HotS -- more skill or luck?

Wit that name it must be hard to stare at a mirror

I posted about electing to not play this game (nor for that matter any other Blizzard games) anymore. You must have missed that subtlety. It would have taken 3 minutes to set up another account, as anyone who plays this game is aware of.

This decision is based on a number of factors, one of them being the skewed element of random teammate co-operation that dictates match outcomes. That is the topic of this discussion, do try keep up.

Well it is true if you are not cooperating with your team and only chase personal glory like in league you can never win it’s the simple fact of life also yes you are right my friend and one off topic thing you have deleted me from friends without giving me the reason why I would like to know :rofl: why?.

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Add me back and I will explain this to you

Forums are not the place for a :heart: to :heart: talk

Xylord#2300 in the Europe Region

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Luck when it comes to teammates and opponents. And in qm the heroes.
But the game also requires skill


10% Luck
10% Skill
80% This dumb “social experiment” they call matchmaking

xylord you slylord, playing hard to get



Very interesting topic. It shoud be skill but somehow its more luck. People like to say how do you explain gm going through lower ranks with 80 wr. Well, only a few of them do it solo queing. They team up. A few that solo que dont have 80 percent wr. If they dont just otp. Only a few ex pro players can do it. For example Fan. But Hots is his job. He plays it every day for 8 hours, ofcourse that he will climb. I dont have time to play 8 hours a day, nor do normal people. He sometimes go funny builds (fans pay) or harder heroes in lower leagues, but i have seen him loose 3 games in a row in silver when he was not trolling. He had like 120 damage and guldan, soaked, took camps and he lost in silver. Thats imposiible in other mobas. Im a decent player. I usually play mmos, but i like mobas. Was high player in Paragon. And in Smite. Master legaue equivalent. In hots im plat. I tried a year ago some games in lol. Lol has more players then any moba except maybe dota. In only a month of playing i easaily acheieved gold 1, few games from platinum. So im not a noob. Hots is team oriented and thats fine. But i played with people who are diamond and i know im better then them. How can you be high elo in a game and dont understand the basics of the game?! Thats was imposiblle in other mobas i played. For example i know that people in platinum and higher in lol are better then me. In paragon i knew that pro players were better then me. In smite i knew that master and higher elo players are better then me. It was either they had mechanics or better game knoweldge then me. But in hots i know they are not. Thats why people think this game is more luck then skill. Its wierd, but i cant explain it other way. Give me account in lol in highest elo and i know i coudnt compete, i woud drag my team down. Give me it in hots, i dont i think i woud not only drag my team i woud be better then most players. Dont know if its true but hots is the only moba i have that feeling. And thats just sad and wrong. Wierd game. Its like people are in ranks by luck. Have seen some decent players in lower ranks, and some horrible players in higher ranks. Makes no sense at all. I have 2 friends in game- 1 is in high gold other in diamond. The gold player is like miles ahead in game knowelde and mechanics. I cant explain it. And no, im not one of them i barely know them privately. Meet them in game. But i have played games with them. Diamond player plays mostly ranged mage assasins. Hes not mechanicly good nor does he undertstand when to soak and when to take camps, if he even takes them. The gold player plays healers mostly. Hes mechanicly ok and he has better understanding of the game. It makes no sense that hes in gold and the other one is diamond. So yea interesting topic. Hots is very wierd in this regard. Btw i had a few games on my smurf account (na) and i had Grubby in one game with me. I played imeprius he Kerrigan. I carried that game, and Grubby was awesome. He even said on stream a praise. And i encountered Lauber a few game later and he lost. Lauber lost in silver in NA. How the is that even posible?

Even if u had the time to do so, it doesn,‘t garantie you to climb.
U can even so fall.
Most likely you gonna stay where you are, if you are around your skill cap, which is represented by a 50% winrate.

Also it doesn’t even matter how much time of a day you spend to play. If your WR is 65%. Your climbing velocity will be the same, no matter if you spend 2 hours or 14 hours a day.

I have 3 accounts.

My main account with most heroes/skins are hardstuck at gold 1 with around a 50% winrate, 150+ games played.
Second account with second most heroes/skins is at diamond 2 with 64% wr with 100 games played. I was in diamond for about 3 seasons and almost got to masters with this account once. I was simply instantly placed to plat 1 after the initial first games in ranked with this account and always had better teammates after that point with this account compared to my main.
Third account is at plat 1 with 55% wr but didn’t play much with it last 2 seasons.

Now please tell me which one exactly is my skill cap.

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Yes, but you woud have a larger sample of games. For example, if I play 2-3 games on Monday and then on Friday and then 4-5 games on Saturday and Sunday, it is all chance, even if I play 100 games in 1 season. I have real life obligation, and this game has a luck factor because its team based, so manly your wr depends on team also, sure you can somewhat alter the outcome but not like in other mobas.

Or let me put it this way, for gamers that are usually decent the more you play the better you are. But if you don’t have time to play and you’re decent you will slowly climb. In hots you will not. You can, but it will depend more on luck then in other mobas. Because of the nature of the game. Even if you’re a, lets say, diamond or low master, it will be harder to climb in hots then lol or paragon. Because in those games I can exploit individual skill and get myself ahead, and kill their backline, or at least trade 1 for 2/3. In hots you have shared exp, and you cant cover all (soak, camps, and be on every single obj or skrimish that your teammates do). If your teammate dies and you’re 4 vs 5, you’re not winning that fight even if you’re a grandmaster (if you’re even lvl or behind). It can happen but most likely you will not win it. And your soaking is less valuable because of your teammates death. Sure there can be a enemy teammate that does that, but that’s the luck part. Who gets worse teammates, not better. Problem is, like I wrote in my first comment, that this game feels more like a game of luck then skill because of poor player base and poor understanding of the game, and because of the very nature of this game (more teambased then any other moba). And that whats this topic is about. Is itmore skill or luck. And I’m not saying there is no skill involved, I’m just comparing it to other mobas. In comparison to them, its more luck. Ofcourse you have to have skill.