Brawl....waiting for game results

So, hey all. I really don’t want to sound obnoxious but is there anyone left on the Hots dev team? I feel like someone should look into fixing the brawl end game screen. there are currently, what like 3 maps rotating weekly and only one seems to have the proper script in place to show MPV screen then hero exp. etc. The rest just show an eternal “waiting for game results” message… Think the volskaya themed one also ‘Rename Replay’ button seems not to work.

And I’m also positive some of the heroes I’ve been using received 0 exp. after the game, i still have not figured out if gold is awarded properly, mainly cause i forget to check what’s my total before the battle and after.

Thanks in advance, I appreciate what the devs made with HotS, cause we all know Blizzard doesn’t…


That sounds like a perfect example for our Bug Report Forums. There don’t seem to be any other reports like this, though there is someone noticing it doesn’t complete the quest too, maybe you have noticed that too?

We all know how frustrating it is in games when bugs impact on player progress and engagement with the game. Hopefully it’s something that can be addressed in a future patch though.

Oh hey… yeah… I either misplaced this or just wanted to vent and had no idea which sub forum i was in, sorry.

Thanks for paying attention :slight_smile:

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There don’t seem to be any other reports like this


And it goes on. And that’s just US forums.

At least they seem to know now: