Blizzard matchmaking - is this the best Blizzard developers can do?

The amount of one-sided matches that occur. How the hell can the match quality be this badly degraded since the closure of OW?

Is this the best the developers can do now?

You can really see why this is rank 45 on Steam and the second most negatively reviewed game on Steam.


Last night I did a QP match and got the Oasis map. The first round we won easily 100/0. I think 3 of them left and got replaced by 3 others. Well… second and third round we got stomped… And this happens A LOT… :frowning:


Lol. I play Mystery Heroes exclusively and even I get tons of one-sided matches when it’s supposed to be random. It’s nuts.

In fact, coming from the game just now, I just had 4 games back to back that were not only a steam roll, but they were ALL a steam roll against us. I’m not sure how the match maker manages to achieve that, but whatever.

Dont quote me on this. Im pretty sure the match maker will take anyone within a set banding of ranks (if they dont play ranked its calculated on win percentage) and puts them in a pool of people queueing up at that time. It then pulls 10 random people in those pools at the time the game/match opens up. Depending on where you are in the rank bandings you can have (theoretically) a full team of Bronze against a full team of Plat. Rank bandings most likely to be:

Bronze to Plat

Plat to Masters

Masters to Top 500

My message didn’t break any rules. Why was it removed? Certain person abusing the report system again.

WAKE UP Blizzard. You’re really taking the mick now. And you wonder why you’re getting a bad rep!?

ANYWAY, again, I AGREE with the OP, and the state of Match Making. It’s still very much problematic.


That’ll do it. Tell them they are doing a bad job while offering zero input on how you’d like to see things improve!

  1. I never once stated they’re doing a bad job.

  2. It’s an opinion, you know, freedom of speech. Which has clearly gone out the window.

  3. The usual culprits abusing the report system again.

I stated that I agree with how bad the MM is. I’m not a game developer, it’s not my job to tell them how to fix it. There’s been many complaints on the forums regarding broken MMR. So anything negative to say gets a report and action taken, so how will they ever learn from their mistakes?

It hasn’t, you’re free to say whatever you like. And people are free to question/challenge it.

Fair. But it’s also clear from past experience that you also don’t understand how it works, and at that point, how can you possibly know it’s broken.

I get it, sometimes matches suck. And some people that impacts them more than others, and they feel a need to vent about it.

But just because a match went badly, doesn’t mean the match maker is broken.

As I said, you’ve gone from match maker broken to MMR broken. These aren’t the same thing. Ones a match maker (obviously), the others a rating system.

MMR being poorly/slowly calibrated has been an issue in gaming for years. Overwatch isn’t perfect, but it does seem to have a fast and more accurate way of dealing with that than games like Apex or Halo.

Microsofts True Skill system in halo is atrocious.

That’s your opinion, not factual. It’s all over the forums, you just need to read what’s being said.

Same thing lmao. Don’t know how you don’t understand that.

I do. And it’s mostly balls, and just understandably annoyed players lashing out and blaming things they don’t understand.

You call them the same thing then say I don’t understand.

Match maker - puts 10 people in a lobby based on 4 criteria.

MMR - a score to determine someone’s rough skill level.

If you think that’s the same thing… Sorry.

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Match maker puts 10 people with the “same rating” (MMR) in the team. MMR means match making RATING. It’s the same thing.

I’m sorry you don’t know what it is.

MMR is one of the 4 criteria it uses yes.

Well done.

No it isn’t. It’s just got the same words in its name.

Ones a tool for building a lobby. The others a scoring system to roughly determine some sort of skill order.

MMR doesn’t make matches, and the match maker doesn’t impact/change MMR.

Ok, thank you for your opinions.

Lol. I wish I could say my opinion.

The same systems exist in dota2 and R6S.

For reference, here is ubisoft explaining it.
h ttps://

MMR is a score the match maker uses. But they aren’t the same thing.

That would be like claiming a cherry picker is a cherry because it was used to pick cherries.

in that regards blizzard is just like you, some things cant be improved and only degrade due time.

listen, the only thing you need to be doing right now and wonder is what else you could be doing instead of wasting peoples time.

no ‘‘but’’, no ‘‘if’’.

please just leave.


Telling people to leave. A bold strategy.

Godrivik…if your this bothered about it…dont play Overwatch 2 and do everyone a favour…

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I rather wait till it becomes like Overwatch 1 again.

Besides, you saying “everyone” here is incorrect.

Most people who have left or downvoted Overwatch 2 on steam did not agree with your defintion of “everyone”.

How about you balance the game like it shouldv been years ago and ill then say bygones be bygones.

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Good for them. I hope they are enjoying what they are playing now.

Steam lol.

Balance isn’t possible. It is a myth. They are just looking for an ok middle ground that doesn’t p!ss off too many people. Something they usually just about manage.

Why “steam lol”. Do peoples opinions on Steam not matter then? OW reviews on there are incredibly negative.