[18+] [EU] Serenity Gaming Discord Community

Come join for more 222 fun!


2-2-2 when DPS mains start to play healers and we understand why they would never picked healer before lol


With role que coming into live i think it’s going to be even more important to have pepple comfortable on there roles to play with and there’s certainly plenty of them in SG. Few people around during the day times but always busy in the evenings, with a few teams as well theres always a chance to make youre own.

Join is and get involved


do you think sigma’s feet ever get cold?


I used to be mostly playing farmville and mobile games, but then I joined SG and they made me a real man.


This place is great. I used to just play bit games until I found this place and managed to gain diamond in a matter of months. No drama either!


Still looking for new team mates!


We currently have 3 OW teams in different ranks recruiting for support, off-tank and DPS :blush:


seems like a good time to drop in and try out then huh

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Serenity Gaming, more like Soviet Gaming, a strictly communist regime, where some people in high ranks are bipolar, passive aggressive. and frequently apply double standards on their rulings. SG also has plenty nice rules people to follow, but they do not apply if you are a staff member/favourite. Plenty people holding grudges, people not really standing up for their believes, and when you attempt to do so and that does not please others, you will be fast shut down. Favouritism is quite a big thing in SG, so if you are into that, bring your dick sucking gear with you and you will be highly appreciated. So the reason I did this post is not of self-pity nor anything of the type, but it is because I think it is one of the only ways I can type my point of view without it being redacted or deleted, sure the this post will get downvoted a bunch and probably reported as well, but oh well.
I was an SG member for a couple of months recently and my team was struggling with some issues as the captain of the team left the server and at the same time, I had some RL stuff going on. I asked for time to sort it, meanwhile after a few days of inactivity, I got approached by one of the admins and told that my team is going to be deleted from the server, for various reasons that weren’t really accurate nor on point, I sadly gave in and gave up.

As I was informed that the team will be removed from the server, I said that I will leave SG if that happens and minutes later, I got kicked from the server. Feelsbadman. I asked the person that did it why did I get kicked, the reply was simple, “you said you are going to leave”. That is not the same thing for me. The decision of leaving was mine alone, it wasn’t a decision that should have be enforced.

Nevertheless, after a few days we were approached that they don’t want any bad blood between us, and we are more than welcome back! No thank you, I don’t want to be a part of that anymore. I had enough of your stupidity, so thank you but hard Pass. It is true I am not a stand-up guy nor a saint, but I am alright. I followed their stupid ass rules, I apologised when I was wrong, and explained my stupid behaviour and repented on my sins. But until the day I got kicked the motives were nonsense. The only thing that I am grateful for is the friends that I made in community, friends that got kicked at some point as well and friends that I still have in that server.


Thank you coming PurrStylo good luck with your new community, apologies if SG wasn’t to your taste.


Cool story Purr (Whoever that is). Especially since the actual captain and owner of the most recently removed team asked for it to be disbanded. If you didn’t fit into your team, don’t blame it on SG in whole.

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Not true, check your facts! @Xaero don’t insult me


Excuse me? I never asked the team to be disbanded or disband due to me leaving the server. That is simply not correct. I encouraged them to continue in SG without me or outside SG with me - whichever was more fitting for them. PurrStylo has always been an important member of the team and we have had no internal conflicts with him. That being said, I wish you all the best, take care.


Okay my bad then. That was just the information I received. But Purr, asking me not to insult you when you just came here and sh*t all over us… Childish… Bye now.

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True story bud, check your facts again @Xaero delete your message or edit the part you calling me a liar. Or I will start posting proof, just so people and you have a bit of perspective.

I will strongly advise you to consult with your admins in regards to your next move.



Thank you coming Impetro good luck with your new community, apologies if SG wasn’t to your taste.


Too long, didn’t read.


like if you have scrolled all the way to the bottom to read this message