Addressing Mercy nerfs

I never attack anyone personally, I don’t even attack people indirectly by insulting players of specific heroes. I do try and defend and shut down bullies and trolls, but even then I try to refrain from using blatantly insulting terms or abuse. I have some standards, some restraint. I don’t stoop to the level of necroing threads just to spark up a fight with someone.

I currently basically have one main objective on this forum, to have Mercy reworked because I can identify a serious flaw in her kit and I see the potential for such a fun hero, but the game is being denied that because the devs have lost their way. I’ve can see the issues and I’ve got ideas for fixing it. That’s the purpose of a forum, to debate these things.

Then, as a bi-product of trying to get the hero I enjoy fixed I’m here trying to filter through the toxic mud that “Mercy haters” produce. They’re obviously completely one track in their thoughts and overlook all the challenges associated with playing Mercy. It appears hard/impossible to talk them out of this hatred for Mercy as I tried for a while and then gave up.

Now all I really care about is getting Mercys kit fixed, but then trolls like DarkWaver will attack me, use language I wouldn’t, are very aggressive and personal about it. So, because I’m bored by this sort of toxicity my response is very short and on the nose, because I know it’s not going anywhere useful anyway. Hence the:

Which I think is about as polite as someone deserves after coming at you like a freaking animal. :stuck_out_tongue: I could have wasted my time writing out a load of paragraphs instead, but what’s the point? Better to just lay my thought out there, that I’m bored by the hatred. It’s not what I’m here for. Then FatBlu turns up, takes a quick glance and erroneously decides to judge both of us as equally as bad and as childish as each other. Which while is the easy thing to do, isn’t accurate at all.

When I said he’s “boring”, it’s because I mean it. He is very boring and I am done with trying to prove to him and others like him that Mercy requires skill to play. In actuality, I was done with that a long time ago, which is why I just ignore posts like that. I even suggested you do the same when I saw you wasting so much effort in trying to convince this very person. :sweat_smile: It’s a waste of your time and effort. I am in fact completely uninterested in the “kindergarten fight”, however, this was a purposeful attempt to necro a thread 22 days after its previous post in order to attack me personally. That warranted a quick response, where I basically just quoted his insults (which he claimed weren’t insults) and then followed it up with “You’re boring”, because he is. :sweat_smile:

This is another false assumption. I am hardly losing my cool over this. :stuck_out_tongue: Now, obviously typing out a large post or indeed anything might give the impression that I’ve lost my cool, but that’s a case of interpretation by the reader. If it helps, I can assure you right now that I’m as calm as a cucumber whilst typing this. :relaxed:

I’m not biast. I’ve never been biast. But again, why put in the effort to try to convince you? :sweat_smile: I know that’s a pointless road to go down, and discussions that don’t go anywhere are boring.

If you guys want to discuss my rework idea for Mercy or have some good ideas of your own: Practical ways to improve / fix / rework Mercy I mean, that’s why I come to this forum, to try and find people who are interested in design. The diamonds in the rough, so to speak. You don’t have to love or hate Mercy to want a well designed game, but if you want to have a proper debate it does help if you can refrain from treating others in that debate like dirt all the time. :joy:

As I said in another thread a while ago, the enemy should be bad design, rather than the other posters on the forum. I’d ask DarkWaver to cut the insulting/abuse but I don’t think that’s ever going to happen and I don’t feel like I owe him much at this point. The rest of you can carry on humouring him if you want to though.

If you want to argue about how much skill it takes to play Mercy or attack the players, toss about insults, necro threads, try to justify why Ana deserves to have a higher win rate, treat each other like poop ect-ect… Well, sorry but that’s “boring af” to me. :yum: I want the game to be in a state where every hero is viable, well designed, fun and balanced. Mercy has flaws, but she is not beyond fixing.

And, frankly… having a hero that requires no aim in an FPS like this is absolutely brilliant and something to be encouraged. OW is essentially a marriage between FPS and RPG. There is/can be a great amount of skill expression in an RPG styled hero, if she is designed correctly. Giving up on her, which appears to be what the devs may have done, is a tragedy and a completely avoidable one.

Mercy has mobility skill expression in bucket loads and there are decisions to be made with her abilities, but currently not enough imo. Res is fixable, it just requires earning rather than having a cast time which is terrible design. Mercy really needs healing output regulation and–… I’ve said all this before. :yum: Just check the link I put out to see how to fix all the issues and inject more skill expression into her kit, which is surely something even DarkWaver should be in favour of, since he thinks she currently requires no skill at all. :sweat_smile: