Brig with no CC is mostly useless

Franky, yes, yes it is.

When a character’s core skill involved CC’ing somebody to make their short ranged attack viable and to add some counter to balance other heros and you take that away without putting something back… that is sad. Sad and cheap. Which is a pattern in OW2.

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Yawn. Move on. Software is licensed, not sold.

If a company that sells perpetual licenses - such as this was - gets a reputation for yanking them, they are finished.

You didn’t buy or licence the software. Just an access key.

You mean like they’ve just done with Warzone… And give that OW2 now has more concurrent players than OW1 ever had… It doesn’t seem to have been a negative decision.

Look, I’m not disagreeing with that, they needed some revenue I get it. Conflating these things is not good. Nobody disagrees that it’s not their property to change. We’re just sad that in doing so they weren’t able to maintain all the things a lot of people loved about the first.

That’s not to say they didn’t do some things well, they did. But fun, joy, entertainment, challenge, is most if not the reason to play and so much of what’s been delivered has worked against this.

Everyone has their own views I get it, it’s subjective.

I think one particular reason so many feel so let down is they’re sad that this idea “Blizzard just get it - they’re godlike” arose. Given enough time you could reasonably expect them to just magic it up. Then there was a bunch of upheaval internally and it seems the end result is something less. Could it be they lost their mojo? I hope not.

Anyway no ill will. If you’re trying to stay positive I respect that.

It is literally the same game, with some much needed balance changes.

OW1 because boring for a lot of people, hence the player base falling off a cliff.

You could bring OW1 back… but the game would die ridiculously quickly.

I personally think F2P is a great move for a game like OW. Have they executed it well so far? No, in short. But I do like that they are quickly making changes to that sort of thing. Won’t impact me, because I am not spending a penny on things I don’t need.

It’s definitely not the same game. Game feels very different now… I like all kinds of shooters but i know some ppl who stopped playing because they loved OW1 particularly and now OW1.5 has a very different feel even if it looks very similar… and I can understand exactly why they left its just that I dont mind thaaaat much even tho I was tempted to stop playing too. game and everything around it has lost a lot.
But if the battle pass and shop crap continues im prolly out of here next season or sth

Different to what?

OW in 2021/22, or OW in 2017/18…

Because they were VERY different games and experiences.

That will be staying. Only way for them to make money off the game now.

Yes - you completely get it. I was hoping by making this thread that maybe the Devs who are supposed to care and fix things faster and more responsively this time around, that their ears would perk up. Then I remembered this is EU forums, and thus nobody cares.

Also can the two of you not have petty unrelated arguments on my threads please LMAO. Not here to talk about OW1 vs OW2 - only Brig.

We are allowed to disagree and have a laugh at each other for it.

And my comment is purely on Brig. As CC is one of the things that made playing ow1 painful.

It needed to be removed. Brig is still strong, in the right comps and on the right maps

well they removed one key part in brigs arsenal in that she could cancel abilities and ultimates if she was close enough to bash them, this has a real negative effect on the character, the stun itself was understandable that it had to go.

but now when there’s a moira using her coalescence brig will just die which never really was the case in OW1 because you would just LOS wait for the moira to turn the corner and bash her out of it.
like it doesn’t have to be a stun per se but it still has to carry its old ability to do what it used to do.

for instance the doomfist and reinhardt charge interaction where you bump into them, it’s still really useful in that case, imagine that just being taken out and you just get pinned or punched instead.

another thing they have to make up for is the boop distance, when you stunned and whipshotted before they would fly considerably further away because you couldn’t counteract the boop distance while being stunned.

but with brig i guess you just have to be happy they didn’t remove the rein and df interactions or removed her boop from her whipshot completely to decrease CC.

i do hope they find a way to make her a bit more interesting in the upcoming support changes.

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Good she ruined overwatch 1 she deserves to suffer.

the scape goat because they are too blind to see that the meta was trash before brig even was released, quad tank anyone?

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I want my gold weapon for her refunded tbh. I bought it because she was fun. But now years later after being nerfed into the ground I don’t even remotely enjoy playing her anymore.