Can we get a vanilla Overwatch game?

I only just posted this, didn’t realise there was another post, really coincidental it popped up the same time. I definitely agree about a game mode. I suggested though that maybe it’s like the one time events, lucio ball, yeti hunt etc but part of the yearly anniversary to celebrate overwatch and how far it’s come, making it available for a few days to make it a special thing.

This doesn’t split the community and mixes up the game in a good way in my opinion, allows people who were or weren’t part of the game to experience nostalgia or something new respectively. I agree fully with something like this being implemented.


i just hope they do something at all at this point.

I think you have a good idea, it would have been fun to have the opportunity to try it in an anniversary or some other event.


I, personally, don’t give a flying Torbjörn about what the game designers think, especially when they are obviously not listening to the players.

Also, if we really want to simplify things, I might as well say this:
Designers = Expense
Players = Income

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You dont want the old balancing back, not the oneshot hook around the corner. Not the incredible long blade time and also not the minigame hide and seek with Mercy. You want the first spark Overwatch had when it was released back. The hype was unreal and everyone jumped on it, but hype dies in every game and so does the new spark. Like skydiving, if you do it for the first time its the most amazing thing ever. 3 Years later while skydiving everyday it probably isn’t that striking. No, you won’t get your “first time” of Overwatch back.

This won’t improve the game any different from now.

People will keep locking pointless dps picks and failing their every attempt getting a kill.

OP is da man! :smiley:
I played the game back then since beta and with time, and with every new change, the game just went worse and worse.
Miss the good old times, the good old Overwatch and the good old commnity.

This is a gooooood idea. You forgot Genji btw. But I would enjoy a game mode in the arcade. You could just switch it for mystery heroes. 1 week vanilla and 1 week mystery heroes. This is just an idea!

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To be honest I don’t really like the idea of constantly changing or tweaking heros and their abillities. Even if it meant to improve the game. If I would make a game like Overwatch I would create a character once but decently and never change it. And I know that some heros just don’t work as well as they once used to, beacouse of new things that were added (new gamemodes, heros) but reworking whole skillsets of characters doesn’t do it a lot of justice. You need to think of all these stuff you made in the first place before releasing a new broken hero and just going “we’ll just change this and that and it’ll be fine”. I’m sure balancing a competetive online game is not easy but I don’t remember much of complaining about a character that had a broken skill or something at the game’s release except maybe Symmetra (the only issue with her was auto-aim). The game was really fun. I kinda miss old Torbjorn’s ult and stuff too, but that’s not really the point. As I said if I would make a game like Overwatch, instead of putting many changes to already balanced heros I would just add new maps and new heros whose skills don’t confute but compliment other characters’ movesets.

not against moving forward but if something isn’t broke why fix it ?
as for the abilities heroes used to have i blame mainstream games more than developers, they cry for something new then complain about it when they have it because its different and their little brains can’t handle it so they ask for it to be a copy and past of other popular games…
overwatch was a hero based, now its turning into an other basic fps garbage.
personally i used to play sym when i don’t want to aim, or my ping is high, she was really fun to play her tactically and in smart sneaky ways… now she’s an other aim and click hero and that sucked all the fun out of her for me.
as for hanzo someone in the dev team is defending him like he’s their son, all heros gets buffs and nerfs, yet he stays OP and unchanged, and when they change him ? they take one thing and replace it with even more awesome things .

go away basic gamer you people like you are the ones ruining the game, go play some garbage fps game there’s millions of em

Chill dude, you can rage all you want but the problem is … he is right you know?
Nobody needs vanilla OW, nobody.

I would prefer tootie fruity… vanilla needs sprinkles or something…

Everyone that’s raging about this post is thinking it’s a permanent change. No, we’re not asking for that but merely a game mode that sticks around for a few days to a week during the year. Something added to an anniversary maybe (given the relevancy) that gives players something to look forward to rather than just skins. Recently, with the replays and workshop I’m obviously content but it’s just an idea. It would be easy to implement and if you guys don’t want to play it, then just don’t :slight_smile:

who’s we ? talk about your self

Maybe the guy who made the post? Lots of people who liked it as well? Based on your two responses previous to this…

‘go away basic gamer you people like you are the ones ruining the game, go play some garbage fps game there’s millions of em’

Your point is slightly invalid aha, just relax dude, it’s only a game :slight_smile:


Maby as a arcade not as a qp or comp


Symm was a healer? When did she heal people? I think you mean support, not healer.

Roadhog have a oneshot hook. You hook them, shoot them in the middle on the body (not their heads) and punch.

And Symmetra was NEVER a healer