Game patch out of date

I cant play multiplayer because the game tells me that I or someone in my party are not running the most recent patch but I am running the most recent patch there is no update available and I also run a repair scan and that did nothing and I am also not in a party so there are no other people that could be out of date.

Like … what’s going on ?


Already a report on this: Matchmaking bug


here for the same reason


same thing on my end


Same here as well, same problem and tried everything


Same, and all EU players gone to US servers.
And its in active discussing on reddit

me too, looks like somth down

same here when i try, changed install path, reinstalled, added extra languages and everything, changed regions and checked for patches, nothing works

Same issue. Please, fix EU servers.

Blizzard, please wake up and fix our beloved HOTS.
I love it so much!

Cant function without it!

Stillllll down D= How long can something take

It’s a dead game. No new character, no new skin, mount etc., no support. And now you can’t even play. But at least you can buy all the garbage for a “good” price. LOOOL!

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