Can you stop being put in halfway through games?

is there a way to stop being thrown in halfway through or at the end of games? my last 5 matches have all ended almost as soon as i got added in and i don’t get why it’s every single time?


stop playing QP is the only solution

lol uninstall the game, never get put in at the end again

Sometimes when I’m forced to backfill in QP, I don’t leave, I enjoy knowing I’m taking the place of someone who quit on this team, so I run in with Zarya, say hello, and do my best to change it all around. Those games, when you backfill and turn the tide on a losing game, feel pretty good.

I’ve also been hit with -xp penalties for leaving backfill games one after another. The trick is to just wait 10-15 seconds, then search again.


i don’t get why you’ve assumed i leave the backfill games? i’ve not implied that anywhere, i’ve managed to actually win a few but a lot of the time i’m put in too late, the other day we got put into a 3v3 at the end so we wouldn’t have even had a chance to play anyway since it was 2 to 2 already, don’t really get the point in that

Oh I wasn’t assuming that you leave backfill games, I was just sharing my own experiences. I also don’t like it when I’m thrown in to a game with 2 seconds left, just to see DEFEAT plastered on my screen.

But yeah, backfill is kinda necessary in QP. I mean how else do you fill up the leavers spots?

Trick is actually to “avoid” one of the teammates before/after you leave the game.

Interesting, I might try that :grinning:

But it takes more time :stuck_out_tongue:

you’d rather like finishing games 5v6 or 4v6, or 3v6… without backfill?

no i mean is there something i’m doing that’s making me be the back fill every time? like i’ve had 5+ matches in a row where i’m dumped in at the last second to just watch “defeat” show up.

Though i do think there should be a limit on when you’re back filled, like if there’s literally seconds left then there’s no point no matter what

bad luck I guess. If you dont like backfilling, play comp. But expect to play outnumbered for the rest of the match in case of a leaver.

Or for 2 minutes more likely.

Those 2 second backfills really suck, and backfill-streaks aren’t much better. Generally, I see QP as warming up in case I want to do comp, and it doesn’t matter that much whether I warm up for 2 games or 1 1/2 that I’m about to lose.

Also: most of the times when you backfill, you might stick with the other 11 people you finished the game with, so most of the time you will get a full game once the half one is finished. Not always, but it’s definitely better than leaving and searching for another (besides, leaving means someone else is put in the exact same spot you were put in, just even worse).

Same here, got lot of match where I come just for the end.
And before some troll say it : Who care about XP ?
I want to play.

People who leave the game before the end should get a strong punishment, QP isn’t an excuse to throw or leave.
When you start a match, you finish him.
If you can’t, then don’t play. Is that difficult ?

wtf is this thread about actually? Nobody wants to play outnumbered, 5v6, 4v6 and so on, so they backfill. How hard is this trivial concept to understand?
If they removed backfill, you’d start complain about 5v6 matches… so please stop whining!


I don’t really understand this … You, like every other player, have like 10 times more time in QP than in comp. Do you consider playing 10 games of QP warm up for one game of comp? Because that’s not warm up, you’ll get tired both physically and mentaly and will likely under-perform …

Not really. What to do when you have classic QP comp of Widow, Doomfist, Sombra, Mcree, Tracer/Genji/Hanzo in defence? Sure, they’re “practicing”, I’m so happy for them … but I don’t want to play with them, and there’s a lot of people who will feel the same way. Should we all be prisoners of people “practicing”?

Well, most of the QP games are trolling games, so why not leave? If you’re not having fun - you leave.

It is. When your teammates don’t plan to play a game of OW but play whatever/however, there’s only one thing to do - leave and try to find people who want to play.


I play only QP.
If you plan to have a decent comp’ use the LFG tool. If not, don’t complain.

Most of the time, even if ppl don’t play meta or regular team comp they do all they can for win.
But they’r always a guy like you who leave the game for ego reason and fk up the game for all other.

Use LFG or go Ranked. Stop ruining the game of 11 other player.

How am I complaining? Play whatever you want, whenever you want it, however you want - but without me.

Ego reasons? Fk up the game? You do realize that you’re accusing people who don’t have fun and leave of spoiling fun for you?

Still don’t get why people like you, who know they’r wrong, keep ignoring the part who directly concern them in the post they just quote.

I’m gonna say it again => LFG WAS MADE FOR PPL LIKE YOU
Big enough ?

But I guess it just make you feel better to blame other right ?
And YES, leaving a game saying “But ppl don’t play what I want” IS complaining.