Cross-Play is Coming to Overwatch!

Very bombastic and spectacular, with the text in bold, to highlight that spectacular reasoning.
The problem is when you look at that reasoning from the other side: on consoles the game has adapted to the players, how curious.

Now it turns out that the difference between playing with a controller or with KBM are prejudices. “Prejudices” for which precisely on the console they can deactivate cross-play. “Prejudices” that serve a console gamer to avoid an entire platform (PC). Or is it that these “prejudices” are good depending on which side you are on?
If it had been the other way around (mandatory cross-play on consoles), would you also agree and continue to praise Blizzard? Something tells me no (and in that case we would both agree). It’s the difference between you and me: one sees the same thing from both sides of the glass, the other doesn’t.

What I have been talking about from the beginning is applying the same standard to all communities. Equal treatment, as we have all paid for the game. Something very simple to implement and that is to the benefit of all players, or rather should I say consumers.
In any case, if you want to justify Blizzard’s unjustifiable decisions, I won’t be the one to stop you. Keep doing it, take advantage while those decisions are to your liking. Sooner or later they will cease to be to your liking, perhaps then you will understand what this whole conversation was about.

I am not going to insist any more on this topic. I think the two positions have become quite clear.
Whoever wants to understand, do it. And the rest, enjoy the cross-play (maybe the next occurrence is not so funny).

P.S. I am overwhelmed by the proven innocence when it comes to smurf accounts. As if you couldn’t create a smurf account on the console and link it to a new, different account. Or directly unlink the linked console account and link one of the infinite smurf.
Yet another reason for not arguing with you further, your position is completely biased, prone to accepting without criticism everything that comes from Blizzard. Perhaps I am the opposite case. In any case, we will never understand each other.

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I have a suggestion:
Why not have for all 27/twentyseven or
36/thirtysix characters like a Exclusive
Skin/costume change with the PS/Xbox or Switch logo as the tattoo with some of the heros notably Roadhog,Torb & Junkrat
With the consle colours Xbox Green,White,Gray & Black

PS: Blue

Switch: Red,White & Black
More a suggestion & Console exclusive
Logos for account edit thanks
I hope i made a point thanks

Oh man, this better be exciting. So, any console players willing to hit me up for some arcade rounds?

Dont pivot or run away dude, that statement is personally directed towards you.
The game is implementing a change and you dont want to deal with it, mostly because your predjudices. Thats it.

You got called out and you cant refute a single statement I said or ANY of my reasonings.

I dont praise anyone dude, I am just not crying over something that barely affects me and its not a big deal at all. You are ultra hyper mega over reacting because sometimes, you will get random dudes from console on your … Arcade games? maybe in Quick Play?
OMG the experience is RUINED! Ok dude, keep over reacting and over exaggerating, that will do you well in life.

Console vs Console have Aim assist, Console+PC vs PC dudes DONT so its clear:
The minority of Console players willing to play without aim assist will be on a disadvantage, therefore you, as a PC player wanting them out is a clear discrimination based on “potential skill caps”.

Again, if you want to discriminate SO HARD based on skill … PLAY COMPETITIVE.
Be consistent. You either CARE or NOT CARE. If you do - Play comp. If you dont - Stop posting and complaining.

Again dude, you are stuck on a loop.
Someone has to be the baseline. Some MM pool have to be there no matter the “settings” player has and that is the PC one because the vast majority are there.

You dont have a point from a logical view and you are trying to appeal to “feelings” and do “justice” because “its not fair they cant disable Crossplay and we cant”, when the truth (again) is that you dont want players with “less aiming capabilities” on your team.

Thats it.
You are not promoting “justice”, YOU are promoting being able to “discriminate” when clearly the ones taking the hit when using crossplay are the console players.

PS: You are the one that is 100% biased dude. You cant refute any arguments and start acting righteous and trying to virtue signal and over exaggerate something that is not an issue at all. Since I cant fight denial and its getting annoying, just stop repeating yourself and dont “respond” to my posts like you are refuting something :You are not.

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I am full on your side.
I want the option to choose when I play vs/with Console.
I have no problem when Console group with PC and play togehter.
But than make them only matched against other PC/Console Duos
/groups. And when I group with Pc player we play only in PC player lobbys. Like all time.
Or give us the option to say deativate Crossplay for Pc.
Don´t make it like the other stupid Companys that make it for PC-player the no Option option. I dont want play with Console player that have no Aim assist in Bronze. Its already hard enough with MnK Dps that hit nothing.

Most of the time they will. Which is why you don’t need it.

On a rare occasion you might have to… but you are playing QP so what is really the issue.

Other than PC player elitist mentality.

Sounds like you spend too much time worrying about other players… if you are bronze, you have bigger fish to fry.

If I’m playing with someone that’s on pc will I be able to plug in a keyboard and mouse into my Ps4 and be able to use it?

With the correct adapter, yes.

So what your telling me is that I need to buy another item to use my keyboard and mouse?


As it always has been the case for OW on PS4.

can get a cheap one for about £16 on Amazon.

But if your allowing k&m through a adapter wouldn’t it make it fair to just allow it with out an adapter


They should be allowing it, but sadly they don’t.

Personally, I’d be soft forcing it. Make crossplay universal and tell people to get on with it.

Sadly, OW1 on console doesn’t let you use it, you need the adapter to trick the system (Jeff often called it cheating, but they couldn’t stop people). OW2 hopefully will allow it freely.

Totally agree with BattleCattle here, they need to get with the times like other games which now allow native KB&M. For now people will use XIM and I don’t blame them.

This does not really improve matchmaking quality at all. How the hell I am 2900 but match with someone 1600? They just afkd at base and when I asked why, they told me they are reading skill description wtf…

I do still have a fun games but mostly badly win or lose game (too easy to win or impossible to win). So it is not worth my time any more.

I really hope the team can redesign in overwatch2 to remove the gap between classes and so less people just want to play DPS and easier to do matchmaking.