Director’s Take – Looking to the Future of Competitive Overwatch

Director’s Take – Looking to the Future of Competitive Overwatch

Game Director Aaron Keller’s latest blog looks at the future of Competitive Play in Overwatch 2

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Going forward, we’re shifting our values to provide more transparency to the mode.

Good and reset the MMR and make it visible please…

:smirk_cat: :+1:

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“Many of the reports investigated so far have occurred due to MMR decay. For instance, if you typically pick DPS and go a significant amount of time between playing other roles, then MMR decay could kick in between updates for lesser-played roles. Since decay is tracked per role, this could pull your rating down far enough to cause the demotion. When players see this happen, they would justifiably assume there was an issue with the system.”

Many, not all, meaning another defect hidden behind hiding the SR :confused:

Going forward, we’re shifting our values to provide more transparency to the mode. This doesn’t necessarily mean that the older skill rating measurement is or isn’t coming back.

I certainly hope it is just as good, if not better than OW1. The new way of showing it is terrible, even after their ill thought of ideas to try and improve it. No one wanted it, yet they tried to “Improve it” - clueless.

" Over the past few weeks, more people have been talking about Competitive Play. Conversations really started to trend [following a video from Eskay]."

Blizzard should really start looking towards their forums and reddit to see what’s good and what’s not good. We’ve been saying since the launch of OW2 how bad the ranking system is. Rather than Simping over a content creator, listen to your actual playerbase! It shouldn’t take you a whole year to realise that your new ideas were terrible.

It shouldn’t of taken you a whole year to realise what your playerbase does not like. It shouldn’t take a simple little youtube video to point out the blindingly obvious.


How’s it taken this long to even make a change, considering the system has been terrible since launch… My gut tells me you’ll not fix the MMR, but somehow make it worse, as that’s all you seem to do.

“Don’t fix what’s not broken” - OW1 ranking system was fine, why make it worse. I get you’re trying new things but please, listen to your player base, as we’re the people that, you know, play the game…

Scrap the current ranking system and make it how it was before, or make it even better. People don’t like getting dragged down because of incompetent players that enjoy throwing games.