2-2-2 actually not quite fun! ( SOLUTION!)

I don’t even know why OW team make this game as 2 2 2 composition. This game with 1-1-4 or 2-2-4 comp. might be better. As you know we have a issue about waiting long time for a match as DD. If 1-1-4 or 2-2-4 comp. ( as you expect 1-1-4 not quite fit for 2nd tank " zarya , dva and winston" and support healers " lucio , zenyata and brig." but 2-2-4 i think best for this game) add to the game we’ll see that people get enjoyed from game than cringe 2 2 2 comp. I can’t say that " it 'll be best " or " just give us 2-2-4 immediately". Add 2 tank 2 healers 4 dd compositon to PTR or arcade mode and you’ll see that people give some good respond. I really get bored this game because of making match with low levels ( they’re not smurf btw) , people low communication skills , few innovation things ,every years same events etc. Just try 2-2-4 compositon you’ll see it’s gonna work. Just make Tanks Hp x1.5 and make ability’s CD getting little bit higher. At least put comp. arcade mode pls.


Its not fun because people cant swap to what they want to fill a crucial lacking role and the dps class has too many heroes compared to support and tank creating insane wait times. Its too early/late for it. It would be interesting if they tried adding some more players on each team in arcade to see how it goes. Though tbh i think they would have to rework the game a bit too much for it. it will have unexpected results but maybe pleasant ones it could be fun :slight_smile: maybe throw in a few flexible roles if they do it too

  1. 222 is fun and treats all roles equally
  2. dps don’t deserve more roles than others
  3. devs have stated 411 does not work
  4. the game cannot support 224
  5. dps waiting times are both irrelevant and your own fault

Whats funny is Dps complain about long waiting times due to a lack of tank players…

Then by the same token complain about tanks to the point they are nerfed further reducing the amount of people who want to play tank and thus increasing wait times even more

You couldnt make it up lol


Blizzard could fix the long queues in comp with one single small adjustment.
All they have to do is remove all in game rewards for DPS.
No xp, no SR, no gold weapons. No potg, no DPS on the boards.
Problem fixed.


I assume this is not a serious post. Still the idea that you can play competitive games and never gain or lose SR is pretty hilarious. I am sure the quality of gameplay will improve for everyone.

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Not sure if you’re serious or not but I’ve always thought xp/sr gain proportional to hero role imbalance would be a good thing to help balance the game.
There’s one problem. Playing a tank or support doesn’t mean you’re tanking or supporting.

so your first post is trolling 2-2-2 role lock?



The queue time for dps is irrelevant, as is your opinion.

you are not going to get 4 dps, it was bad with 411 and it will always be bad. The devs have stated 411 was bad.

more dps does not mean more fun, only a moronic dps would think that

you are also not going to get more than 6 playes per team

Grow up, get over it you dumb kid.


1- No, it isn’t
2- Yes they deserve because they re 16 dd at OW more than healers and tanks
3- I also said that same thing about 1-1-4. You didn’t need to repeat
4- Can be supported by Ow team . If they work on it.
5- I was not focusing at there “waiting time”. I just gave a indirect plus benefit when 2-2-4 get stated in game. That’s all , it’s not irrelevant. Also people don’t ask you what they play . If they wanna play DPS then can choose DPS.

You just writing for just being written, this is irrelevant.

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  1. Yes it is irrelevant, because DPS have multiple things to do whilst waiting.
  2. No, you don’t deserve more places than Healer or Tank, the number of DPS is utterly irrelevant. 222 is equal for all roles, get over it.
  3. Any squad using more than 2 DPS is not good for the game.
  4. No, it’s not going to be supported and ties back to number 2 - you aren’t getting more than 2 spots.
  5. If people choose DPS, then they can deal with the wait times
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Yes it is, dps are irrelevant and can wait, you have whilstyouwait to help, or you can play qpc and skip wait times entirely.

so because dps have more playable characters than the other two roles, they deserve more spots? That’s not how the world works kid. You’re now treated equally to the other roles which is fine and fair.

the ow team are not going to waste time and resources because dps players can’t wait and think they’re more important than other people

there are no benefits for 4 dps, there are no benefits for 3+ dps. It’s not happening, get over it.

No, i’m correcting a dumb opinion, that’s what i’m doing.

-edit beaten by marmite damnit XD

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LOL. Then what about 1-2-3 given info by Jeff. Is it more making sense to you ? Just admit it ; this game got boring as hell.
Always always when you lose a game problem on dpses. Tanks do their job well and also healers do job as well ( if dps is enough at the other hand Moira starts to making dps and you lose the game )
More people mean more fun why don’t you get it , i can’t understand. When overwatch team can scale hp , dps scale and other mechanics as 2-2-4, everythings gonna fine.
If you’re serious about 2-2-4 “NO WAY!”. I’m okay with 2-2-3 but on the same way 2-2-2? -------- > NO WAY!
Also if you like current composition it’s your choice , many people think like me. They don’t like current one. Therefore if you call someone “That’s not how the world works kid” think twice cuz it looks you like a kid.
This game lost many players at the time people got toxic and composition was bad. They solved the toxicity problem and now the turn is fix the composition problem.
It’s business kido. If OW team wanna earn $$ just for spending couple of months , it’s a really god deal. Unless they do respect community it’s the wasting time of making OW2 game or other games that they work on.
When you graduate from University and after find a job you’ll understand what i’m saying. Costumers will be everything for you.
Not listening costumer = No profit… Simple isn’t it?

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The 132 is something that’s not happening which Jeff outright stated in his post.

DPS do not deserve any other slots or any more slots than other roles. You aren’t getting 411/422/232/132.

222 is here to stay. All roles are treated equally.

So yeah, that isn’t how the world works kid.

The composition problem has been fixed, now the only remaining toxicity problem is DPS refusing to work with the team and refusing to play properly.

They’ve also specifically stated the game won’t work for more than 12 players (6v6).

When you come out of kindergarden, and get into high school, maybe they’ll start teaching you business stuff (assuming you can get into it) maybe you’ll realise why armchair developers are bad.


hey skynet, I usually tend not to reply to your trollish nonsense but in this case I’m willing to make an exception and take the bait, here is an irrelevant opinion for you.

you keep repeating this over and over again but in reality you can’t know sh*t. You are not Blizzard, you are no game developer, you are not a developer of any sort and will never be. I can judge this from the stupidity of your character here. Jeffs comment gave away a very important information about the whole situation, that they are aware of the issue and are looking to solve it. It might be a different role layout or something else, we don’t know. In spite of this making assertions like yours assuring xyz never to happen, with the rock-solid certainty you display in all of your trollposts which is undue I might add, is utterly stupid and naive move to do - unless you are a troll and/or hopelessly dense ofc. Unlike you, everyone else around you including Blizzard knows there is an elephant in the room and thus there is at least a chance they’ll fix it.

No they are not. Last time I checked DPS role queues have been 20x as long as other roles, so if you are healer you wait 5 min, tanks wait 1 min, DPS wait 20 minutes, times which double if there happens to be a first-minute leaver in your match - with these facts to be known, how can you claim all roles to be treated equally with straight face?? For this matter I’m not really sure your face to be straigt once in a time, when you post on these forums, but nvm…

Imagine public transportation authority would decide that busses, trains and whatever would only leave their stations when 1/4 was filled with white people, 1/4 with brown people, 1/4 with black people and 1/4 with yellow people, since all of them deserve to be treated equally, right? Checkout lines in malls: for every white person to serve there must at least be 1 black and 1 yellow person to be served first, everyone gets equal chance, right? Attempting to enforce uniformity constraints onto non-uniformly distributed environment is all but just and far from equal treatment of its population. If you wanted to “treat all equally” you’d need to guarantee all of them same chance to participate, in our particular case same chance for everyone regardless of his fav. role; role queue prevents this and is flatout discrimination of DPS folks. Imagine the outrage if white people needed to endure 20x long lines in malls because there is a separate line for black, yellow, white and brown people.
DPS players don’t have to play DPS you might oppose, the other queues crave for players, but this is a very weak counterpoint, because If players aren’t given ability to enjoy the game the way they like it most, they’d not be part of that environment, to start with. We are > 1 year down the road when its IMO safe to say that patronizing players like that does not work very well, queues are still vastly unbalanced with all the ugly heads it rears.

and now go back to your standard mode of troll and denial, everything is fine and DPS players and their opinions don’t matter.


The only real issue is that DPS mains who are too impatient to wait will queue for tank or support and play those roles as if it was DPS. Too bad that there are so many one-dimensional players out there that can’t play the harder roles…


yeah sure, we know, DPS mains baaad, DPS mains stupid, all their fault yada yada… we’ve heard it million times yet it does not help fixing the issue.

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Are you on a new level of stupid kid? Jeff stated they won’t be bringing 321 and they aren’t doing more than 6v6.

when you grow up and get through school first, you’ll have earned the right to speak. Until then hush.

entitled dps babies never change.

You say my name then reply to somebody else, good job dumb troll.

He can’t know sh*t? No that’s your job with the dumb claims of this game was designed for 411 which the lead dev of the game has refuted publically.
Everybody can judge from your rage posts and blatent lack of evidence just how pathetic you are.

jeff clearly stated they aren’t going 321, and they also aren’t going 411. 222 is here, dps heavy combo was a failure, and just an experiment, nothing more.

Assertions made with evidence are ergo fact. Now unlike with your sh*it talking boy, both Marmite and i back up what we say. So hush and don’t talk back till you can prove an iota of any claim you make.

yes, all roles are treated equally you dense kid. Queue times are irrelevant and not an argument. Each role gets 2 slots in every game, ergo equal. It’s pretty much basic math,which clearly you fail at.

every single player has an equal chance of participation, but as always with you dumb dps whiners you refuse to acknowledge the following:

  • qpc
  • all arcade modes
  • dm/tdm
  • lan games

3 of the 4 are linked through the whilst you wait feature meaning you play whilst you wait. But no, not good enough for the entitlement of dps who demand inequality through more slots, to the detriment of the other roles and game alike.

weak counterpoint this is hilarious. The weak one here is you boy. You deserve to be patronized for being this pathetic.

Now sit down and be quiet. You’re done here boy

So first and foremost, you are king of the trolls here, and you can’t even reply to the right person?

I know far better than you, because my words are based on what blizzard themselves state. Furthermore, I’m not a developer? I’m a systems developer, I program in C#, SQL and currently learning PowerShell, MySQL and ASP,net. What are you? A high school dropout who stopped playing a game because he couldn’t force people to lose anymore, yet still feels dumb enough to continue posting on forums.

Jeff posted stating it was an experiment, one that they aren’t going to replace 222 RQ with because it doesn’t work for the game. They acknowledge an issue with DPS queues, and are looking to fix it - but have no plans to replace RQ or remove it.
you are the child here making constant assumptions here on the state and health of the game without any evidence whatsoever, which is rendered even more irrelevant by the fact of:

  1. you don’t play anymore
  2. you lack the capacity to realise private profiles hold no information on external sites.

By this sheer stupidity alone I can tell you have no clue what you’re talking about, just another angry kid.

Blizzard are not removing RQ
Blizzard are not replacing RQ 222 format with 321/411/232

Since you are a simpleton, I’ll make it mathematically simple for you, ok?

6 slices of pie, split between 3 people. 2 slices each. That is all people treated equally. People like you however, think you’re more equal than others and that you should get more pie.
Your example falls flat on the simple basic fact that everybody DOES have the ability to participate, hence why queues don’t matter. You have ways of dealing with the queues (including QPC to remove queues entirely). This is why essentially every post you make is irrelevant.
You deserve the patronization you get.

You’ve lost any right to speak here with the crap you post now, and as Skynet has pointed out previously - there’s a reason you got banned from the US.

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