Competitive explained


  1. of, pertaining to, involving, or decided by [competition]:competitive sports; a competitive examination.
  2. well suited for [competition]; having a feature that makes for successful [competition]:a competitive price.
  3. having a strong desire to [compete]or to succeed.

That means picking a comp best suited for the situation despite what you want to fixate on playing. There’s a specific mode where you can play just for fun and what you want. It’s called quick play.

In competitive you’re meant to compete, and competing in a changing comp situation your flexibility matters. If you’re instantly locking in as dps or refuse to swap using the argument it’s just a game bro. It’s not, it’s a competitive game.
Meaning you’re suppose to give it your all, and not just casually ruin a match for everyone in your group.

And I’m talking about a huge chunk of the community in almost every SR group.

You think you might be good at playing a hanzo or Genji.
But what good will that do when your comp needs you to play something else? Why persist on playing your favorite hero giving your enemy team the upper hand in any fight.

And another thing…

What’s up with the DPS Moira’s? you’re support, concentrate on healing, only go for kills when you’re guaranteed to kill it, without sacrificing a team mate you should have healed. Which is basically almost never.

And the try hard dps reinhard? that instantly start charging as soon as they see an enemy?

Or the dps that focuses on 1 tank… that keeps getting healed by 2 supports…

All pointless decisions you refuse to change ending up in you losing the match.

Playing Moira? focus healing, that means coalescence too.

Playing DPS? get their support and counter their dps.
Once the support are out the way you can easily deal with the tanks.

3 enemies on the capture objective but you think you can get a kill by chasing a stray Junk rat away from the objective?
Don’t, Objectives>kills.

I feel like 60% of the people I meet in random competitive queues are mistaking this game for call of duty.

I own the game 2 weeks now and even I a fresh newbie know these simple guidelines yet people that have spend more hours in this game seem to still not get it.

It’s really starting frustrate me, as I like the game, but I hate the community.
And it seems these days, that like in every game the community is trying their best to ruin other people’s game experience. As if ruining other people’s fun became the new game of today, as that’s how it feels like.

I have nothing against bad players, if you still adapt and pick the proper comp/counters and are willing to give it your all, I would still commend you.

But if you’re bad and refuse to even change or adapt at all. Than gg you got reported for game sabotage, because that’s what you’re doing. Your stubbornness and misconception of the game mode caused your 5 team members to lose the match and drop in their skill rating. Just because you felt like Genji was the perfect pick to counter a Mei. Or Widowmaker to counter Osira, rather than getting a Soldier that can shatter shields.

Point is, if you’re treating competitive as just a game.
You’re playing the wrong game.
You’re only bringing down other people and yourself included.


I think that we can start flagging your posts for spam.

I think you’re a troubled soul.

I’m sharing constructive information to people who are struggling understanding the concept of competitive gameplay. If you’re immature or unintelligible to understand that simple premise than I do feel sorry for you and by all means, do flag it for spam.

You’re only proving my point of the community being partially rotten to be to actually valid.

No, what you’re doing is being arrogant.

It’s funny since you yourself can’t properly formulate a sentence.

So far every single one of your posts on these forums have devolved into you hating on the opposite party not bothering to reply to criticism. Every single one of your posts begins with you declaring that everyone else is bad/wrong and that they are horrible players.

You’re most likely a troll since they also stop responding to criticism that they don’t have an answer for but please come up with something new.

Has it?

I think my previous post had quite a variety.
One post I was asking for recommendation on a new computer mouse.

Another post I was asking what to expect from competitive mode.

And another post was about me declaring "if you can’t beat em, join em "

You’re mis interpreting and you’re just butt hurt, nothing more.

Out of the 3 posts that you mentioned only one did not fit the criteria.

I mean, you do read what you write, right ?

Do you purposely contradict every single post or just coincidentally. Every post I’ve seen this morning you’ve disagreed with the op with “yOu cAnT fOrM sEnTeNcEs” in about half. No one cares about sentence structure unless you can’t understand by any stretch of the imagination the sentence.

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You also don’t propose any helpful information, such as my post about the valk bh Rez cancel bug you never preposed a fix, just “it’s not a bug” or in the Sombra damage output you just disagreed and proposed top quality ideas like “her ult stops kart moving or point capture”

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He always contradicts me, I’m just correcting his assumptions.

Why are you being so hostile, I’m just sharing insights and teach other new people the principles of competitive game play, stop being so toxic.

I disagree with the things that I find wrong.

As for my comments on sentences I’m pretty sure that you were the only one that I said that too as you were the only one to bring it up in one way or another

You do understand that if something is not a bug it cannot be fixed. What you’re looking for is something to make it easier to handle not a fix.

Oh I remember me saying

I don’t know how that’s a disagreement but hey whatever you say.

I always contradict you because you say things like

-From If you can't beat them, join them

After me saying

You said

Which I once again corrected with

Which you replied with

And when asked about a picture of your game time

you said

All from Silence my brother? - #25 by Marten-2652

There is another one about your sr but the comments are too long to quote so I won’t include it

But you get the point

Ok so they aren’t the most well behaved but I’m just frustrated that you don’t understand that it is a bug!

You’re not correcting anything.
You’re making assumptions and have been harassing me ever since.
If you have nothing to add to this topic’s subject, don’t reply.

It’s clear to me now, you are either offended by what I said for I don’t know, describing your behavior ingame knowing you can’t improve upon yourself.
Or you’re just being a sad person that has to annoy and harass people online.

I bought this game 2 weeks ago now, that makes me new, deal with it.

The community has problem, and you are definitely one of them.

And yes when you passively aggressively replying to my post based on only assumptions you’re being wrong and immature.

And yes I do not annoy people, fun fact I got un silenced last Wednesday guess what? and I went from endorsement 1 to 3.

I even got 5 friend invites last night from 5 strangers I did not know, because they wanted to play more matches with me.

Like I said many times before, you’re only making negative assumptions and you can’t back anything up. rendering your points all invalid.

Sorry that I didn’t add every single detail. But I don’t like to direct every single person on the forums towards the law of large numbers because they feel special.

The reason why I make assumptions is A) because that’s the only thing that one can do with the amount of information that blizzard provides and B) Because I have over 2 years of experience under my belt. I’m knowledgeable about how Overwatch functions because I’ve been playing it since it came out.

This experience includes knowledge of how blizzard handles reports.

As for harassing you, if you think that criticism is harassment than you need to buy yourself a dictionary.

Just because you don’t like what I’ve got to say means nothing. If you are uncomfortable with hearing things that you don’t like to hear than stop making forum posts like these.

I’m neither offended or have stopped improving. But if you want to use that as an excuse than go ahead.

[quote=“Marten-2652, post:12, topic:11554”]
I bought this game 2 weeks ago now, that makes me new, deal with it.
[/quote] Just because your new doesn’t mean that you have the right to say something stupid :sweat:

Or at least you can’t expect to not be corrected.

Accusing someone of being immature
Proceeds with a fallacy

[quote=“Atrophy-21784, post:13, topic:11554, full:true”]

Sorry that I didn’t add every single detail. But I don’t like to direct every single person on the forums towards the law of large numbers because they feel special.

The reason why I make assumptions is A) because that’s the only thing that one can do with the amount of information that blizzard provides and B) Because I have over 2 years of experience under my belt. I’m knowledgeable about how Overwatch functions because I’ve been playing it since it came out.

This experience includes knowledge of how blizzard handles reports.

As for harassing you, if you think that criticism is harassment than you need to buy yourself a dictionary.

Just because you don’t like what I’ve got to say means nothing. If you are uncomfortable with hearing things that you don’t like to hear than stop making forum posts like these.

I’m neither offended or have stopped improving. But if you want to use that as an excuse than go ahead.

You presist on passive agressively comment on my topic.
Trying to counter every point I make based on experiences and statistics seen in-game with mere opinions and accusations.

These are the things you expect from a rebellious teen, not a mature adult.

You wanted to know how many hours I’ve played?
I played 76.
My current level is 78.
Playing competitive and winning matches reward nearly 35% of your exp bar.
And when you’re queuing as group you even get bonuses and getting great in-game personal stats you get even more.

So climbing to a higher level is rather easy.

You assumed I’ve met over 50 people, I think I do now after 14 days.
But that the time of my silence I hadn’t.

As I were spending most of my time actually competing against bots trying to up my aim on widow.

I get endorsement in nearly every match.

I don’t rage, I only give call outs and requests.
Or banter along the active lobby chat, in fact I hardly use the in-game chat, only voice chat.

But still you persist on that I am annoying player that got reported for flaming, insulting etc. Without 0 evidence or fact to back your “speculation”.

I just read one of your other replies on other topic and you always use the same passive agressive tone, You’re always trying to enforce your opinions as facts.

I mean, you literally think cs is a imbalanced game.
The biggest league FPS game ever in existence.
Where personal skill and team coordination = key to win.
Of course it’s imbalanced, because of snipers! snipers that can easily be flashes and smoked off and then killed without effort.

And here I am, a new player recognizing issue within a game’s community giving people the benefit of the doubt by thinking they’re just clueless trying to help them by giving them pointers on what to do in random competitive groups.

And you immediately reply saying “I think that we can start flagging your posts for spam.”

Because you share a different opinion and your opinion is law,
Well at least in your special beautiful mind that is.

Because all you do is spew out opinions nothing more.

you’re level 28 in-game. Yet you have over 900 post on the forum.
You’re not actively playing the game.

I have a feeling you bought the game only to unlock another forum section online. To precede on trolling people on even more online forums.

See that? that’s an assumption I just made based on your behavior and profile stats.

See what I did there? I just did what you’re always doing, interesting isn’t it?
Seeing a reflection of your own behavior.

if you disagree with the points I described in my post than address those and don’t make it a personal flame fest which you are desperately trying to achieve.

Address the topic not your problems with the person behind the topic.

With my own ‘‘based on experiences and statistics seen in-game’’ yes

What I asked for was a screenshot of your gameplay time.

That is 7000 xp a match, something which is something hard if not impossible to get on a match by match basis.

At least when the matches are an average length.

So you were banned after having played less than 4 matches with people ?

People are a terrible judge of their own character. So don’t be too confident on that.

You getting banned and your responses on the forums are my evidence.

Yes, and so far you have refuted my tone but never my arguments. You yourself who accuses me of not backing up my claims never actually does so either.

More so I think that games are balanced and that in cs the awp is unbalanced.

One shot one kill and all that jazz.

Chess which is one of the biggest games ever is unbalanced favoring the person who starts first. You can see this with the fact that a computer that knows every single move will either win or draw Grand masters.

So no just because a game is popular doesn’t mean that it’s balanced.

I didn’t know that people could see through walls knowing the position of a sniper.

You’re ‘‘pointers’’ and ‘‘advice’’ comes over as arrogance.

That’s level 528 mate

Yes but unlike you I actually look at the stats instead of skimming over them.

If you had actually payed attention you would have seen but clearly you didn’t.

You say that but so far you’ve been the one accusing me this entire time.

It’s just a game bruh

A competitive game, and you’re flagged fro trolling :slight_smile: