Play Mode is Currently Disabled!

Error: This Play Mode is Currently Disabled. (on all modes)
I’ve been playing this game for years; my level is almost 1000.
I tried everything; reinstalled the game, checked my DNS to be as Google’s, scanned and repaired, checked for updates, deleted Variables.txt in Documents, deleted folder in C/ProgramData/, updated my drivers and stuff, flushed my DNS, restarted in-game options, … Everything …
I can chat with people in general so I’m sure it’s not for my Internet.
I tried waiting in the main menu or in the heroes select screen but still nothing happens…
I think there is nothing I left to try.
maybe I should wait for an update or a new HOTS version. (oh god I hate waiting)
please do something, fix it if possible.
Thank you so much for your golden time <3

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same here, its like I’m disconnected somehow

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Like you, I couldn’t play anymore after the last update.
I tried all the ways you went, but it didn’t work.
And I didn’t get any response from the support team.

Try using a VPN and see if it helps.

I have the same issue. I am new to the game and past tutorial, nothing works. Has it been fixed and id it from my end or is it still an issue?