Whats Your Highest Level Hero?

Im still new,

My Li Ming is just touching level45 Soon :slight_smile:

What about you guys?

Where are those lvl100+ or lvl300+ or lvl500+ people :slight_smile:

Hero =
Hero Lvl=
KDA Ratio=
Matches Played Total =

Lets go

I have Abathur at over level fifty now

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oh, nice,
i can pair with u using varian twin blades :smiley: haha

how do u think u hav been doing with Aba now?

My aba is around lvl10

every time i pick it, i get bashed on chat, and rightly so,

there is soooo much to b done,

1= Keep eye on ally healths to shield
2= Keep eye on towers to shield
3= Keep eye on mini map at all times (this hero requires it the most)
4= Keep placing mines (I tend to forget these too)
5= Keep soaking with ur hat and with ur body on other lanes
6= DONT right click by mistake , (many times my aba starts walking our of the safety of towers and get hit by minions, even got killed once lol,

Ignore them

Most people do not know the value of a good Abathur

Especially in the lower ranks

Trying to please everyone on your team will result in you having almost no fun

Just play to the best of your abilities

I just won a game in Ranked with him some hours ago with Abathur and got the highest experience contribution on my team

It was due to me that my team managed to get level twenty faster than the enemy

Twin Blades Varian is a favorite of mine to combo with

Let us play together sometime!

Yea sure,

but wht build do u go,

locust build can get a lot of xp with monstrosity.

the carpace build is more required for aiding in team fights.

the few games i played. i chose carpace build if hav a mele assassin, like varian TW or ilidan or butcher or any other autoattacker like reynor greymane valla and take evolution,

if not, i go mines build, increasing mines damage n increasing number of mines by 2 n monstrocity,

never tried locust build, i saw a youtube video where n aba with locust build took down a keep even before the fort was down, he back door n left locust nest n cam bak lol, ,was funny but effective

Hero = Murky
Hero Lvl= 171
KDA Ratio= 6.98
Matches Played Total = 1223
Winrate - 59.9%

Hero = Abathur
Hero Lvl= 119
KDA Ratio= 40.47
Matches Played Total = 1001
Winrate - 64.1%

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Murky with KDA almost 7 :open_mouth:

wht talents do u take :open_mouth:

and a death of murky is counted as 0.25 deaths in the stats too?

even then its a realy gud kda i think, dnt know

octagrab? :smiley:

Lt. Morales level 69. May be because I don’t play against human players, but AI instead. Oh well.

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It’s kinda random self-sustain build, purely to make the other team bats*it mad with diving and going around, spawning camps and just being all the places at once and not die.
1- camp stacks,
4 - quest for spell power
7 - faster bubble
10 - purely murlocks - it can wipe the whole team with good positioning.
13 - healing bubble
16 - slimy pufferfish
20 - based on their team - big tuna kahuna or neverending murlocks.

Tried all the special builds - all on slime, or all on pufferfish - not my thing - best results on my random build, I actually got a compliment once from the other team, a guy wrote to me that I was the most annoying murky he ever encountered :smiley:

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You shud play against humans, its more fun :smiley:

My BW was 80 and Murky was 75 until i got a perma-ban

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oh, perma ban, why?

so this is ur new account i believe,

whts ur highest here? :smiley:

Account lvl = 2150
PVP games total = 10403

highest Hero: Nova
Nova lvl: 98
Nova games total: 774; 57.8% winrate
Nova in ranked: 547 games, 60%
Nova ranked this season: 9-4
Best Nova season in HL, 2018S1: 115 games, 84-31 (73%)
K/d: no idea

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woaa, KDA ratio = kill to death ratio

when u open your profile in the nexus, then go to ROASTER , and select NOVA and then go to the GAME TYPES on right top, u can check SL there, keep SL checked , and below the dropdown u will see all info

total matches
total takedowns
average takedowns
KDA ratio

i used to play Nova a lot, but stopped playing after tracer came out,
i sometimes play her, shes still handy

I know how to see it ingame, I’m at work and hotslogs doesn’t log it :wink: anyway, the only stat that matters is winrate.

Nova may be my highest, but Kerrigan is my workhorse (lvl91 atm).

P.S. It took me over 450 games and multiple aether walker reworks for me to finally start winning on Ming XD (overall winrate still only 50.5%, even though she’s my 3rd most played hero).

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winrate of Ming over 50% is great,

My winrate with Li Ming is currently 52% in SL n 54% in QM

Li Ming needs a proper set up to jump in, without tht, she just keeps on throwing high dps skillshots, not much value.

what build do u go with Li Ming?

My favorite is Q/aa build (highest damage, highest siege damage, very safe with aether walker), as it’s the only really powerful build.

aether walker - charged blast - seeker - wave - cannoneer - mirrorball - tal rasha’s (or wave upgrade, sometimes)

//lvl13 no glass cannon - even with safety of aether walker, too susceptible to be instantly blown up (1 rotation of greymane skills = ded, 1 pyroblast = 100->0).
//always stack 3 stacks of cannoneer with aether walker when doing nothing (and preferrably open the fight with an aa for maximum initial damage burst).
//lvl4 highest damage option = best option; dominance has little value for Q build. since you either get bursted down instantly or not take any damage at all. W talent is alternative to have more poke damage, but that usually just drains the mana for little gains.
// you should hear the satisfying cling of seeker on more than half of all Q’s, otherwise you’re better off playing a different build

Things I consider to pick ming: fat opponents = good, no speed boosts = good, number of disables on teammates = the more, the better), Q/aa is also best siege damage build, so naturally Battlefield puts a big uptick to ming.

Strong counters to Q build ming: lucio (speed boost = rip accuracy), johanna (very slim tank with blinds), kharazim (also speed boost, and is prone to jump and kill ming himself, which is really scary coming from a healer).

Vs anub - wait for him to take web and then take lazer at lvl10. Generally anub should never take web vs ming, but they almost always do (or wait until lvl12 expecting ming to pick ult before them (I never do) and then still pick it). Always wave vs locusts.

Lvl16 fireflies is a viable alternative vs more mobile opponents, but it has much lower reset value and much worse blowup potential (which are the main selling points of ming). Still high dps (dps is generall marginally higher than mirrorball) is better than missed shots altogether.
In general though, lvl16 mirrorball is by far the biggest power spike for ming.
Diamond skin looks interesting, but it’s just too big damage sacrifice. I would only consider it if I’m really being dived too hard and teammates don’t have way to protect me. Getting the game-changing damage talents is still usually better come-back option though.

If Q build is not an option then the fallback is the classic E build:
power hungry (or spell shield) - dominance - calamity - wave - illusionist - mirrorball - tal rasha
(I really prefer to not get myself into a situation where I have to go E build though)

There’s also the W build, but it’s generally just not why you pick ming and it’s also too easy to play around. W build has highest poke damage potential, but very weak killing power (so you have to have some other hero to actually get the kills to even be able to play W build). And there are better poke heroes than ball ming (e.g, guldan, hanzo).

P.S. Nowadays I only pick ming on BoE for just high immortal dps (it’s also a pretty cramped up map to hit easy skillshots) or to counter anub with lazer (if I see anub, I instantly lock ming). If I’m banning, I always ban lucio.

P.P.S. After playing aether walker for a while, when I have to play E build, it’s often hard to remember that E costs mana and force myself to NOT dodge some minor abilities and aa’s (e.g., you can use E to make tower shot disappear midair and miss, but generally you don’t want to waste cooldown/mana for that). (Aether walker is suboptimal in E build)

Well, I believe, if you go any other build other than the E build, your not optimally using her trait…

I go E build. n I play really agressive

i went with power hungry (coz i saw you tube videos) before tht i went with double mana genration below 25% , which obviously is most pathetic

But i hav settled with the aether walker, tht allows me to cast E without worries
go near, throw q n w, n then E back to avoid damage,
Also, i dnt need to worry abt mana to hit my E into someone, or to add gap,

for ktz pyro, i can pop up shield with diamond skin to get extra shielding, but of course, i try stay at 75% health when his pyro is available ot be used.

I go Diamond SKin if high hp or high AA damage assassins (butcher, azmo, greymane, zuljin, etc.) coz casting E gives me a litle shield, n butcher AA or zuljin AA take hell lot of damage, which is shielded
else, i take fireflies (reduced mana cost n faster missles, helps quickly land another one after the Q+W+E combo into a squishy, a quick Q more with 2 AA n squishy dead from 100% to zero (hav to use R too then of course)

so its
aether walker, dominance, calamity, wave, illusionist, diamond skin/fireflies, Wave upgrade

and i jump in n go mad in team fights,

But im thinking to change to tal rasha… but tht upgrade wave has proven useful many many times, in bringing enemy to me (while im outside towers and the enemy is between his fort n fountain.

or, to kill people after they go in the safety of their KEEP walls , drop a wave there (without being barely in range of tower shots) , n PUFFFF , kill secured :smiley:

But still , tal rasha wil boost my damage further

Well you will only understand the power of Q build when you start to actually hit the Q’s consistently :wink: That’s how ming is supposed to be played - maximum damage (Q build has both highest burst and highest single target dps) and unkillable.
Also, E build is a reset-centric build, so mirrorball at 16 is practically irreplaceable in it. You really should never go fireflies over mirrorball in E build (hitting Q at melee range is extremely easy and you don’t need faster arrows to do that; you want as much damage as you can get per reset).
I tried aether in E build, but it just doesn’t work. It doesn’t boost E damage and you can feel it very very much in all failed kills. And since E is one of the more important damage sources in that build, you shouldn’t be using it to reposition too often, which diminishes the value of aether walker even further.
On the other hand, aether walker does pull ahead in mana efficiency if you get damage-taken illusionist resets often. Well I guess it’s comparable in that respect, since technically only with aether walker you will have enough mana to actually get a pentakill (they still need to be squishy enough to kill just with E though). So while for Q build aether walker is king; for E build it’s damage -> mana (situationally) tradeoff.
I’ve seen aether-diamond mings at work and that really is quite suboptimal. Might as well take a thrall for more damage and even more sustainability if you want a melee bruiser. Or alarak.
I’ve seen some1 with 2k+ games on ming with diamond skin (literally almost every single game with the same talent build), but really that’s just a crutch you should try to drop. If you can’t survive without it (diamond skin), maybe you shouldn’t have drafted ming in that situation at all.
It’s a viable option if you got yourself into a bad draft though (which does happen often enough; just shouldn’t strive for it).

P.S. I see some of the other ming affectionados with 2k+ games did adopt aether walker into their E build (the normal mirrorball one, not the diamond skin abomination).
E.g., this guy:

Diamond skin E build ming, mirrorball E build ming and Q build ming are all 3 very very different builds (yes diamond skin alone changes the gameplay very drastically) - you should learn all 3 of them and the situations where each of them is optimal if you want to play ming in more games. For ming 1-trick, may as well add W build, even if just for 1-in-100 games (there are games where it would be optimal, but really really need to be careful about it).
Diamond E: melee bruiser
Mirroball E: melee burst assassin (usually drafted as the finisher)
Q/aa build: ranged assassin, top single targetdps, top burst dmg, top siege; can be drafted as finisher
W build: heavy poker; top aoe dps, low kill potential; cannot be drafted as finisher

really well laid out there :slight_smile:

Its not common to have such constructive discussion abt a hero like Li Ming, i rarely see ppl play her well.

N yes, the Q build tht u go with , tht is a good one too, not a W build though, coz it runs u out of mana quickly.

N the reason why i take firefly for fast Q is for the reason of lower mana and lower cooldown, tht allows me to add 2 extra Qs with the generic combo of Q+W+E+R

I generally am able to do this way with firefly E build
Q+W then E+AA then R+Q(hitting R gets them to pause for a mini second making tht Q hit them even if they hav teleport bcoz they cant use it for half a secocnd after being hit by R) n then another AA n a final Q as they try to run, ,by tht tie my E is ready again,

For Q build, aeth walker is a plus point, as it increases the damage of ur Q by 10%

The Q build can be useful, i dnt like the W build,

My focus is to keep mana consumption as low as possible, the reason why i take fireflies , coz I find myself into a fight with manyyyyyyyyyyyyyy tripple kills,
some quad-kills too, but just one penta kill till now,

my Li Ming just reached level 50 yesterday :slight_smile: