Why does rejoining games take forever?

My game froze. I spent about 10 minutes rejoining. After it rejoined, the battle seemed to end and the results thing popped up for a second, and then it said rejoining game again… and I had to wait another 10 minutes. I’m surprised the game hadn’t ended by the time I got back in.

I tried it on my PC vs laptop, and the speed is the same.

What the ever loving dren? It’s no wonder any time I see someone disconnect they never bother to come back. I’d rather just wait out the timer too.

Hello Sunwind,

The game is based on the Starcraft 2 engine. When rejoining a game, the client is downloading the replay then rewinds to catchup to the present. As the game is still in progress, there’s more actions to catchup. If you’ve been disconnected late in the game and have a slow connection, that would explain why it took so long.