Brig with no CC is mostly useless

You are wrong, I never wrote that she was weak. She is not flexible, it is difficult to adapt to her and she has a lot of flaws. Playing her as a healer is way harder than any other healer. (That’s just what I like about her).

She doesn’t need to be flexible. She’s in a good position. Strong in the right situation.

That’s good hero balance.

If someone is good in all situations, they are too strong or have an over bloated kit.

You are wrong again. Her main task is to heal. (She is not in peak support). And when the team sees that you are picking a healer, they expect you to heal, not support (and strength in a certain situation). And as I already wrote, she is a bad healer. (Once again I will clarify my position, this is the most difficult healer to manage).
PS And that’s what made her special. For her bad healing, she could kill and strike fear into the hearts of noobs. Fear is gone, what’s left?

Oh. You’re one of those ok.

They are supports, not healers. So I can see where you’re going wrong.

Good luck out there.

Damn… man, you’re so stubborn. SHE is a healer, there is no such class as support for + -5 years already. (yes, before there was such a class, there were 4 of them, now only 3). And you have to fulfill the role of the class.
Ps If you can’t, then you’re a bad player. And what does “one of those” even mean?

You what?
I suggest you double check that information.

i see that, well, a lot has changed since then, even Mc Маккриe. But the essence remains the same. 3 roles. Once again I will write, the support class was, it was removed, the healers were left. Well, as I understand it, many guys do not pull on healers, and it was decided to spare the feelings of such players.
Ps I didn’t think that someone would get into their heads again to change something in the names. In any case, it’s not my problem.

The support class was removed? It’s been support since launch in 2016.

Also, thats the live information. So maybe stop focusing on being a heal bot and support your team.

I’ve been playing since 2016 not you. If you played you would remember. But yeah, that’s not the point. I insist that the hero should be useful not only in a certain situation

So have I. They’ve always been supports.

All heroes should have situations they are good in and once they are bad in. That’s good hero design

You a totally right.

That’s why you can swap my friend.

When the hero you’ve picked isn’t good in that situation, you change to someone who is.

Justbecause you dont remember doesnt mean you right.
Player must contribute game (Throughout the game not at a certain point) And it shouldn’t be that you’re bad the whole game. Bree, in order not to be bad, has to be harder than others.
ps was deleted…

well it’s early into this patch, also ranked is a lot messier than OWL so there might be some more variation because brig is pretty alright against winston and reaper and lucio.
brig whips winston out of his jumps, brig can keep reaper at a distance and can easily hit lucio aswell as deny his boop attempts against her.

it’s just sojourn and kiriko that’s kinda difficult for brig as sojourn can keep a distance forever and can charge her rifle off of brigs shield which she can farm one-shots from and kiriko can very easily avoid brig and get away if she ever comes too close. and kirikos ultimate is very strong.

Natural cover, having an exit route and shield management are the name of the game with that. You need to peek in and out in between whipshots until there’s a proper fight going on. Ideally hanging out beside your tank. If they’re beyond the range of your whipshot, then you just have to be patient. If you find all of that boring, then fair.

I actually think she’s pretty mid tier in terms of team play. Performance wise she’s viable and not underpowered. However, she is still fundementally boring and uninteresting to play with a lack of room for playmaking in her kit anymore, which is heartbreaking as someone who loved playing Brig.

Is it not just a bit sad that Brig has been reduced to this?

Is it not just a bit sad she’s been reduced to this?

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Not useless, just tedious / boring. There’s just no point.


Oh. Now I am starting to see why you don’t like OW2.

Yeah, this game isn’t going to be for you at all.

Listen, Prime, seriously stop the trolling and stalking people like me throughout the forum. I really don’t need you to say that this game isn’t going to be for me at all. Just stop with the sickening trolling and shilling, it’s really disgusting.

Let me help you out… I don’t like OW2 because it deleted a game I bought that I had tried for months, bought and played for years and replaced it with access to something anyone can get for free that’s far inferior albeit with marginally updated graphics and in fairness some interesting dialog. That and the fact that for whatever reason OW2 just isn’t as fun, the acid test being that I typically play it for 1/10th as long with 1/5th the frequency.

I’m not along in this as you well know after rebutting most of the similar posts in the forum.

Move on to your next victim.

Far inferior is your opinion and not fact. But fair enough, it won’t be for everyone.

You didn’t buy the game, you bought access to it, they decided to remove your access (as you agreed they could).

I preferred many things about OW1 too… but it is gone, and in terms of business OW2 has the things in place to succeed, they just need to pull their fingers out and do something.