Brig with no CC is mostly useless

I used to love playing Brig because it meant I had impact in games. With my bash I could cancel ults and protect my teammates and be a good support. Now, with bash being no better than a tool for getting across the map quicker, Brig playstyle is both boring and unfun. I feel like I have no impact in games. Even if I’m winning (I have a 79% wr on her atm) and I’m doing my job, I don’t have fun in the game because I’m just stood there swinging, protecting the other support, and trying not to die.
What impact can Brig have in a game now? What can she do to create plays or change the tides or… do anything that matters? When was the last time you felt shut down by a Brig? Even watching OWL where the players on Brig are meant to be the cream of the crop, its genuinely just… not interesting to watch them, because her playstyle lacks any brain. Just swing, press E, and try not to die.
(This is even more pertinent ever since she lost her 50 armor. Why would you nerf this part of the ‘tanky support’? She’s no better than a regular squishy atp, dying to 1 headshot or a Rein pin… what’s tanky about her anymore?)

Please add something, ANYTHING, that enables a high skill player to have an impact on the game and feel like they’re being competent and skilled when they play instead of holding M1 aimlessly.

Also Soldier needs nerfing, his damage is way too extreme. I hated the falloff nerf from OW1, but he’s messed up in his current state.


she would be the perfect hero to prtect backline of opposing team has mpoira / genji reaper , she needs small stun

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We need to get Brigi back to the way he was when he came out, she’s no good now.

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I’m not sure Brig how she was at launch would be the right fix for OW2 state now. I think the best fixes would be back to 250hp w/ armor that makes her significantly less squishy (what happened to tanky supp! that’s why I play her!) OR some kind of stun.

Maybe give her an interupt effect, rather than returning her stun?

Add a second or two onto the cooldown of Shield Bash but instead of a stun have it stop channeled/delayed effects like Roadhog’s Take A Breather, Junker Queen’s Carnage, Moira’s Coalescence and Dva’s Call Mech.

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Would love this. Makes her ability way more tactical instead of just ult farming off cooldown/mobility ability without introducing CC back in. DEVS ARE YOU LISTENING?

Also why can Kiriko and Ana negate ults but Brig is no longer allowed to? Makes no sense… I find Brig pretty boring now, as she can’t do much. As a brawler I can’t even brawl because when I use whip shot it means “please enemy hitscans shoot me now”… imo her character doesn’t make much sense anymore in OW2 style gameplay, she is much too slow for that.


Exactly. She needs completely relooking at with how she fits into OW2 gameplay

She has high healing output and does quite a lot of damage. Yes, I miss her stun, but she is still very good in the right hands and a brawl comp.

I really do miss her stun… she does feel a bit dull atm, but barely had time to play her yet. She was one of my favourites in OW1.

She’s a close range brawler… Hit scans are ranged heroes…

Of course they have the advantage in those duels.

Brig is very good. In the right situation. No hero should be viable at all times

Seems with OW2 the aim was to get rid of what made it good.
Out with the variety of tank-pairings. Out with stuns.
Out with the old, good stuff. In with the meh.
Anything that made it good. Ta ta.

As fun as some tank pairing were… Most were obnoxiously over powered (double shield for the obvious example).

Stuns were hated by most players. Only those that joined in the last year or 2 seem to like them.

OW2 is more like what old OW was. Back before Brig, and GOATS changed the landscape not for the better.

i mean winston comp is probably gonna get bigger and brig got whipshot to whipshot the winston out of the air so there’s that.

but there’s been talks i think of brig getting a different ultimate in season 2 or something.

The “meta” comp for the new patch in a couple of weeks seems to be Winston with Sojourn Reaper Kiriko and Lucio.

Brig is not very good against that. Although I wouldn’t change her ult. Rally is a really good ultimate and she isn’t overly strong or weak. Very situational.

it mast be with ???
Now she is only for fun, they don’t take her for a serious game.

What is she good at? Can you be more specific? I can write what she’s not good at… she’s a melee, with all that it consequences.

She is very good in close range brawl comps. Play her with a Lucio and Rein and rush people down.

Dive is a stronger comp, so she isn’t “meta” now, but if your team locks brawlers, she’s strong.

WHAT)))))) LOL im T_T.
You yourself understood what you wrote. It’s in plain text “the hero is completely dependent on the team.” And also from the composition. Isn’t it easier to take in this case a simpler and more effective healer. Which can adapt to any team. Why suffer with Brigid. The answer is obvious only if you enjoy it (like me).

I don’t disagree. But you said she’s weak. She isn’t.

The only time she’s weak is if you either play her badly, or player her badly.