Can you stop being put in halfway through games?

Leave, if a team in qp is losing there is a reason, you don’t get penalty for leaving qp, until you care of honor.

Why? Because you say so? That’s not an argument. It’s the same as me saying “use arcade if you want to play 5 dps”.

So, you’re telling me what I’m to play and what I’m not to play, and complain about egoism … OK.

It’s not complaining, it’s not blaming others … If I’m not having fun - I’ll leave the game. If you’re not having fun, you should leave the game. It’s that simple. Didn’t you say it’s all about fun? So, why people not having fun should stick around? To not spoil your fun? Because your fun is the most important thing right?

I had games where we just stomped them in front of theyr spawn… After 4 left and refilled… They stomped us completely haha you never know what happens.

So now your just trolling right ?
Well no point to discuss with toxic and leaver anyway, i’m just keep reporting player like you until they got ban.

The only troll here mate is you. You troll in game, and get mad when you chase people of with your trolling gameplay.

You’re right … no point discussing with toxic troll who reports people that won’t troll like him.
But you see, there’s other side of this story … Why don’t we non-trolls start to report you trolls in game? 5 dps in QP = report all five and leave. With this reporting system of ours, you’ll all be banned in matter of weeks … Then what?

Yeah… you don’t know how the stats in the profile work, right? The QP time is OVERALL, the comp time is THIS SEASON. Obviously, QP will be more time…

I stand corrected then.
I haven’t played comp for a long, long time…

What the heck is post getting inspected by admin and pending?
Spend like a good hour typing out on why i don’t enjoy it for this error to pop up and all my typing went to waste.

Oh, so now you even lie to defend yourself ? Dam.
So I’m trolling in game ? Sur. You know that cuz you play everyday with me right ? Oh, you don’t, I don’t even know you.

The only fact here : you are a selfish leaver/thrower. You tell that yourself.
And like I was saying, all you do is blaming other, like you did, again.

You’r a bit pathetic dude, grow up.

Oh about that :

I almost never play DPS. Sorry to disappoint you.
My profil is public btw.

I wish they start punishing leavers for once. After they start doing that they can remove the idiotic back fill system, its not fun 99% of people don’t want to join a game someone left for the exact same reasons that guy left it… Like maybe if i rejoin in normal teams that want to win but nah its troll games for the most of it where one team is try-hard and wants to win and the other is just slacking/“aim training”/practicing on 5 dps or the game is literary to late for me to even leave the spawn, or i’ll just get solo ult’d since other team has ult’s and i don’t.

The concept of joining games that people have left is dumb. Punishing the leavers is where its at for me. As of now you need to leave like 10 games for the punishment to kick in, and if you keep getting that punishment nothing happens… I think that at the 3ed time someone is punished for leaving the just need to be banned for 30 days and then perma-banned on the 4th punishment.
But they want this game to be more casual so it’ll only go downhill.

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I’d love to see an option to say if you want to backfill. No Srsly, you can get 4 players which don’t want to backfill so you end up playing the whole game in a 5v6.

Leaving, new joins, left, new joins, left, and so on. Happens often enough.

Until someone decides to stay, which would mean less leavers after the first one. Since it would only backfill with players having this enabled.

Not a huge deal but certainly a improvement for qp.

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You know, I feel like most of you misunderstand what QP means. Its designed for quick matches that are lighthearted and you can cancel at any time. Most of you wont even touch competitive for various reasons yet expect QP to be your personal hugbox where everyone plays seriously, builds a team you like and never leaves. See how this doesn’t work?

You used a nasty word in there… Avoid those, even when they are used in quotes or heavy context.

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But don’t we have arcade/custum games for that purpuse?
I know that QP is a joke mode(its been a joke since day 1), but i persoanlly wanna see it grow as an off ranked mode. But with the current communety at hand that will never happen on its own unless the devs do something about it.

It takes so little to push QP in a more competitive inviromate and painful that they haven’t done that. It just needs to do something about leavers and add a role queue and boom the game quality’s gonna skyrocket.

Once again, you are pushing the game towards what you think and want it to be. I bet a lot of people will disagree with your view.


That’s a shocker, i used way more nasty words them the one i wanted to use. Thanks for the heads up.

Well ofc there will be people who disagree, we have 40-50 mil players here. And yet they are places for them to be casual, and the only place that people hope to play better is the ranked game mode atm but when you reached you’re season high or have the rank you want, what els can we do if we wanna tryhard? Like i have 3 competative accounts at the moment, im done with 2 of them for this season just do a weekly game to not drop and thats is, rest is just me suffering in QP at the hands of 5 instalocked DPS or back filling lost games.

If they don’t wanna change QP, making an alternative game mode is a thing that they can do as well without screwing the casual QP players.

QP is for casual gaming. You wanna play, you join, you’re fed up, you leave as you like. Get over it finally. There is also slight penalty of -75% XP, once you quit too many games in a row, thats all it needs… If you want more serious penalties for leaving, go play comp.

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Oh, more insults? Nice. I’ve heard grown ups use insults when they have no arguments …

Mate, you’re calling someone selfish? You want others to play the way you think the game should be played or get banned from the game. That’s what? Altruistic?
Again, same question … why should someone who is not having fun stay and play the game with you? Because you’re having fun? Because if they leave, they’ll spoil your fun? And that’s not selfish, eh?

Like I have nothing better to do then look at people’s profiles …

That would make QP even worse report-fest than the comp is. Whoever is deemed not playing good enough or playing “bad” hero will get reported. I doubt that will ever happen.

That^. If you don’t like that your team is trolling or that your team is trying hard or whatever they’re doing and you don’t find it fun … just leave the game. They’re better off with new player(who might find that game fun) anyway, then with you getting frustrated, and you’re better off with other team that might play the way you want. If there is punishment for leaving then people will be forced to play unfun games, and they’ll start reporting.
If they ever introduce role-queue, it might get better … or worse, who knows.

That not cuz you ignor them since the start that make me not having arguments.
Same for you lying and dodging the fact by just quoting the part you need out of context.

You’ve time to lie and say BS but not to look a profil before write a lie ? Interesting.

3rd time for : “Again, same question”
LFG. It’s fun how you keep dodging the answer again and again.
You don’t want random team comp’ ? Then use LFG.
You don’t want use it ? Then don’t complain about you’r “fun”
IF you leave a game just cuz ppl don’t pick what YOU want, you’r selfish, don’t try to escape the reality like you did in each of your post.

This my last post.
No time to wast with ppl who just ignore all answer and existing in-game solution.
Leaving a game is a throw for the 5 char last and it’s against the rules, even in QP.

Last time : use LFG or don’t complain.