That argument is as stupid as the deck itself
That argument is as stupid as the deck itself
I was always ignoring and blocking people when I saw them adding me after the match where I crushed them, but after I saw you saying that you found a best friend through Hearthstone I feel like maybe I was wrong and there was my best friend there
Pretty sure they were going to wish some horrible diseases on you.
Ive got my own approach to toxic people and according to my statistics, 99% of the times it gets the job done.
1.) If im 100% certain they’ll flame me, i accept their friend request, i send something in the lines of ‘lol gg noob u got shrekt l2p xD’ and then quickly remove them. I know this drives them even more mad, which gives me joy.
2.) If they flame me before i have the chance to troll them, i will add them back and drive them mad, then i remove them, then they add me again cause now they 're furious, then i accept their request, jump to (1) and remove them again.
Idk why but i just find it extremely funny messing with people that rage over a card game for kids. Anyway, thats my tips for ya. Dont take life too seriously. At the end of the day, only a few things matter, and HS is for sure not one of them.
#FightFireWithFire #AnEyeForAnEye #TitForTat #NoRegretz
Bravo pepsicola,
''At the end of the day, only a few things matter, and HS is for sure not one of them. ‘’
Very true.
But, not everyone’s mood is the same. Angry, cheerful, obsessively etc. There may be toxic players. Never mind
I totally agree. When someone friend requests me i either don’t accept, or i accept but then write to them saying something like: i suppose you want me and my mum to die of cancer or aids (as that is what they usually write)
Brilliant story. Thanks for sharing!
Yeah this always happens… I always used to add people after a game as I’d usually have a quest for challenging a friend and I don’t have many hearthstone friends so I always figured when people add me they are doing the same (which is sometimes the case) lately though it’s just abuse.
Today I was playing on my phone while watching my girlfriend play Paper Mario, won a game in duels then got a friend request thinking I wonder what this could be, he just told me to be careful and then said die of brain cancer which hit pretty hard especially since my grandma died of cancer and my friend who I met online died 2 years ago of brain cancer. This is disgusting