you know what’s the term for that… ok there are two:

  • ignorance
  • fascism

so yeah - what you and OP stand for is as much toxic as the behavior that springed that discussion in the first place.

Well I am a middle aged lady so I am quite acquainted with the fact and been verbally abused in the past in various occasions just for walking down a street. You will be pleased to know I did not snitch the culprits by contacting the police or the authorities. Considering it was hate speech and racially targeted.

Did I even say that people should be punished for expressing a thought? You clearly have not read my post properly in the first place. One thing I will agree on is in hindsight I should not have accepted the friends request. I can’t stand snowflakes myself unless they are of the frosty variety ofc. I do not need to explain myself to you since you have already labelled me as unbalanced, a snitch, toxic, ignorant and a fascist. You don’t even know me lol.

You certainly have a way with words. I reported someone once and you have the audacity to refer to me as toxic? If you think it is ok for someone to say that you should die of cancer after a game (perhaps you are lucky enough to not have had a close relative suffer from this illness) then I think you need to reassess your logic as it is baffling. Perhaps it is a generational thing where young people are desensitised to everything. I guess we are just going to have to agree to disagree on this matter.


people are different and such are those situations. it’s absolutely possible to have no problems in confrontations where all participants are physically present and have problems with those on the internet.

not everyone thinks and feels the same way though. for some not the result is important, but the intention.

a couple of more remarks that don’t fit under quotes:

. there are obviously worse things in the world than what happens in blizzard chats. but that scale doesn’t make ‘less bad’ stuff good. it’s still bad stuff.

. not everyone has the same issues. some aren’t bothered by words, others are. in turn, they aren’t bothered by other things that the first group is. and if it’s not about bothering, they have other qualities. because someone who is bothered by a lot of stuff will do some good things that others won’t.

. and lastly, we are talking about someone accepting a friend request and getting $%§& thrown their way.
so someone played a game of HS, then clicked on his friends menu, clicked on add friends, clicked on last opponent and clicked on add friend, then waited for the invite to be accepted, then clicked on the name of his new vict… friend and started vomiting his thoughts. and this person should not get an “it’s fine dude”, just because the other person, who did nothing other than playing a game of HS and accepting a friend request, is bothered by this.

sure we could argue about the wording of the op towards the end, but I personally don’t think that matters. the post brought a problem to the housekeeper’s (if you will) attention, or at least tried to do that.

there’s also a way to look at this other than running under mama’s skirt. it’s trying to make stuff like this not happen anymore, so that other people don’t get the same treatment, children maybe. or in general just people who can’t or won’t deal with this well.

it’s easy to keep saying “I’m not bothered by this, so you shouldn’t as well”. but first of all, expecting others to be good at the things we are because they’re ‘easy’, might feel good and ok, but it really isn’t.

and second, in the most general way possible, sometimes telling someone to not be bothered by something is the same as seeing someone getting punched in the face and telling him “just don’t feel it, come on”. it helps keeping that in mind.


Agree with both of you on most points

yet my main point is

reporting is part of the cicle and does no good.

Goes like this.

Person 1 feels weak in his medium, so he searches for new mediums to compensate. Finds a /Inster online game name here/ where he can project his feel of controll.

Looses a game. As this reflects on his state of feeling in controll, he feels abused. What he had to compansate is taken from him. So person 1 takes what happened as a personal insult. Loosing a match feels like getting hurt on purpose.

As he is powerless to return the hurt in any other way but by flaming the other person - he does it, to compensate the feel of loosing the game.

Person 2, takes the words way too seriously and starts feeling helpless. Wants to strike back, as that’s the most natural and primitive human trait. The only tool to do so is by reporting the one who flamed. As it serves dual purpose - makes person 2 feel good about striking back, getting vengance etc, and punishing person 1 for their behaviour.

and what happens next

Maybe person 1 gets suspended or banned. If so - what do you think would be the effect?
Will he feel reeducated? Or will he fuel his angst and toxicity?

Thats why flaming and reporting is the same side of the coin. It stands for only one thing - hurting others, yeah. Both is abusive at the sam level.

Yeah i know - yet sticks and stones and stuff

I don’t think in our age there is even one that lucky

Oh did you just assumed my age :smiley: JK. And yeah, we havo to agree to disagree. I dont think such thing as “hate” speech exists.

Speech is speech. Social norms on whate is normal change constantly even in the same time period if you switch from a group to group, so taking such a general aproach and branding part of any language as “hatefull” or “offensive” and taking actions against it seems silly and wasting effort and energy.

Is it morally acceptable to say hurtfull things to others on purpose - hell no, it makes you an A-hole. Is it against the law - nope, should it be - nope either. The moment you target a word, you open a door that sooner or later leads to totalitarian model (call it as you want - fascism, comunism, whatever - its all the same) and you can see the results of it happening right now in Turkey.


same here ;). the exception is this:

we’ve obviously entered an area where all kinds of variants are possible, so striking back in order to exert punishment is surely a realistic scenario.

but there are others. I mostly think about this: not “striking back”, but letting the first-striker have repercussions for his actions. not to punish him, but to make it impossible that people lash out without at least having to fear/expect repercussions. because if people can realistically expect to get away with whatever they want, it creates dangerous situations. and limiting those situations, however small they may be, as much as you can, simply makes the world a safer place, both in reality and in the individual’s emotional world.

I feel that I might not have made myself too clear here, so here’s an obvious example to illustrate what I mean:

a dude breaks into my home and steals my TV. if there is no police around, there’s nothing stopping that dude from breaking in again and stealing my microwave. if there’s police that investigates and fines him or whatever, then there’s a possible deterrent for the dude to do it again and I feel safer.

so in this stuff that I’m talking about (which again is only one of many possible variants) it’s not about vengeance, but about decreasing the likelihood of it happening again.

and I doubt that it’s possible to reliably tell all those motives for acting from one another.

You are so sensitive.:sunglasses:
70 million people play this game in the world. Not everyone’s mood can be the same. Blizz doing the right thing.

Completely agree. Your post sums up my thread perfectly. I try to accept friend requests on the off chance it’s a kind message. People can say to just ignore the salty messages etc. but I can’t. It gets to me and makes me anxious whenever I add someone. The last time I had someone add me, he sent me an angry message and then immediately blocked me within 5 seconds after sending it, so I couldn’t even reply. It just puts me in a bad mood and not wanting to play. I can’t just ignore it like some other people might be able to!

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I see it like that

The person who insults me is someone:

I never met

Ill never meet

Knows nothing about me

And usually lost for a reason.

Those people can say what they want because they arent worth my time.

Not even hating them

I can understand you perfectly here because in a way I am much like you.

I just wanna leave you with a thought:

if someone verbally abuses you and immediately blocks you so that you can’t answer, they show how afraid they are of your words.

because such words would hurt themselves, they prevent themselves from receiving them by immediately blocking you.

so they know how hurtful those words are, yet they go out of their way to bring that hurt to others.

again: they play a game and it angers them so much, that they have to go and cause pain in the person that played that game with them. that’s the thing that will make them feel better afterwards.

so they will just say anything to make themselves believe that they’ve hurt you. that’ll make them feel strong and give them a sense of revenge because they see you as the person hurting them first (by playing a game with them).

so it helps seeing those situations for what they are: a person trying to inflict pain to negate his own pain. and the words only matter for them because those are the words that they believe to cause maximum effect. if they’d believe that calling you a cute bunny would set off an unquenchable rage within you, they’d say it. that’s how little their words mean. they’d simply say anything to try and hurt you.

I said in the beginning that I understand you and I do. because to keep this whole context in mind while mud is being thrown at you is hard. but with practice you’ll get quicker to that point at which you can see this context. not only in hearthstone, but everywhere.

tldr: if someone intends to cause harm to others, his actions always say more about himself than about the person he wants to harm.

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After all is said and done, I eventually gave up being Mr. nice guy.

I share many player’s frustration from what I’ve read. Such a pitty indeed…

Say what you want, but if you main a deathrattle Priest deck you deserve all the horrible things people say about you. :slight_smile: