Unplayable at low levels

HOTS is a great game. Let me start there. Good graphics, nice game-play etc. I honestly believe this game is underrated.

That said, this game is almost unplayable for single players at low levels. It is the only game I know that is more difficult to play at Gold than at Plat or Diamond and virtually unplayable below Gold 3. In any other Blizzard game, put a Master/GM into a Gold league and they will wrap up a 70 game win-streak. In HOTS, unless you play certain specific all-in heroes, you can play a perfect game, i.e. soak xp, hit camps at the right time, deny camps to your opponents etc… only for two or three of your allies to throw it away on one really bad attack and subsequently earn a loss.

If you soak lanes early.… while your allies are engaging in a Hero Brawl death-ball (and die), this more often than you would like, results in you being reported and your allies tilting.

I am tired of having to explain the basics of this game that are documented and dealt with in the AI tutorials, only to then be reported because I don’t contest objectives when we trail 8-10 or you find myself wondering where my allies are during objectives when we are on equal footing and I’m alone at a 0-2 curse. This does not happen in a decent league, but hell awaits you in lower leagues.

Either this game needs to be made ‘noob-friendly’ by pointing out when a team does not 1. soak, 2. contest objectives, 3. dies all the time… or it will become even more unfriendly and players will move to other games. For the first time I’m actively considering LoL as the game mechanics at lower tiers does not support good game-play and the snowflake mentality of players prohibits any players from communicating/complaining about bad gameplay.


Nope, all u need is to play with frends, you can find some people along the way tht play with basic sense, and team up with them,

But doesnt mean i disagree with u, im stuck in bronze too, climbing now, with frends to play, but i know wht u mean,

Wht league r u in?

People tend to go for kills, because they want to feel dominant over the other player. Kills don’t matter much in the early game. Respawn is short and you gain barely any XP from it. The amount you XP you lost for not soaking is significant.

I disagree with you. I feel like the games in especially bronze and silver are so low skilled that if a player who is a lot better than they can easily carry games and make excellent winrate in low ranks.

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it basically depends on the hero

An Assassin can,
to an extend, a Good Tank can too

A healer cant

it depends on heroes

People who play exceptionally with Heroes like = Khel thuzad, Orphea, Valeera, and few others, can carry the team
orphea n ktz can wipe out an entire low-skilled team, Valeera can successfully snipe an enemy hero every 15 seconds.

but not all, specially assassins tht r dependent on their tank to set up or peel

I think some healers are really good for carry. Malf for example is great choice for low rank carry games. You can do top dmg as malf and still setup kills with cc and keep team alive with heals.

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malf is worst in bronze,

malf needs a GREAT TANK , if the tank doesnt shield , malf cant hit his moonfires to generate enough heal, n malf roots dont get follow up in bronze

in bronze, everyone is playing solo, u never get a follow root or stun or anything

ahh, i see u in diamond level, well, u cant understand it , trust me, i witness it every day in almost every game in SL :smiley:

One account Diamond, another Gold 5.

The problem is that I play mostly solo laners and primarily because these heroes do not greatly depend on teammates for healing/tanking, thus you are able to execute your own playstyle.

The problem with solo laners is that again your teammates may well decide to go 4v5 20 seconds before much win but while you initiate a camp right before objective (standard play in Diamond) to provide an advantage at the objective. This doesn’t often happen in Plat5 and higher, however regularly in other levels.

Even if you were to take a healer, inevitably you are now at the mercy of a solo laner (like myself) that can take two forts while you are forced to contest an objective.

Well precisely which is why good play gets punished

Let me put it this way, there are at least two-three maps where soaking 3 lanes during the first objective will be such a big advantage (e.g. cursed hollow) that this is the smart play. And yet even if you communicate this with your allies before the game and no-one disagrees, inevitable ONE guy still wont soak a lane.

This depends on your definition of a good player. A good diamond player barely dies in the first 10 levels and ensures camps are taken and xp soaked. A good player is not necessarily e.g. a tank that goes 5-0.

I agree that there are some heroes (like butcher) that can dominate against uber noobs, but this doesn’t hold true past Gold 3.

That is just simply not true. Well played malf dont need tank in bronze, you can just make tons of pressure with your dmg and same time keep sick healing. It is matter of playing malf correctly

well, may b, havent seen a good malf yet :smiley:
im a bronze league player

commone and succesful healers here r lili of course, n morales, rehgar n brightwing, even alex is not common, n we beg ppl NOT to pick ana in bronze :smiley: for obvious reasons

Ana is beast though, on a lot of maps she is probably the best pick… like Cursed Hollow, Temples of Doom… any place where you have to channel an objective, she is imba. Eye of Horus is priceless there.

If you ask me, Stukov is pretty good, Li Li as well… every healer has a place tbh, Malf is good vs sustain dive teams. Uther vs burst control comps.

My favorite healer is Stukov, love that guy.

ana is simply awesome, but in bronze, i rather hav lili or morales than an ana,

the least skillshots the better :smiley:

I myself dnt play ana in bronze, if i hav to, i go morales,

but i hav ana in mind, shes one of those healers tht i like to get good with

Spoken like someone who has never actually played in THE BRONZE LEAGUE!

Come over to the toughest and roughest league this game has to offer and then talk tough to all the legendary bronze players we got

lol, true

Bronze needs more patience then skills ,

The bronze curse has caused loss of player base more than any other league i believe.

Its hilariously tormenting

Heh I have played in bronze - that is where I placed when I started ranked gaming. I know from my own experience how the games are over there.

wht hero did u play to get out of?
and theres a bit of luck too,

there r many smurfs now a days, n many people just want to play hero tht they like or r good at

varian is almost always banned in draft in bronze
once he is not banned, one of the team would pick it

opponent didnt ban varian,
our diablo locked first,

they locked johanna n lili.
n on our side a guy has varian on pre pick, n im saying dnt, or if u go, go csmash, not twin blades, he pics varian, theres a cassia there too then,
n he goes twin blades ,

wht can b done for tht? :open_mouth:

I played flex depending what was needed. I do prefer dmg since I felt I could do the most impact with it.

Well taking one hero that is countered do not mean you need to lose a game. It is still easily winnable and remember if your team’s hero get countered you can still counter the counter in draft.

In case you got outdrafted as team you have always option to play map instead of brawls/TFs

well, if varian was locked n then they took johanna n lili, i can understand,

but taking varian after double blind, n then going twin blades, thts just crazy,
Csmash cud hav at least got some value, or taunt,

and i used to play assassins only, but now i started playing healer when theres no healer, i go healer, n i started winning more,

If your really gud at tanking, or gud at staying alive n positioning to go healer, u can make huge impact, assassin alone cant do much, unless ur a pro KTZ or pro Genji or pro orphea or others few

Ha Clipper, I see you are also on the US forums :slight_smile:

Well, what would you rather have? A 80% win-rate Ana or a 33% winrate Diablo :slight_smile:

I’ve played many games (some with 5 specs won in 12 minutes) where gold level players tilt about heroes selected and then we win.

I don’t know why anyone picks a hero they have a < 45 % winrate with in HL/SL. After a certain number of games, it should become clear that a player is not good with a particular hero. I know I am useless with some heroes at any level and so I won’t pick them.

There is nothing worse in HOTS than having someone pick an ‘op’ hero, but having no idea how to really play it. Case in point someone playing Azmodin and soloing from the start of the match and thus not being able to do much with their talent.

I also get players that tilt because of dual specs selected. Meanwhile I normally celebrate in those cases as I know we will contest most teamfights with an xp lead.