Can we get a vanilla Overwatch game?

YES YES YES YES PLEASE GOD YES. Ditch these stupid heroes for casuals just because blizzard cant hold onto a player base. Make it about skill again and not about spam and cheese.

Ok now this is a point I hear a lot, not just limited to Overwatch, many other software including but not limited to games are subject to it, and as a developer myself, I’m pretty sensitive about it.
The thing is, you cannot tell with certainty whether something is a flaw, for example, Rainbow Six Siege is an FPS released a bit earlier than Overwatch, on the second year, a patch was released, known as “Operation Health” (you can find quite a lot of memes about it on the internet), everyone was like “HEY UBI WADAFAK U RUINED THE GAME ITS ALL BUGS AND STUFF” and after that, two operations came which within one was GROM’s Ela, the most OP hero at the time. Everyone was certain on one thing: R6s is dying, revive the old one,
Operation Health made ground for improvements over time, each season, a “flaw” was terminated, one at a time, then came Operation Grim Sky, which even changed the mechanics of the game further, everyone was dizzy for a while, but the experience of the fix chain from Operation Health, knowing that its finale was in Grim Sky, made everyone feel comfortable this time.
Ela, made a good example of hero agility and utility imbalance, and caused the creation of some balancing policies in the game, there are still some people who would nag about bringing back ACOG scopes to German defenders (Jaegar & Bandit), but all of them agree that it would be OP, so no!

Does Moira? Reinhardt? Winston? Sombra? Genji?
afaik, Overwatch is a MOBA, but carved like an FPS game, where you get to play 1p, aim, shoot, and stuff, which generally makes its gameplay more FPS, but the nature of the game is not, the gamesense required for it differs from FPS games.

I just wanted to bring this post back to life :grin:

you know what
 at first I tought I disagree with it
 but now I want a vanilla ow too, because
 RANKED AND SR SYSTEM DIDN’T EXIST ONCE and was the most wonderful thing in this game.

I’d personally love a vanilla OW myself. Season 2 was perhaps my favorite season ever in this game. So many great memories. And also

Yes please for me. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.
xavvypls :blue_heart:

season 3 to 5 was Overwatchs most balanced and funniest times,
I hope to have those fun times back in the future.

You think you do, but you don’t

I would love a vanilla overwatch but with the QOL changes in the UI and rules maybe not role que though

I so want this for a regular arcade mode. It would be so fun for people who miss old heroes, or never got to play them. This would be so cool to see and with so many opinions, I don’t think it should be a new game but a cool arcade mode.

Just wait for hero mission in OW2 and you can customise your heroes to how you want them to be.

Unfortunately, it will never happen. Some time ago Jeff said that they tried it but they couldn’t get it to work because “the technology was old” and they “couldn’t implement old skills, such as Mercy’s mass rez”.
With that statement, thought, Jeff pretty much proved that he’s a liar. Here’s how things get interesting.
In Blizzcon 2019, when OW 2 was revealed, Jeff reassured us that “nobody will be left behind” and that “both OW1 and OW2 players will be able to play together in PvP mode”. However what this means is that the two games must run on the same game engine, otherwise it would be impossible for all players to play together.
In Blizzconline, which happened recently, they clearly stated that there is going to be a mass rez option for Mercy.
Therefore, either Jeff was lying to us about their inability to implement old skills, since there is no problem to implement something on the same game engine, which proves that they’re a bunch of lazy Fs, or they really can’t implement it because they have switched game engines and owners of OW1 won’t be able to play with owners of OW2.

You’ve mixed up PvP with PvE story and hero missions.

PvP will be the same for everyone. As is now. And possibly free to play.

PvP will have skills trees for every hero, because you sre fighting AI you don’t need to worry about balance and the devs can go nuts with ridiculous abilities.

The likely hood is, while built on the same engine they will ship as 2 separate games in battlenet. Just like Warzone and the main CoD title

Essentially you’ve made something up in your head and got mad about it because they were very clear in the Blizzconline video

That would be amazing if in Overwatch 2 they had a “vanilla” mode in the arcade. basically how Overwatch 1 was in the first few seasons, with all the old abilities and so on. Not sure how many heroes that would comprise but it would be a fun little break from competitive when we just want to have a laugh and a blast from the past.

I thought you had me on ignore lmfao.

No, I haven’t. I know that OW 2 will have a PvE and a PvP aspect. The question is what will happen to the game (“OW 1”) we are playing right now. Jeff has stated that OW 1 will get some upgrades OW 2 has and maybe, eventually, the two games will merge and become one.

Jeff has stated that nobody will be left behind and that both OW 1 and OW 2 owners will be able to play together in multiplayer PvP. That can only be achieved by having both games running on the same engine. Since he has also stated that OW 1 will get some upgrades that OW 2 has, I guess we’ll be moving to OW 2 engine. However, since both PvE and PvP will end up running on the same engine, why can’t we have a legacy PvP mode with mass rez since it’s already implemented for PvE?

I don’t know how CoD works, never bothered with it, but Jeff has said that eventually “the two games will become one”. Maybe you’re right on that, who knows.

No, my point still stands but I’ll give you that we’re all speculating. Is OW 2 using OW 1’s engine? If yes, why not implement old OW on arcade right now since they already have mass rez planned for OW 2?
Is everyone getting an engine upgrade when OW 2 hits? If yes, that’s cool. Are we also getting an old OW PvP mode on some arcade version of OW 2? If not, why?

No they won’t.

They have already said as much.

They have said that all Blizzard games will follow the CoD model over time.

PvP and PvE are going to be on the same engine. But likely 2 separate clients.

PvP will change a bit (cosmetics, changes to tank role, passives, maps, modes and heroes being added on OW2 launch), but you will get all that for free even if you don’t buy OW2.

The big part of OW2 is the PvE side and that is where you can upgrade heroes as you level up and is a totally different game. The skill trees for each hero are massive, and versions of mass res are in Mercys skill trees.

So what will happen to OW1 now, if you don’t buy OW2, it will be a full game reinstall update and you will get everything for PvP because it is a massive new engine. There is a reason why the current game is so limited, the engine is so archaic.

OW2 is in theory purely the PvE stuff. All PvP stuff will be free.

Alright, I see. Either way, it doesn’t seem we’re getting mass rez for PvP anytime soon, if ever.

I don’t follow CoD at all, what’s the CoD model?
I only know that they pump out a new game every year or so and make everyone buy it every time and they split the playerbase.

No. And damn right so. That ability was awful and ruined so many games.

The CoD model is a free to play game, that is continuously updated with content for you to buy (Warzone). With a main game that costs to buy.

Not really, you either weren’t playing back then and you parrot wrong/biased stuff you have heard from others who played back then or you were low ranked.

Alright, thanks for the info. Doesn’t look good for Overwatch, not that I am interested in buying anything else ever again from Blizzard anyway.

Dew 3mkmstrong text

this would be a good arcade mode.