Coming Together to Celebrate Pride

Coming Together to Celebrate Pride

From our diverse heroes to our creators, we’re celebrating Pride Month with you, the Overwatch 2 community.

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Coming together to sell you more skins!


From our diverse heroes to our creators, we’re celebrating Pride Month with you, the Overwatch 2 community.

Why not give us a month where you celebrate non-LGBTQ+.
For now, as you’re not being inclusive, I will not be celebrating “Pride Month”…

Keep your skins. Not buying them.


Me neither. I’ll save my currency.


We have this thing called the rest of the year…or all of history.

I’m surprised it took so long for the expected faces to start making weird comments in response to a colourful month.

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I’m surprised that mods took my post as a “real life threat” and removed it when i was just quoting historical facts.


The predictable lot that want “free speech” but are the first to flag and censor people :clown_face:


Seems for this company we are not allowed to say too much things… even here report system is awful.

I wouldn’t blame blizzard. It’s the people below your comment who claim to want free speech… But only if it agrees with their narrow world view.

If not, they just coordinate and mass flag. They’ve done it for ages now. The make troll posts like they’ve done.

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I have nothing against the celebration of pride. But why does it have to be a whole month while other things are usually a day or maybe a week tops.

Every identity has their own awareness week during the year as well, but pride is more of a festival where everything lawful and kind is welcome.

As long as you support those who face prejudice and other negative attention in their lives for their legal romantic (and other legal) interests. You are welcome in pride.

(I specified legal, because some people keep claiming that lqbta+ folks encourage unlawful actions of criminal kinds)

The answer is simple. Why not.

And until people stop being wemps about it, companies are going to keep milking it

Embrace it, enjoy it, and laugh at the people who don’t like it.

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I think the LGTB concepts are celebrated by to many countries/companies to make people used with LGTB people, since they are often insulted or even killed by their life choices.

But that’s a valid point, women’s are also disrespected and barely have rights in some countries too, but why we have Pride Month and a simply Women Day and not women month, I don’t know…


I don’t see any countries in the world where you are persecuted for being straight.

I don’t understand why so many comments talk about “selling skins”… when pride month isn’t literally selling any skins / content for this event. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I think there is a little misunderstanding in this statement. Pride month is not celebrated for a whole month “because it is more or less important than other social struggles”… but it should be seen first and foremost as a peace event open to everyone :peace_symbol:. Yes, even straight people, because that is the point of pride, an invitation to understand this side of humanity. unless you go looking for it, I don’t see someone stopping you on the street to ask what a “non-binary” or “queer” etc. is. just like lunar new year: here in overwatch we have so many asian folklore skins, and it’s just our curiosity to ask ourself “but what’s this name?”. it’s never been a problem, right?

Whoever wants to get informed, do it. In a globalized world, we get informed.

I’ll be honest, I haven’t found any real reasons for “why a whole month”… and so what? I mean, in the end it doesn’t convey any kind of negative message (then obviously those who make an extremist condemnation of it are wrong, on both sides) and it doesn’t seem to me that those who don’t celebrate it find themselves with a pride parade at home. I mean, maybe Christmas is even more invasive with the fact that we see the decorations even on Halloween day itself, right? :sweat_smile: it’s just a rainbow, a symbol of peace. then it’s up to everyone’s common sense to see it as a corporate move… but it’s not even wrong to quote it. Especially for a game that started being talked about 7 years after it came out. :person_shrugging:


That’s because their hate towards the event is lazy and predictable. They haven’t actually bothered to see what going on before being annoyed about it.

We’re allowed to disagree with an event. We’re allowed to be against it, it’s freedom of speech.

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You are. But you don’t believe in freedom of speech. What you want it to spread hate without consequences.

Never flagged your posts champ. Stop being paranoid.

Bold assumption. I’m not spreading “hate”. Just because I choose not to celebrate it, doesn’t mean I’m hating it.

Yeah, of course. :roll_eyes:

Choosing not to celebrate, or engage, that’s fine.

You’ve not done that though. You still decided to engage but with negativity. Negativity that was misplaced as they aren’t selling anything. So “I’ll save my currency” was totally unnecessary and purely for attention.

I live rent free in your head, and it’s left you paranoid. Other people clearly though you were talking nonsense. I don’t even know what post to lost.

Either way, you are in no place to be annoyed about posts being flagged. Maybe don’t do it yourself, then you might have a leg to stand on.

Speaking of paranoid…