Addressing Mercy nerfs

Well, what I think for new mercy is a new great start for this heroe thanks for her buff(s) even thought I say it to lately.Now mercy has been part of the meta for last seasons.Thanks heroe is nice have a nice day night or wathever

There’s been 13 (!!!) nerfs to the rework. The rework is not ‘great’. There’s probably going to be 13 more nerfs before they give up and just rework her again.

I’m up for changes, like rezz staying on ult, just a nerfed version, like a single rezz ult that charges fast. But I don’t like how OFTEN she gets changed. People that play her should not be like: first of all patch notes, allright new playstile, and check again tomorrow it might be another play stile. Ofc it’s not that fast but i’d prefer how they handle tracer. But she’s a bit special as I thought they are balancing everything around her. (i main her so maybe that’s why I’m not so upset like a mercy main that has the favorite hero changed again and again.) mercy should receive imho another rework or tuning, but take your time. Take more if you want. But make it a first release success (some number changes may apply later) the overall idea and roaster fit needs to be clear before the hero gets released and all balancing comparisons should be done.
I’m expecting this as the company is in my eyes one that is capable of delivering amazing quality.

Players need to be able to adapt to a hero and not permanently adapt again and again just to play their hero correctly. That should be the job of the enemy team.

Side question: i cant say blizzard even if I’m referring to Mei’s Ultimate?

Mercy or more the other supporters could need a change to her to be more viable in more situations.
But mercy shouldn’t be changed all the time, regarding playstile overall.

Not really. Getting one support balanced instead of starting to buff ALL the other ones makes the most sense.

Mercy has the most manoeuvrability, most healing, most self sustain, can flexibility and the most powerful E in the whole game.

Res is iconic, and is balanced very well now, but she could reliably outheal all other healers .

Now she is the most reliable healer still, but not necessarily the Highest Healer as well.

Why would you just come to the internet to lie? She doesn’t have any of those things except most valuable E ability if you don’t consider the 30s cooldown.

Also she isn’t balanced. She used to be in line with other healers when you consider her healing, damage and utility overall but was picked a lot because she had extreme synergy with the meta. She lost 17% of her healing and the reason to pick her with Hanzo deleted. Not being able to damage boost ultimates is fine, but now she has under 50% winrate because of her low healing while Ana enjoys a hefty 56% winrate. She’s not balanced. She’s undertuned, a troll pick in higher tier gameplay and the trend hasn’t shown any change at all. If this continues they’ll have to rebuff her or else the forums will get spammed by Mercy mains until their hero is viable again

Please don’t call people a liar, especially when they are telling the facts

Mercy averaged the highest healing per match, FACT
Has Guardian Angel, which provides her with the most manoeuvrability, she can use advanced tech with it to fly, bunny hop extreme distances. IS AVAILABLE EVERY 2 SECONDS
She can heal around corners and through shields, she can provide damage boosts on a whim, not have to earn an ultimate like Ana.

So yeah, sit down, matey.

Moira heals 14,017 on average in a game while Mercy heals 11,801 on average in a game. Ana heals 10,686 on average. These numbers are from this week and GM player averages.

(This Week - PC - Competitive - Support - GM - Primary)
(This data is accurate as it comes straight from Blizzard and isn’t effected by hidden profiles)

So why are you just blatantly shouting your own estimations here as facts and lying? It just makes your replies obsolete because you no longer have credibility :upside_down_face:

No, silly we are talking about why they reduced her healing. “Averaged” as in “used to”, of course not now, that was the whole point in reducing it.

She can’t have all the manoeuvrability, Res, sustain and reliability and be the highest heal provider too

Now Moira and Ana have a strength in heals provided to balance their range/mechanical skill requirement respectively.

So not about “credibility”, but please work on your comprehension.

You have to be blind to think healing nerf being wrong kind of nerf, she is miles ahead of other supports and she still is.

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It isn´t cause she heals to much in HPS, it is cause she can survive more, heal through barriers and even heal around corners/Heal while she is not even looking at her targets.

It was not needed. I am tired of Ana already, I want Mercy to be picked at least as much as she is.

If you are tired of Ana already then perhaps its time to uninstall the game, she has suffered the most of all supports from dive and Mercy don’t get salty now she is played again even Moira has not been played as much as Mercy and Brigitte is already on the way down and yes i agree Brigitte is oppressive, but barely anyone plays her, don’t give me that crap that Ana is to strong she is not heck she is weak, she is easy to shutdown just zone her from her team and she is useless.

You know, maybe a game where nothing is balanced and instead every character takes their turn being OP because they “deserve it” is not for me.

You know you can just switch the same settings to This Month and still see that Moira outheals Mercy? Mercy is able to outheal Moira only in lower tiers simply because there’s less to heal so they spend more time doing damage to enemies. The lower you go the lower Moira’s healing goes but her damage goes up at the same rate.

Ok so since the highest healing part is just lying let’s look at the issue: She heals 1k more than Ana. Other than that she has good but teammate/visual dependent mobility and resurrection. Her regeneration doesn’t matter in a fight and outside one it’s rather irrelevant. Then there’s Valkyrie which is a rather average ultimate overall. On top of all this she does so little damage it’s safe to say she doesn’t do damage at all and her damage boosting is very miniscule too.

Compare that to Moira’s higher healing, much higher damage, better sustainability and invulnerability+mobility and an above average ultimate. Mercy has no chance if Moira hits her niche spot. Then there’s Ana who just has much more utility, more burst healing, more range and an excellent aggressive ultimate that turns fights around. The only things that Ana lacks is consistent self-sustain that is compensated easily by an off-healer and no mobility that is compensated by her unlimited hit-scan healing range.

Mercy is just blatantly undertuned when compared to the other main healers available and at this point everyone who knows anything about the meta knows this. No previous information about the topic other than own experiences = no credibility :slightly_smiling_face:



It’s less about what’s actually balanced and more about the devs trying to appease the lemmings who for the most part haven’t got a clue. There are far too many players with loud voices who think that the only expression of skill in this game is if you have a sniper rifle in your hand. The devs are appeasing these fools because they feel that they have to do so. Real people understand that this game isn’t Counterstrike and there’s more to this FPS than mad aiming skills.

I understand that. I’ve always understood it. That’s why I was able to beat a hacker Widowmaker who never missed a shot.

Ana certainly has that aim element to her and that requires skill, but her kit is also extremely generous in other areas. She has the highest burst healing in the game and an absolutely incredible offensive ability in her grenade. Her overall skill requirement is not more than Mercy but it is spread differently, this is the truth of things. However, far too many people either don’t understand this or refuse to understand and those people have very loud voices. So, Blizz are accommodating these people because they understand that there is a disparity between what is skilful and what is PERCEIVED to be skilful and they want to be seen as providing more power to the players who are perceived to be skilful as defined by who has the mad aiming skills.

Blizz are now trying to balance the game by what is PERCEIVED to be skilful by the masses, but as we know the masses are kinda dumb, so it’s a dangerous path to go down.


What the game really needs is a tank with a sniper rifle. I’m not entirely sure how that would work exactly, but what I do know is that it would be the most skilful tank in the roster and thus deserve to be the most picked because it has a sniper rifle and sniper rifles require mad aim! :open_mouth:


PS - This should go without saying, but I’m being sarcastic there. I know how easily things go over peoples heads so I thought I better point it out. :roll_eyes:


I love you for this post.


I know what the game really needs. A sniper with an ultimate strong enough to kill the entire enemy team with a single click. The twist is this sniper will be support and do the reverse instead. See, the pinnacle of skill.

still having better experience with my mercy friends pocketing me as hanzo, still have db and res, i dont even need more than 30 hps, even without heal mercy gonna be best support because of res.

Stop trying to argue its a perception of skill. Mercy´s healing output is constant. Ana´s is defined literally by how good she is at aiming or players outplaying her with shields and barriers. Side note, mercy has no need to look even in the FOV of the person she heals, while she is doing that constant healing, can heal through walls for up to (75hp), while she has the an automatic movement ability on a low CD.

Bottom line is, mercy is far easier than Ana, always has been, always will be, the developers and pro players support this fact, so stop making stupid arguments, cause you are a mercy main.

Be objective and make good and well thought suggestions instead of, i love mercy so keep her being good, while being easy as f*ck.

Good ideas could be, make her harder to play, less forgiving but then buff her abiities/healing/damage.