I don’t play competitve anymore and the amount of time I have to backfill in Quick Play or Arcade is really making me not want to play the game anymore. It’s so frustrating. I don’t know if you have a system in place where you let higher level endorsement players backfill more often, but it sure feels like it. A quick look at my last 7 QP games shows 4 normal matches and 3! backfills. I can’t leave those backfills because my endorsement level will drop. Nice system. Same when I play Mystery Heroes, so much backfills. To be clear: I don’t mind the occasional backfill but this is ridiculous.
Than there’s modes like Hero Gauntlet, (Mirrored) Deathmatch, Bountyhunter etc. which I play a lot and also have a lot of leavers. Those modes don’t have backfills (which is fine) but when you have a couple of leavers in those modes, it totally throws off the balance of match. The maps and these modes are simply not designed for that. The amount of times I have to play either of those modes with like 5 people or so are very high.
Please sanction leavers more harshly or more often because this is getting out of control.
well QP and the other arcade modes haven’t really been known for match quality.
they are good for one thing.
getting in there and playing around.
and really i think you’re just asking too much out of those modes if you find it frustrating to backfill or that people leave games creating a power imbalance.
how i deal with it is that i just don’t care about the match itself if i’m winning or losing, what i care more about is the interactions i get into while playing and try to enjoy that whatever that may be.
the reason why i don’t really mind people leaving or doing weird stuff is that they have their reasons for doing so and seeing that i do stuff like that myself from time to time i am more willing to accept those circumstances and reasons myself.
Yeah that sounds reasonable and I get what you say but making me backfill so much isn’t fun. And modes like DM get really destroyed by kids who can’t stand losing and leave in the first 2 minutes. Like, I have so many DM matches where there’s a lot of leavers, it’s sometimes just not worth playing.
I understand the casual nature of QP and Arcade but that shouldn’t be a free pass to just leave whenever you like imo.
well there’s not much you can do about it because they don’t want to punish people who choose quickplay for the reason that they might have to leave a game early and therefore chose qp instead of competitive to spare themselves and others from a huge detriment in a competitive setting.
so really, it’s a loophole others use for selfish reasons to avoid games that they don’t like for their own reasons.
Leavers in quick and arcade is fine. Except those who leave with just a few seconds left on the match clock, making someone backfill into a game that ends in just moments. Those players are a REAL problem. They should always be reported, though I’d prefer some real sanctions against those who does that.
I couldn’t have agreed with you more. Sadly, it’s not a thing you can report them for, or well, you CAN, but they didn’t actually break any rules where they can get punished for this. However, I agree 100% with you that those leavers that leave at the very end of the match belong in the deepest pits of hell, and deserve some sort of punishment for ruining other players experiences. They are absolutely terrible people.
yup, just as the game is about to conclude. If only they left earlier, they wouldn’t have deserved it. Leaving at the end of a lost game is simply trashing the game for other players, so that’s not good.
As soon as they are about to lose, yea. They never do it when they are about to win, then they are willing to stay.
They only leave because they can’t accept a loss, and just want to go into a new round, at the expense of ruining the game for other players. That’s absolute trash attitude, and they should be punished in some way.
Strange that they stay if they win then, and leave if they lose, if they don’t care about this at all.
They are essentially ruining the experience for other players by leaving at the last second, and not getting any punishment for it. In a way, rewarding them for being selfish. Not really a good thing for the rest of the players of this game.
Putting some selfish person above the playerbase is not healthy for the game at all. No matter what mode this is in. QP, Arcade, Ranked… doesn’t matter. It’s still bad.
Ultimately it is quick play, it is just people messing about, warming up, having a laugh, trying something random. It is irrelevant. That’s why nothing is on the line.
What’s unhealthy for the game is people maulding over every little thing rather than just playing the game. If something takes the fun out for you. Play something else.
Next week, or whenever, people will be crying that Genji, Pharah and Mei and Reaper got buffed.
Then after that they will find something else to mauld over.
I didn’t say they change it, I said they ruin the experience for others. Which they obviously do.
Doesn’t really matter which mode they do it in, doing it in general is a bad behavior. If they can’t handle losing, they should play something else. Playing bad is one thing, that’s fine, but leaving at the end to ruin the experience for the poor guy/girl who has to be met with an instant defeat screen, that’s something else.
There is nothing wrong with wanting to make something better than what it is. And prioritizing the playerbase rather than individual players with bad habits, is obviously a better thing for the game as a whole. That’s why people reach out on the forums in the first place. Feedback and opinions.
Nerfs and buffs are detrimental, and is in a big part ruled by what the professional e-sport players are doing. Blizzard focuses much more on what the pro’s are saying rather than the rest of the community, but they don’t completely ignore them. Depends how much clout a post gets, and views, likes, replies etc. If they so think there is something to it, and it won’t drastically change the pro e-sport in a negative way that reduces their income or creates a boring “sameness” in the games every single round, they will look at it.
This topic has been addressed by Jeff, and they know it’s a problem, however, it’s not an easy fix, and he said it will take time. But they acknowledge that it is in fact a problem they want to solve.
So let people cry out here for what they think would make the game better. If enough people agree, there is a bigger chance it would be seen.
If they listened to the forums and players about what was needed… They wouldn’t be buffing a chunk of the DPS.
They’d be nerfing most of them, and some of the supports.
But that’s a side point.
People can come and go as they please in quick play. It doesn’t mean anything.
If you que and back fill a game late, that isn’t preferable, but so be it, it is quick play.
Still not seen any proof of Jeff addressing it, but it doesn’t matter. 90% of OW1 is of zero concern now their attention is else where. Quick play is definitely something they don’t care about.
Sure they would, because if the top players in the world says it’s not necessary, this takes priority, as it’s a business. It makes more sense that they listen to them, as they also know better. Does that mean it’s good for the rest fo the players? not necessarily, but atleast it assures that the pro-leagues won’t be stuck on the same mirror-teams with same characters every round all the time, and opens for some variation. Alternatively, they could give buffs and nerfs based on tier-rank, but I can’t imagine they would bother to do so, as it would just be confusing for players to think of balance on several layers with their heroes. So unfortunately, this is a byproduct of pro leagues taking a bit more prio due to the huge sums of money and publicity from this.
And if they leave at the end of games by habit, this is a bad habit that ruins the experience for other players that also wants to play, but just gets put in a straight up defeat screen instantly, and the way to solve this, is by making the leavers feel like they probably should stay 5 seconds more if they want to queue up for a new game right away. QP, ranked, arcade… irrelevant. Bad habit is bad habit, and shouldn’t be allowed as long as it ruins the fun for others. It’s too selfish.
As for the post Jeff commented in, here is a link. All the things in orange text is written by him, so it’s quite easy to read.