$60 BILLION company can't fix matchmaking

So from what i have been able to see is that it seems to be an account connected thing.

My first account, which I started using for playing OW2 since season 1 (0), seems to be cursed/flagged/hated by blizz since I seem to end up with mostly bad teams against what seems to be teams from either higher division and/or just better skilled.
61 games won as support, managed to get to Silver 3 and now went down to Silver 5 due to bad team mates. Either not being in voice, not communicating at all or just overall being bad.

When I got a feeling something must be wrong with my MMR or something I made a new account in season 2 where I was placed in Silver 4 after the placement games.

When Season 3 began, my main account, where I had many games/time invested i ended up being deranked to Bronze 3 after finishing Season 2 on Silver 3.

My second account, which placed Silver 3 as well, was placed at Silver 4 for the beginning of Season 3.

I already thought this was weird but didnt give much thought to it and continued playing my main account for 55 more wins in which I went up to S3 and back down to S5 after almost only losing games.

So I went back to my second account, made 15(!) wins and am now on Gold 4.

I am playing the same role, Support, playing the same champs, seeing the same numbers in statistics (dmg inflicted/healing done/deaths) and yet, on my second account I am being placed in way more balanced teams leading to me being able to actually SUPPORT my team mates rather then seeing them inting like mad men.

The whole system is faulty and it is not even related to luck because I can actually see and feel that whilst I am playing the same way, both accounts have a different game experience in comp.

Quick play seems to be the same on both accounts.

They can fix matchmaking but won’t do it because they want lower queue times for golds/silvers that most new players are so that they don’t stop playing and the game looks populated. When new OW2 players climb to plat/diamond they will revert changes and we’ll get back 10 minute queues but balanced matches. Just wait it out, it’s all about money.

Short queues are key to f2p games success, so it makes some sense. They’ll tweak it over time though.

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They will have to tweak it soon though or we’ll end up with 1/5 of the players and 15 min queue times in Diamond.

They are. They will probably do it a few times over the coming months. Narrowing the threshold in small steps.

But I hit diamond last night, queues haven’t changed. But it’s matched MMR, so no idea where that is.

Haven’t played Overwatch 2 since launch. Decided to check for updates. At first, the game gave me some good matches. Then began a series of defeats. Either the second DPS player deals half the damage, or the fifth player does not enter the game. Deleted the game after an hour. How do people still play this game? I’d rather play other normal shooters. May return to Overwatch if Blizzard removes the 50% win rate system. Thanks Blizzard, but I’m tired of Overwatch. I’m willing to pay for a good game. But not ready to pay for good matchmaking.

There is no 50% win system, if there was i’d be losing more than i am.
Since based on this post you haven’t played much so the game is still calculating your mmr, and while it is calculating your mmr it’s making mistakes.

Until your mmr has started to settle where it’s supposed to be, it will take turns in giving you too easy and too hard matches.
Since if you win several the matchmaker decides that you need harder matches and it might make a mistake and make those next matches too difficult.

hahaha it’s 69b mate :smiley:

6 Months old game*

Totally agree. Each time I see a level 1 icon, it often means those players make us get stomped. Both they and we deserve a decent quality of match. They deserve a healthy environment to learn the game, and we deserve balanced matches. But the billion-dollar company is too cheap to pay statisticians to fix its poor matchmaking algorithm.
This problem is still up, even a year later is hant be fixed

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What we see here is that no matter whether a system supposedly works or not, it’s never a good idea to have a closed, intransparent system that tries to hide its basic workings from the user and just gives a “processed” feedback instead.

There is a reason that open source means trust, and closed source can never be trusted or considered remotely as secure just because it’s obscure.
Even if the system does work fine, it’s impossible for people to trust it simply because it’s obscured/made intransparent on purpose - a really bad move.

Blizzard should just have used a normal ELO algorithm, that ONLY considers team win vs team loss (no personal performance), and print everyone’s ELO number easily visible. No weird modifications or anything, exactly like in Chess.
Anything else WILL system-inherently spawn more problems than it supposedly solves.

But these developers either are so incompetent that they don’t understand it or they have some deeper ideas of controlling players so they aren’t doing it. Hanlon’s razor basically, a) assume the culprit is just too stupid before b) you assume he’s evil in any way. Still heavily tending to a) for Blizzard as benefit of doubt.

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Lol. No game is giving out the exact details of how their systems work.

That would be quite possibly the stupidest thing they could do.

They would need every player to become androids with perfect consistency.
That’s why they balance around High ELO, they understand the character interactions more and also play with more consistency game to game.

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they actually doing well with rigged games, their algorithm working just fine to keep you in about 50% winrate and keep you addicted to play more.

There’s zero logic in this statement.

Rigging isn’t a thing
Forced 50% win rates aren’t a thing.

And lastly. If people had no say in the results of their matches… No one would play the game. It doesn’t “engage” people when they have no impact.

You can see that in practice when the rank role is weak and has no impact, people stop playing it.

“Addiction” is a personal problem to solve. If you feel like you’re addicted, then talk to someone about it.

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