Can you stop being put in halfway through games?

If you expect people to do things that they don’t enjoy, just so that they don’t spoil fun for you - you’re selfish. And out of touch with reallity. People who don’t know you couldn’t care less of what you think or what you find fun or not. The sooner you realize that, the better for you :slight_smile:

You have no arguments.
Your LFG story: You don’t like leavers? Go play comp. That’s your argument …

Comp. It’s fun how you keep dodging the answer again and again.

You don’t want leavers? Then play comp.

You don’t want to play comp? Then don’t complain about your “fun”.

You mean like yourself? You don’t like leavers? Play comp.

Last time: play comp or don’t complain about leavers!

Its way to easy to avoide that punishment.
What you need to do is like leave 5-8 games, see the message that you might get the leavers penalty, play like 3 games to clear it and its back to leaving again. And once its so easy to leave a game no one will even care to try.

Meanwile you play any other self respecting team comp game out there and if you leave/rage quit a lot you will be perma banned without even a heads up.

I just wanna ask you, where do we play in a competitive environment without losing SR, every comp game has that one place you can do that. That 100% copy’s the rank’d game mode just doesn’t include the SR/rank gain system into it.

I mean if you are looking for the casual/leavers expirance, you can join aracede or game browser, there is no need for them to drag QP to that place.

The only way to practice for ranked atm is to buy a new account and start doing ranked from 0 so that your main account won’t lose SR, and then you have the fact that some players hate it when people do that (smurf). But i guess bliz likes it when people buy stuff from them.

i can’t believe you losers are actually having a full blown argument here, get a hobby

You can’t get punished by reports for leaving a game. People will just have to suck it up and stay in that game, leaving is bad for everyone. On off hours you might not even have a 6th teammate for like 3-5 min. And when someone join;s hes gonna face vs people who have ults or it will be so late that he might not even leave spawn, that’s not fun since at ohh hours the que time for QP is like 5 min, whaiting 5 min to join a game that will = in a fast lose isn’t fun or wellcome’d. This will change nothing about the reprot system and how it works not sure where you got that idea from.

Leaving games isn’t a nice thing, no matter the reason. If you want to leave then dont even start a game, or play vs bots.

The whole idea of leaving bcs “someone dont pick what i want” is just damn bad excuse. If everyone would use that point then you will never play any matches without 5 or 10 player changes.

For me they should ban people who leave games with other PLAYERS. In that way you ruin game for 11 people. And its easy to check who do it by intention : people who try to test connection, settings or whatever, play vs AI or practice, not QP and leave each time when team lose 1 battle.

No mercy for the worst kind of human being - after “dodging” 10 matches in week i will give first ban for 7 days. Do it again and you got ban for 30 days. Do it again = perma ban. No exceptions - 10 times leave in week is more than enough for normal playing, i dont get that number even in month and im playing on rly bad internet connection and PC older than it should be, lol.

Some may say : “hey, this way we got less players to play with, right?” If we count players who stop playing thanks to leavers (and there is a LOT of them) then we will even gain players :stuck_out_tongue:.

Give me 1 good, logical reason for leaving games. To dodge trolls? In this way you are troll and became the one who you want to dodge. Play with better people? Its hazard - you may leave 100 matches and still dont find “good enough” squad for your needs. Just deal with game and dont run away like coward.

Tip : you cant find it bcs it doesn’t exist.

I forced myself to play QP for an hour. Plenty of people left during the games but the games themselves didn’t change at all. It was still pretty normal, I even enjoyed it a bit because I finally got to play with diamonds+ instead of the potatoes I am forced to accommodate in competitive.

Overall leavers in QP are a huge exaggeration.

Personally, I do not think Blizzard should stop putting players in half way through games. If they did, QP games would quickly collapse and never finish. You’d have one team fight, a player on the losing team will leave and then it’ll be more or less game over as it is now 5vs6 for the rest of the game. While I admit it isn’t great having to back fill onto a losing team, I think it’d be way worse if backfills ceased to exist and qp became a realm of: one team fight = player leaves = match decided.

That being said, I do think more needs to be done to incentivise players not to leave matches in the first place. A while ago, I played an awful, awful match on Numbani. It had so many leavers I actually recorded the match (PS4) and went over the footage to see how many players actually left. I always intended to put it up on the forums as a case study but forgot about it until I saw this post… Any way, this is how the match went down from my notes.

Player A leaves - Spawn Room - 45 seconds till match begins
Player B Joins - Spawn Room - 31 seconds till match begins
Player C - No Hero Picked at Start of Match
Player C - Kicked for Inactivity - 4:13 left on Match timer
Player D Joins - 3:49 left on Match
Player D Leaves - 3:25 Left on Match
Player D Joins again - 3:20 Left on Match
Player D Leaves Again - 3:19 Left on Match
Player D Joins YET AGAIN - 3:12 Left on Match
Player D Leaves AGAIN - 3.10 Left on Match
Player E Joins - 3:00 left on Match
Player F Leaves - 2:59 Left on Match
Player G Joins - 2:56 Left on Match
Player H Leaves 1:35 Left on Match
Player I Joins 1:35 Left on Match
Our Team caps Point A during overtime and stabilizes. No more leavers and we lose the map on point C

Now, I am not saying that game is the norm. The whole reason I recorded it and studied the leavers and entrants into that game was because it felt so weird and unprecedented. But, I do think that game shows there is a problem… heck, problemS. During the course of that map 9 different players swapped in and out of the game (some being brought back in several times over). 9 players is almost enough to set up an entire game all by itself.

If nothing else, this match shows that players begrudge being thrown into matches that are part way through. As far as their concerned, it’s not their fight, they’re not responsible for the mess the team is in, and they shouldn’t have to suffer and struggle to bring the game back because it’s not their fight.

Player D had the bad luck of exiting the game and being forced back in to the same battle 3 times in a row, and pulled out within the seconds of joining. Clearly, he was dead against having to back fill and felt he could confidently quit the match several times in a row, either because he did not fear reprisal, or because he didn’t think he would incur any penalties.

I do not mind the concept of backfilling. From time to time, players will have to leave matches for various reasons. However, having to back fill shouldn’t feel like a norm, nor should players feel they have the right to skip out of matches they just don’t feel like playing.

Whether it be harsher penalties for leavers, a system which prevent leavers from joining other games until the match they left is complete or something different, I do think it is a little too easy to leave matchs on whim. Even if it is just QP, the Overwatch experience is meant to see 6 players fighting it out against 6 other players: not 6 players and an army of fillers.

As a final thought, while it can feel really gratifying when you backfill and help claw your team back from the brink, I can’t help thinking this is a disservice to the enemy team. If they were in a commanding, winning position (either because they have a team comp and the other team doesn’t) it feels a little bad that they should be the one paying through the nose for your team getting a new and (probably better teammate).

yeah, some people’s lack of foresight is seriously disturbing.

Actually, it’s not. There’s no better solution than backfill. If you’re 5 people who want to play to win, and you have 6th that just wants to fool around, what do you get for making that guy stick around? They just leave, you might get player who also wants to win and have a blast game.
Same as if you are 5 people who want to fool around, and the 6th is the guy who want to win. What do you get from forcing 6th guy to play? With backfill, they just leave, and you might get player who wants to fool around and again have a blast game. I would always rather have option for a player to leave if they’re not having fun, then force that player to stay and get frustrated. Frustrated players can’t be of any help to the team. They’ll either throw or actively troll the team.

It will make comp out of quick play. People who want to play to win will report those who are “practicing” and vice-versa.

Well, this just tells me you prob play some of the back-line dps, also known as snipers in QP. Sure, you need people to go front and die, so that you can stay in one spot, and shoot uncontested(because enemies can’t chase you, while they’re killing your teammates, right? :P), but that’s exactly what makes people leave - all sniper comps. No one wants to die over and over again so that their “sniper comp” teammates can get few kills while not even thinking about contesting the objective … because it’s not their job to contest, right?

Nope, you ruin game only for sniping trolls, because they won’t have front-liners to die for them :wink:

Also, not caring about what your teammates think you should play is not nice. Why do you expect people to be nice, when you are not nice? Or only things you don’t do are not nice? Everything you do is nice, right?

I’m not having fun - I’m leaving the game. You want someone to distract enemies dying while you sit back and shoot? Fine, but it won’t be me …

Yes, but you’re probably not one-tricking sniper in QP … Snipers need players to contest the point so they can get kills and talk how pro they are … Once those players realize that snipers are just using them as baits to get kills, they leave and snipers get mad …

Yep, but it’s also made to pick heroes that can contest objective and win … not sit back with sniper and move back as the enemy team advances.

IT won’t you can still leave games, just not to the point that its going on atm.
Like leave 3-5 games a day not 30-50 like its made to be done atm.
And QP needs to be as close as comp as it can if its going to work as a mode that will get people ready for comp.
And in general QP is made to be like comp but just not with an SR system…
At the moment its just way way to easy to constantly leave games.

But mate, that’s just your opinion that comp is a mode only to be played to get ready for comp. It’s not. We have many, many players who only play QP.

Sure, but when you spend all the “leave credits”, you’ll need to report everybody who is making game unfun for you(making you consider leaving), right?
Bottom line is … what difference does it make if we’re playing with 4 players, or 4 players + 1 that is not having fun, and thus doing they’re own thing, whatever that may be? There’s no difference. With back-fill, there’s at least chance to get someone who will play.

I have 500h of QP only on this account please tell me how im the only one who’s asking for it to be more srs.
Casual people have all the modes to play and leave or troll as they want so why must QP be one of them? When they awready made a joke of the arcade mode on top of custum games… you know you can leave custum games without geting that ANY punishments…

you are wrong, i personally brierley brother to report anyone unless they are asking for it… + if i wanted to report someone who made the game unfun il just do it now as it is… Since if someone is forcing me to leave a game and suffer endorse loses its basicly the same… Yet im not reporting people…

Bottom line is that if you wanna be casual they are places to do that…
And making wild hypotesis on that is extreamly false and hyperbolised.
It takes so many people to report someone in a short amout of time for them to be punished, reports dont word like you think… They work like the QP leaving system. IF people report you, and then you do 10 clean games, there reports are of the record. And thats how the automated system works, for someone to be punished they must be reported nearly every game and by at lest 5 people, at that point that guy was up to something.

why don’t you just play comp, instead trying to turn QP into it?
Does a number attached to your name hurt your ego so much?

I play comp, what do i do if i capped my 3 accounts this season? Or if my team is not online?
Play solo que and lose SR or rage at trolls? Don’t think so.

capped? What do you mean? Yeah if your team is not online you just play solo, like everyone else. Your “muh SR” stance is laughable, play for fun.

I got my tank and support account at gm at that point im done with them and trying to get my dps account in there.

Look i respect you opinion that you want to troll but i wont agree with it.
At this point i said all i had on this matter and i don’t have anything more do add.

For me QP needs to be a little more srs since new players learn the game from there and go to rank.
But at the moment they are only picking up bad habits in QP.
And im done with this topic since i have nothing more to add to it.
My vote is for “make QP more srs”. And that wont change no matter what you tell me.

you “muh SR” folks, playing for the sake of a worthless number, are pathetic… “capped accounts”, “dps-account” lmao. If you’re afraid to lose your precious GM rank when you keep playing, thats because you got carried there and don’t belong there, kid.

Like i said i can respect your opinion, but i dont agree with it.
Takes a little maturity i guess.

But again … “if you want to be competitive there are places to do that” - that’s not solution. Best soluton for now is backfill. If they ever create role-queue(but unlike LFG where you just join a group(unusable in certain playing times), but as an extension to matching system), that would prob be better solution for everyone.

Mate, we(both you and me and everybody on this forum) have no idea how reports work. But people do get banned pretty fast from comp for playing “wrong” heroes.

But what to do when it’s all 5 teammates that are not playing how you want them to play? Report all five(2-3 minutes) or leave the game(15 seconds)? But when leaving is not an option …
I mean, these days it’s pretty common to get matched with Widow, Mcree, Ashe, Hanzo, Doomfist/Sombra/Genji/Tracer. What to do? Report everyone for not playing tanks/healers? Stay in the game to do some useless shooting at the barriers? Or just leave? Leaving is better and faster.

As of now its leave or go down to there level. And thats the point i wanted to make with the.

Since for new players its extremely easy to do so without them even realizing it.

I mean with my 500h on QP i picked up on the non proven fact that people just don’t care because they can just leave it so they do stuff like form 5-6 dps teams.

Its like they pick 5 dps hopeing to face of vs other 5 dps and leave the moment the other team is a little better then there’s since they are fully allowed to do that at the moment. They won’t play a better role or hero for a team that won’t to the same for them, and they will just leave if they can do that.

Point is they are about 10 modes for people who don’t want to tryhard and then there is only ranked if you want to tryhard.

At other games you at least have that one mode beside ranked.
That might still get trolls and such but even ranked isnt troll and leaver free as well.
If people can leave ranked, they can still leave QP games once its a little harder, and i just mean i little nothing like in ranked…
Just a slap on the hand so that they know that there not right to do so.