Can you stop being put in halfway through games?

They don’t care because we’re not competitive community, and OW is not competitive game. They just glued a “ladder” onto it and said “guys, this is competitive game”. We are mostly trolling community, like Rust, etc.


Sure, I’m for making QP more serious - but punishing leavers will not make it more serious…

Its a step in the right direction. No one will take anything seriously if they can just abandon it when they see fit, no matter what they add.

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Wait, people are supposed to take QP seriously? Even arcade is more serious than QP because there are rewards for winning. Mystery heroes and total mayhem are more serious than QP.

You think cosmetics are forcing players to play better?
If so i can see your point but i don’t fully believe that.
Problem is i don’t now much about arcade other then its for fun.
I have really bad memories that have forced me to not even think about joining that mode. Only even bother with it once they are event loot-boxes and i’m gone after i cap.

Put the 9 wins for 3 lootboxes in QP and it’ll become a more serious mode guaranteed.

Sounds like a good deal to me and a good step in the right direction. Might as well not even add a cap. But make it 5 wins 1 box or something like that.
Tbh loot-boxes only matter at event times anyway. And at event it feels like more “casual” players are coming back to the game just for the event. Will help on that as well.

I wish I wouldn’t backfill in to the middle of games all the time. Usually when someone leaves a game its because the game is just one of those unwinnable games where your team gets rolled. Does the matchmaker just put me in these games expecting me to carry them? Should I throw games to make me seem worse than I am?

This thread isn’t about removing backfill. It’s about adding an element of selectivity to backfill so that backfilling players can do something more than select a character before being told they’ve been defeated.

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yeah like if there’s a round left or something then fine but the amount of times it’s put me in a game just to say defeat and show me the enemy team is ridiculous, if there’s less than 30 seconds left then they shouldn’t backfill.

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leaving a game is extremely dishonorable also damn egotistical…
the rest of the team lost a player either because he was a scumbag who left for dishonorable reasons or because of a bad connection (which is acceptable no one can be blamed for that)

If you leave because your backfill then your basically saying screw my fellow players i am more important and i should never ever be inconvenienced let someone else suffer that…

But when your team looses a player are you then going to insist on playing it 5vs6 or 4vs6?

I don’t think so your going to want that backfill! especially if your winning.

this is a matter of solidarity and earning your right to get backfill on your team when your on a team that looses a player.

Leaving is basically never ever ok! it goes beyond dishonorable it is desertion …

And deserters get shoot!!!

In qp, everyone can leave at any time. Dinner might be ready in 3 min. What you do, practice widow aim in qp for those minutes. I don’t see any downside to filling in qp.

Wait wait wait. Not that I agree with that but what happened to all those people that say… umh… let me remind those cute and stupid words…

‘‘is just quickplay’’

Sorry I don’t want to backfill and if is quickplay since in comp I can’t do that (and there is fair to be punished for leaving) I will leave.

edit: also I didn’t see any other player be so generous to switch the missing role in a quickplay, so don’t talk about been selfish. others are then I am too, I won’t backfill or flex anymore for that hanzo or genji player. Now I play only for myself.

Sorry, I tried to ‘‘play for the team’’ for a lot of levels, now I’m done.

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well i which match making would lumb selfish players like you together and us flex players together so we did not have to flex for people who are just being selfish.

Also back fill is like taxes you pay into it just as you get benefit from it… it’s everyones responsability… leaving due to being backfill is like tax evasion… i think the game should queue you up for more backfill if you do that.

death taxes and backfill should be unavoidable.

remove backfill and everyone will complain about the fact that they cannot finish matches because they are suddenly 5v6 or 4v6… and i am pretty sure its going to be the same people complaining about being backfill now.

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sure it is. What you call “selectivity” is removal of backfill, because nobody actually wants to be the one who backfills, yet it you want other people to backfill your matches so you don’t have to finish them outnumbered - the selfishness is strong in this one. Go play comp, there is no backfill, when someone leaves you gotta finish on uneven teams.

i think they could do something to help make backfill more intresting though then just adding a exp bonus…

Like if the payload is at the last stretch and about to move into position and you back fill and come out swining and stop it somehow and get the rest of the team on the defence fast enugh then i think there should be a chanse for that to be recognized as a special POTG…

Hell put in a career profile metric for back fill victories based on the game being close to a loss…

That i think may mittigate some of the frustration maybe?

But still it is sad how many people are entitled and selfish about this…

Really you pay into the system of backfill and you basically never notice when you lose a player most of the time…

that too may be why people get such a distorted view of this subject…

It would also be interesting to see if someone left or crashed too i think people should have a right to avoid as many leavers in games as they want… because those players are inherently unreliable.

That or put that metric into career profile and make that metric public regardless of what you set it too…

lol uninstall the game, never get put in at the end again