Cant see characters, icon, cant play, this play mode is currently disabled

Hello SilentStorm,

Have you tried any of the steps I have suggested in this thread? If so, could you also please run a WinMTR to see where your connection issue is?

Kind regards

What’s your opinion?

hello Kiemmaki,

thanks for your answer.
Do you think, that if i change provider, or try change connection or log in with different site problem can be solved?

Hello again robeero,

Well, all of the things you mention are an option, but i guess the first thing would be to talk to them and see what they can do for you. Secondly you could try and, if possible, use for example a mobile connection from your mobile phone for example, to test it out.

Kind regards

What’s your opinion?

I have now got fibre so issue is gone, but it was working fine on my original connection until a maintenance was done and from then on the issue started, so yes it was my connection but only after you did a maintenance, so that may be something for you to be aware of in the future

Hello LeSwanza,

I am glad to hear your issue is sorted. But I am almost 100 % sure that it is a coincidence. If the maintenance had changed something in the connection, everybody would have been affected and in addition, the above WinMTR clearly showed an issue in the ISPs network, which is in line with your description that it worked at your brothers house, but not on your connection.

Enjoy the game.

Kind regards

What’s your opinion?

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