Comp. Tactics , how to get out of bronze

hi everyone ;
i am really sick of getting stuck here in bronze. I am a player who judges him/herself 1st, but at some point i need to judge my team mates too. I play solo for the most of the games.

My point is basically, players not playing the heroe to its potential. let me put it this way, last game , i was playing valla, i had 150k damage to heroes, 225k siege damage, where jaina did only 40k heroe damage, and 60k siege. She finished his quest at 21th minute. This happens quite often. When i am playing support, mostly tyrande, while i am doing 20k, some dpsers do less. i am really getting tired of this. So far i know , it is really not so hard to generate some damage either to heroes or to siege units. i know there are some heroes, such as kel’thuzad are rather harder to play and if you lack practice, you basically suck. or there are some heroes who open up later in the game. In one game, i was garrosh, we had genji, valla and li ming, those did LESS damage then i did. even at the end of the game. One might think " they captured mercineries", no they did not.

my question is, is there any heroe which i can carry the game with? i want to get out of this bronze hell. i am really putting a lot of effort, try to play a heroe to its potential, but nothing seem to work. I know some of you will say “you noob” , “you suck” etc. well, yea don’t care much.

thanks for reading.
Good luck!

You stuck in TL or HL ???

Diablo, Thrall, Sonya, Maiev, and if opponent is beefy then Leo… If they don’t have too much stun/root/silence you might as well try play Butcher :slight_smile:

Yes, you usually want to play heroes that can clear lane safe/fast and get camps and still be able to rotate to your team when teamfight is going on

Other way you might wanna try is get Anub, but for this to work you should probably have a dive composition of your own, i.e. heroes/players that would follow… He still has got one of the craziest teamfight controls as you can engage, stun, sustain, take out one opponent hero with Cocoon

Another couple of ways you can be crazy impactful is play Medivh, unfortunately though chances are people would “label” you as a solo laner and flame for not doing so, and if all that fails = you have a good ol’ KT’z where you can practise comboes and blow 'em up in twos :slight_smile:

The thing in bronze is that tactics don’t exist

Infact it barely exists in higher ranks too.

If you want to win the game on those ranks. Break the meta.
Do something the enemy doesn’t expect and win it that way.
Infact it helps more often then you think even on higher ranks.

Trust me this game has SO MUCH good and silly hero match ups that even the silliest of builds you should never do… wins you more games then the “recommended meta by this pro player.”

For instance… a damage/tank uther. Sure it requires another support but it’s a thing.

Thinking outside the box can be really rewarding sometimes

One of the things I really love about this game

There are many great heroes for carrying games. It all depends on what you prefer. As healer malf is rly good for carrying low skilled games. As tank anub or mura are good choices. As dmg I personally like guldan or hanzo. Well of you are good enough you can carry games with pretty much every hero

There is ONLY ONE way to get out of Bronze Hell ,

Find Frends, Team Up, and play

NEVER go solo if you in bronze

If you still play (considering this is a very old thread) , lemme know,
I m having same issue,

I play Li Ming, top damage in game 9 out of 10 games, even MVP when on losing side bcoz of topping damage, but thts abt it,

ppl dnt com to objs, ppl dnt listen to ping,
would go capture boss when enemy forts r cursed instead of killing forts,
major issues

I have to disagree with that one. It is extremely easy to get out of bronze even when solo queing. I guarantee you that no one in master or gm can be ever stuck in bronze. It is very easy to carry games in there

Hey Pandagic

How about you be a hero and carry him out of Bronze then?

Wouldn’t be more sweet to do that on your own? If you get carried you cant really say you deserved it.

Also if you get carried to any rank you will drop down since it wasnt really your rank to begin with.

Better just learn the game and climb up with own skill level. Be hero yourself.

Honestly though you seem like a cool guy

As I’ve been active on the forums I’ve realized that we seem to agree on a lot of things

I personally would like to play or have a chat with you sometime Pandagic

I could be your hero

Of the Storm

Have you played in bronze?

Honestly, i doubt that you can get out of bronze alone , unless you have some hero that does mass impact,

Like a great valeera who can snipe targets and ensure that there r always 3 to 4 enemy on the battlefield ONLY

Or a great Khelthtuzad tht can wipe out 2 to 3 people on objective when all are clumped.

A master and grandmaster can.

A gold player cant always.

Im stuck in bronze… i played with gold frends, i seem to get along well…

But the curse of bronze is no simple curse

Yes I started with bronze. At bronze I played solo/team of 2/3. I had 100 % winrate in bronze, silver and gold. At platinium 1 I had my first lose in ranked.

I guess you can call that luck. I made one time new account and did it again. Maybe luck again but I believe it is very easy to get out from bronze based on personal experience and seeing streamers do it too.

well, then you are a master level player than,

for me, how i see bronze playing, im much above them,
may b gold level, not more,

but still, stuck in bronze :slight_smile:

Maybe you are I dont know. What I have seen that almost every single player thinks they are always better of what they are. This is because you value others based on your views of how game should be played.

Especially if you are in bronze you might(probably) have wrong mindset of game meaning you value things in a manner that might not be true. I would like to suggest you some things you can truly value your own gameplay and how to improve:

  • Think what is the highest valueable action you can do for your team each second of match. This can mean for example soaking, doing camp (timing camps), pushing etc
  • Don’t look blindly into who has best dmg/soak/other stats. Keep in mind that dmg can be relevant or irrelevant depending on situation. If you just put useless dmg out at mid lane while you could be ganking or doing camps, your high dmg stats is proof that you played bad.
  • Map awareness in every aspect. Look not to get ganked but to gank others. When your enemy is missing on map - are they ganking or doing camps? If they camp, count how many there are, use this time to steal camp instead of useless brawls?
  • Remember that there are many ways to win a game. You dont need to win team fights to win a game. Think what is the most valuable way to use your setup. Sometimes playing map is most valuable action.
  • If players skip objectives again consider what makes most value to your team. It dont make sense to contest 3/4v5 objective. Rather go with teammate who is solopushing or soak other lane or camps whatever rather than going to obj, get wiped out and then ping the player who was solo pushing
  • Adapt and read the game. Always think what is most valuable usage of your time

nice points,

and i feel i do follow most of it,

apart from the fact that if it is a 4v5 on objective, i will still go to obj n let one guy from our side soak.

But the issue is, people just dont listen,

innumerable times I had to leave mid lane brawl (the first fight n split after firstblood, thts still the issue in bronze) , and im the one going top to soak, when our naz is crazy trying to frog them to death.

Or if reynor wont go top (having better wave clear and survivability to gank)

I play Li Ming, i need to throw spells to clear wave, doing AA only, would take me ages, I usually need 1 orb n 3 missles with a few AA to do it, later in game 2 missles n 1 orb n few more AAs does it.

But the issue is simple. in Bronze, they just like to fight fight fight…

as Li ming, i can get the Giants Camp, but not the bruiser camp,

Every game I get 2 to 3 Giants camps, ,

But things started to b better when playing with frends,

I think, simple rule = play with a party of 4 or 5 in ranked…

Or play a tank that can solo lane, take damage, self sustain like crazy, and do damage tooo, like arthas or mura , im aiming for mura now, my ticket out of bronze i feel

You can carry with any hero, and you can’t carry with any hero.

HotS is all about team play… anybody who plays some character well, has good awareness and map presence can carry that game… but sadly it takes only one to completely negate everything you are doing.

Biggest problem for HotS is early game, when wrong people go to wrong lanes, lack of soaking, wrong merc timing, trying to duel and get ambushed etc.

For instance, when healer goes to bot lane on cursed hollow and soaks there for 5mins, completely ignoring their team, or when Nazeebo goes to mid to brawl for 5mins while Li Ming is taking top… etc.

HotS early game lacks structure and people don’t understand what they should do, that is the main issue. On lower ranks, people just wanna fight, and that is the last thing you should be doing.

They don’t ping missing, they don’t ping what they are about to do.

In general, Ragnaros is pretty good all around hero who can do a lot of good, force pressure on specific lane, clear camps, defend positions and structures. Also, any tank can have huge impact on the match, if they are doing right things to complement their team. Healers sadly can’t, because their healing has limit, if somebody is always over extending healer is helpless.

But again, if one player is completely hell bent on ruining the game, he will do that very easy, and there is nothing you can do about it.

I disagree with your point on early game. Early game is pretty irrelevant. You may have “wrong” players soaking incorrectly, timing camps wrong etc but it is all fixable in mid and late game. Unless it is some very unique game with setups that are rare, you can almost win every game at lategame no matter how the first few minutes have went. That is also one of the biggest things low rank players cant understand - they believe game is over within first 5 mins

I agree on some points that with some healers it is not that easy to carry games. Thay being said for example malf is great healer pick to solo carry low rank games. As malf you can do team’s highest dmg, heal properly and cc/setup kills.

have we played together? :open_mouth:
Coz that is something sooo often,
Nazeebo, Varian, Guldan , i keep saying go top go top go top,
But i dont wait longer, once I see the first wave meet i rotate,
At times I have had over 50k siege damage
while guldan was at 45k, varian at 20k
tht insane, i burn out mana much faster , guldan nazeebo r made for this, varian dnt need mana to clear,
Poor Li Ming

This can happen, but rarely you will see that against somebody who knows how to hold on advantage they created in first 7 mins. It depends on situation ofc, where you win that turn around fight, how far are they pushed in… etc… but generally, early game is the main problem.

Why, because people just brawl early game, and go for kills. If other team stays alive, avoids brawls, soaks… you will fall behind. After that they have forced you to defend… and allowed them selves to roam and gank. Good team will take advantage of that very easy.

Simple, they know what lane they pushed in, they know you are behind and have to split to soak, they know you have to send somebody there… they can simply kill him and get more and more ahead. When ahead, get more ahead.

Was just giving i.e. :slight_smile: But who knows, maybe we have, though I play only QM recently.