Unfair matching when soloing

You have to stop with the matchmaking in this game just make entirely random it will very likely endup being far more competetive and fair.
Why is it that a solo player has to suffer through getting absolutelly dogshít players after getting an overall decent average winrate in a season.
You match with people who are several leagues lower in quickmatch and the furthers away they can be in competetive match while you STILL face the normal mmr people you usually face, the ones that are of your level.


Have you played rank? It is far more unfair there you get trolls and face smurfs who literally own the battlefield. Then you even get to play against party of three with totally solo team. In the end you are stomped by three levels and get -210 from the game which was done in draft already.


Well, I have just uninstalled because of this rubbish. Leaver penalty, win one game. Easy enough, supposedly. 8 losses in a row (4 brawls, 4 quick match) with some really awful games and now I have to win 2 games. I’ve wasted enough time on this.

When matchmaking was really decent, you seriously had to think about how to win by out thinking your opponent. Tactics and strategy mattered, and outplaying your opponent used to be what won a game. Worrying that your team didn’t know how to play a hero, or endless team fighting where you were always one or two down wasn’t even an issue. Now I have sunk to such a level where all games are just endless brawls and team fights and it is pure luck if you win.

The problem, as always, is poor matchmaking. It won’t change, so don’t waste your time.

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Game is only luck based for those who lack skill


Lol! The number of times that nonsense has been spouted on here is uncountable!

‘You are at your level’

The real issue is that the constant tinkering ‘Read-messing up’ with matchmaking has created some real issues. I have varying win rates by season from 60% (uninstalled, so can’t check) to under 40% now.

Also, there is a noticeable difference in your own play when you play with skilled players than when you play with unskilled. Experienced players will know this. With skilled players you can focus on strategy and tactics; with unskilled players it is all about survival and not dying in ridiculous circumstances and hoping that your team members don’t do anything really crazy. When playing with bad players, it really affects your own play as well, as you can’t do clever moves such as a root / aoe combo because the players haven’t got a clue what they are doing. So you are left to do basic stuff, hoping that the other team are worse than you are.

Still, saying ‘Gitgud’ at annoyed ex-players will fix the poor quality match making, I’m sure of it.


If you want I can take a look at some of your replay that you think you played good and rest of your team mates were bad. Quite sure there are a lot of things you could improve on and maybe win the game if you learn from those misstakes

Btw what rank you are at atm?

You know he is half right because people instead of helping others improve in game they usually spout nonsense like

  • git gud
  • l2p
  • uninstall

And that does not help a person get better at the game also hes right about matchmaking you can’t carry a dead weight team that only works in league of legends cause it’s designed that way hots is not.Hots is designed to only win if it’s a team effort for all my years of playing hots that’s what I concluded.Dont get me wrong I tried carrying my team before it’s not possible cause it’s 1vs5 and they eat me alive.

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I believe you are half right there. I agree that around plat/diamond it is nearly impossible to solo carry a team which most are trolls. However if you play bronze/silver you can solo carry most of the games. Excluding some special occasions when all of your 4 team mates just sit on core and have agreed they want you to lose the game. That is extremely rare tho

I wish that was true because most of the times all of your team mates are idiots to put it lightly in that rank so you can’t exactly solo carry the game like in league.

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Well, you cant really claim that. You can say that you cant carry those games but some others can.

That is same than a bronze player saying that it is impossible to climb out of bronze. It might be impossible for that specific bronze player to climb up (since lack of skill) but he cant say that no one can do it just based on his personal experience


Interesting proposition, and 6 months ago I would have considered it. Now it is too late.

However, it would be difficult to identify such a game. When the team is rubbish, I don’t play well; most of the heroes I play require some form of teamwork to be effective. In these games, I am frequently caught out of position because the team make a poor call (sudden unnecessary retreat, a scatter etc, bad boss call etc.) This means I die more than I should. In these games I am frequently the primary target as well, it is obvious from the stats that I am doing the most damage / healing. The enemy do a dive through the front line, get me and get away before the rest of my so-called team are even aware, forget a response. In one very recent brawl, Tyrande beat me in healing with Morales because I was dead most of the end game.

They changed (destroyed) my best solo player hero (Sylvanas) turning her from an anti-minion tower-breaking hero into who knows what. This means I have no go-to soloing hero for bad teams.

In good games (even when lost) play is good. Damage levels are appropriate for the hero, deaths are average or below average for the game as a whole, so there is not much to see. Yes, I have had games where I have messed up and decisevely caused a loss, but I recognise these and no post-mortem is necessary.

So in a nutshell, I am not sure an analysis of my play will help. Thanks for the offer tho (deliberate typo).

This is half true like this aproximately 50 % win rate system.
Yes.most.of premade groups won with 90 % .
That why i suggest be limited premade team.per.seasons ,aproximately 100.game count.times.
And this bad and good game.situacion.is.like.that,because half player base is so bad. And this will continue non stop or be changed.

The 50 % win system is not real. For a fact that is a lie.

Premadegroups does not have 90 % winrate.

Brutalnot you cant just make random numbers and present them as facts. Funny that you of all people lie about numbers and then make topic that numbers should be used for mmr/pts system. Irony of that.

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1st of all… MOBA games are “team oriented” so you can’t blame system for leting people to play as teams.
I don’t understand the logic in plaing team game and complaining on that people have teams.
It is like going to tea shop and complains that they are selling tea.

If 90% of players want to play solo, then it is their choice, and don’t blame system for that. Truth is that even if I play on voicechat, only 1’20 of the games I see someone else who do so.
You want to play with heam, then ask someone to play with you and stop crying. Easy.


Hahahaha welcome to Blizzard games. You want to play solo? Here is a team or random players who probably got lucky and won some matches. You lost? Here is the same team again because it makes sense… Also someone in your team is not playing or is playing very bad and caused you to lose? Oh,that’s fine, not everyone is good or perfect. However you must stay till the end of the match and lose points and no we don’t care it’s not your fault. That’s exactly what their logic would be if it could text! Blizzass FTW keep spreading cancer to your players!

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I can relate

yesterday the games were just boring !!
either we uber stomp the enemy and I can almost play just with the mouse
or we get heavely stomped because we get afkers or ppl who lacks the basics

win or lose, there was no challenge

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Did beat this guy today in a game, his teammates sucked. Poor guy.

no luck dude. its pushing everybody towards 50% winrate.

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It is not, trust me. The 50 % winrate is just delusional statement from low ranked guys who can’t climb up

please show me a 70% winrate guy. more than 100 games.
and for every 1 u show me, i show u 100 guys withing 45-55% winrate.