If you can't beat them, join them

Since this competitive community only exists out of people only wanting to play what they feel like rather than providing a strong and successful comp.

I decided to only play widow from now on out.
I don’t care about my rank anymore, I don’t care about your opinions nor frustrations anymore.

It’s just a game and everyone should feel safe to play whatever they feel like to play.

Congratulations community you made me equally toxic as you are.

I will no longer roll support for people who only roll dps and only try to get kills.

Nope, I’ll just join them and play however I want.
Even though it’s competitive and not casual quick play.
Because it’s what you want.

And Blizzard doesn’t care for releasing any proper MM queue mechanic such as role specific queue.

So you’ll just have to deal with it.

I’m only palying overwatch for 1 week. And I haven’t been this toxic in my entire life before.

Good job.

Git gud


Or you could stop playing solo queue and get random players.

Instead, choose your own teammates by playing with friends or using the LFG feature. That way, your chances of finding cooperative players is a lot higher.


Sombra, Sym and Torb, you can be a great help to your full dps team :smiley: They will love you for it.

I did the same in Season 9 or 10. Got fed up of constantly playing Tanks and Healers as no one else would. Decided screw it and played my mains. Despite playing them well the bad team composition was laughable, went from nearly 2800 to nearly 2100. Since then I’ve been playing in a filling role and I’m back to nearly 2600.

Sucks that to gain SR you need to play Heros you dont want to. Tried the LFG and have had mixed experiences, the first few times I hated it as, the minute the enemy tanks were better than yours you were screwed (I still had to play Healer on LFG). Recently played it and got totally carried by a 4 stack needing 2 healers, I felt useless tbh, anyone in that team could have held ‘heal’ as Moira and won the guys were that good.

I don’t play Comp anymore, I just QP it up and go Widow or Hanzo, the game is actually quite enjoyable again for me which is a good thing I suppose.


Oh I actually don’t mind playing a tank nor a healer.

I just don’t like people going 2-3-1 or 1-3-2 or even worse 0-5-1

I’m not going to support people if they’re only planning on picking a dps.
And since this is always the case, I decided to lower myself and just go with the flow and derank hard.

I’m really looking forward to faceit’s Overwatch platform.
Knowing face-it they will fine tune their match making and actually pair you up with and against people of your own skill level and they might even add role selection to create proper comps.

Hope I’m not wrong.

What holds you back from using LFG instead joining other frustrated players as a frustrated player in solo queue?

It’s a team game where cooperation can make a team significantly better. You can cooperate either by communicating and flexing to a good comp in solo queue or building a team in LFG. I think it’s completely OK if a team does neither and everyone is comfortable with picking their favourites (given that the same hero isn’t the favourite of 2 or more players) but then I don’t understand the frustration…

I played a lot of 5 and 6 DPS matches (and won some of them) and still wasn’t frustrated/angry and didn’t come to this forum to create a post in which I accuse others of making me toxic. I played solo queue and accepted the fact that I might have bad teams without building my own team in LFG.

I’d understand this attitude if there was no LFG and OW wasn’t a team game. And BTW, why do you play ranked if you don’t care about rank? To intentionally screw up the game for those who care about rank? You play a game that frustrates you enough to create this post and then you join a game mode just to ruin others’ experience?

There have always been both kinds of players (those who do something for a win and those who don’t care about anything), you simply decided to join one of these groups without even trying to fix issues. LFG for example works well if someone wants to play one specific role.

They were talking about this, you should do some research before accusing them of not caring. Role queue is a more complex issue than most players think.

Many people play it for much longer than 1 week and still not toxic.

I don’t think it’s the game that makes people toxic. They are toxic by default or playing the wrong game that makes them angry (but what’s the point of playing a game that makes someone frustrated/angry?).

If you have such a bad opinion about the game after 1 week of gameplay then why do you play it? Games are supposed to cause pleasure not frustration. There are endless alternatives when it comes to gaming.


‘‘Like I said in my post and I am certain a non-salty socially mature person’’


Lol I am sorry but who even cares? Are you are here to announce to the world that you are no longer playing support? Because no one cares. You are not the first and wont be the last. And why do you sound so mad? I dont understand how you can sit there and claim that you stopped caring while being absouloutly furious about the fact you are no longer able to feel good playing support. I bet you are really mad which shows that you actually really care. If anything this has probably helped you so now you can use the mechanical dps skills you might learn from widow in other games.

I will deal with it.

And thank you for telling me I did a good job

The git gud part is kinda cringe but I mean I guess I will try to get better.

I hope I won’t meet you in a match.

Hmmm I love my meals with salt, thank you for giving yours.

Just spreading awareness of a reoccurring never ending problem.
If you choose to answer this with hate and toxicity be my guest.

Have you tried using the LFG feature yourself in EU region?

It’s filled with non-English speaking users or with kids looking for someone to boost them. And most of them doesn’t even know you can specifically “LFG” for Competitive, they just keep every filter setting as default. Another way to find these kids is by looking at the Custom Games browser at night, nearly every single Custom Game is just “AFK FARM, PRESS W!!!”.

And no, before you tell me there is a way to search for players closer to your SR in the LFG system, SR in Overwatch overall is not working. I have friends who are really bad at Overwatch, but still somehow end up in Top 500. I have a friend who mains Mercy, they got nearly no gamesense at all. They rarely notice when they are being flanked or shot even. They don’t use audio to detect enemies around them trying to flank, and usually just die. But somehow, this player have landed in Top 500, because they’ve been boosted. This friend of mine is a Turn-Base Gamer, Overwatch is the first FPS competitive game they’ve played and somehow land in Top 500. And there are many, MANY, more players just like my friend that land in ridiculous high ranks with near to no real effort.

And of course there are also really good players who are stuck in Platinum, maybe even lower because they keep being dragged down by throwers, leavers, and/or bad players. This has been an issue since the release of Overwatch Competitive.

And it’s even worse because even if you manage to better yourself, maybe upgraded your PC and/or mouse and have now taught yourself to aim really well. Nope, you’re still gonna land near the same SR you ended last season. Even if you carried your way through your placements matches and won every single one of them. That’s how Overwatch SR works.

I agree LFG on EU and the EU servers are pretty death. Especially on off hours.

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How do these players affect your gaming experience when you play in completely different ranks? It’s the same as in real life: you can become rich easier if you have a rich friend.

Per player SR is much more inaccurate than per-team SR could be but most players are casual and interested in per-player ranks and random teams instead of forming stable/permanent teams that could have more accurate team SR. It’s inaccurate because your personal SR depends on a lot of team related variables that you can’t control in solo queue.

Overall, it’s working, but less accurate. The exceptions (like boosted players) don’t prove the opposite.

If you play in random teams then there are a lot of random factors that can affect the speed of climbing significantly. You have to play 50-100 hours per season in solo queue to get a more or less accurate picture of what’s going on. By building a good team it’s possible to climb much faster.

By grouping up with people and trying to find players that are good and compatible with you it’s possible to eliminate a lot of random factors (that are normally present in solo queue with random players in every match) and that can improve your winrate significantly. I’m not talking about finding smurfs. I’m talking about finding a good rein, a good dva, a good moira, etc… In your first match you might find nothing. In the second you might stumble upon a good tank. Etc… For me it was sometimes a very good full team immediately. This is a team game and if you think about it as a solo and want to climb that way, it might be significantly harder and slower.

Of course it’s dead. “Normal” people are sleeping and most players are casual who don’t want to group up with anyone so they don’t even try to use LFG.

That was an example that ranks in Competitive mean nothing. There are good and bad players in every range of ranks.

I’ve played in Gold to Diamond. I didn’t climb to Diamond because I got better. Sure I may have gotten better, but that’s not the reason for me climbing. The reason for me climbing is that I got lucky and was matched together with other competent players. Reason I even was down in Gold was because of incompetent players.

My point is that there are bad players who are in the wrong SR, just like there are good players who are in the wrong SR. If there can be a player with barely any FPS-gamesense in Top500, how well is the SR-system really working?

Yes, if you can build your own team of competent players, then of course you would and will climb faster. But not everybody have that luxury. So we have to rely on Blizzard creating a working matchmaking/SR system, which they’ve clearly failed.

They have a SR-system they seem so proud of though. But it’s really bad. There’s this hidden MMR ranking system that just basically puts you where you ended last season. And it does the same to throwers/leavers. So these incompetent players/throwers/leavers are just gonna be everywhere.

I personally play because I enjoy it and try to make the best of a given situation. I had fun even with some 5-6 DPS matches. Never understood those who find SR very important but still try to grind it the most difficult ways possible and become frustrated/angry.

In solo queue there are a lot of team related random factors. A few hundred SRs of fluctuation isn’t a surprise for me. This is why I said that one has to play 50-100 hours per season to get an idea which climbing methods work best and what SR range he/she is floating around.

However, if someone wants to climb efficiently then grouping up with competent team mates is the way to go. Win rate can be close to 100% just by being grouped up with 2-3 players who are good at their roles. That way it’s possible to gain hundreds of SRs within a single day for those who are actually good and find climbing/ranks so important. I’m not saying that SR is unimportant for me when playing competitive but if I play solo queue that is an inefficient way then I have lower expectations and I don’t become frustrated from a loss streak. It’s natural when playing the lottery.

Everyone has that luxury. Anyone can group up with others but casual players prefer not to do so and going solo with random team mates in the next match even after a match where they had competent team mates. Random players in every match will always mean more or less random quality (lottery) compared to a stable handpicked team.

You will always get from these players with an automated matchmaker. I’m afraid the magical matchmaker most players dream of simply doesn’t exist. People play this game with very different goals (for example Joe might want to learn a new hero and he will unavoidably “throw”) and you can guarantee people with the same goals as yours only by grouping up after finding one.

Widow is the worst pos character in low brackets, completely useless for the team. Bronze is filled with 0kill widows which cannot aim, they just play it because… hm maybe because it makes them feel better that they don’t die trying to snipe from the back while the whole team gets wiped over and over again.

With an attitude like this you will stuck in bronze forever.

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Actually according to Overbuff there are 18 heroes with a higher playrate than widow. So no it’s not exactly filled.

Not on the other servers like KR or NA people don’t sleep there. EU is just weak when it comes to gaming. Its much more casual.

Casual? Surely you meant trolling and egocentric/selfish social disorders?

Why else would you pick a 3rd dps in competitive, people who do that are clearly losers and want to remain losers.


Definition: As good as or better than others of a comparable nature.

That means picking a hero the best possible outcome and not pick the hero you feel like playing.

Call it how you want.
I’m never solo queing for rank on this game ever again.
Eu is just trash when it comes to comp gaming its not that just that people play what they are stuff like language barriers, lack of trust etc.

From my personal experience players play a easy/skill-less hero like until they hit 3,5-4k and at that point that stop caring and doing whatever they want. I personally think that every role needs to have its own ranking system just cause its easy to get 4k by spamming drooling heroes and then start playing something out of there league and setting the account on hidden. Stuff like this are the reason im not solo queing every gain. Might try it out when/if role que hits live but even so one bad teammate is enough to have everyone on tilt. Pick’s matter to an extent for the core of a any team but i just don’t believe that a 4k brig or 3/3 team comps, players like that don’t needs to have the option to pick Mccree/Widow at 4k…
Some people like that freedom i think that it’s extremely bad.
Honestly not even sure how people have the courage to play solo anymore… takes nerves of steal. Especially on the weekends…