Current state of high rank

Comboing 2 ults isnt spamm. Please.

He counters mai actually.

Just the fact that you use emojis shows me your age and rank.

Their isn’t one that works for high ranks.

Pros dont suck, if your better why are you in low ranks?..

in low rank.

one tricking is bad, like i said, won’t even waste time debating this.

Rein and Zarya are next to Lucio when it comes to ban phase in high ranks, just the fact that you think that they aren’t shows how disconnected low rank is from the game.

But you do want the game to be balanced for every right right? Well thats how you do it, Since believe it or not gaots and 4/2 teams are the best thing you can play right now.
Only reason Brig is getting nerfd. And you can be sure that they’ll nerf them more because they aren’t getting played less even after the armor change… that was ment to force them to play them less… you know the armor change that everyone made out to be a big deal yet it changed nothing…

I’m sorry but every time i play in low rank i just stump games… Because the other team are just bad and bad is a light way of describing there skill.

Yeah just like everyone who has an agenda you ignore real statistics.

They are 6 supports, but its fine that Lucio gets pick’d x10 times more then the rest of the supports.

I’m actually done discussing with you, you ignore facts and statistics, you don’t know anything about high rank and only talk about some made up scenarios where Pharah or Junkrat are good heroes for high rank… Ill just state the sooner and later Blizzard will nerf them more, because we all know that, stuff aren’t meta for ever. Just like Mercy, Dive and Sniper meta was nerf, that’s how multi tank will be. Like it or not.

I’ll refrain from debating with you since all you’ll do is say:

The fact that you think that Mai counters Lucio is enough for me to lose all the fate i have in debating and i can’t say i didn’t saw it coming.

Its so obvious how low ranks think its painful.
But ill ask you one thing for the end.
Show me proof the Mei is a counter to lucio. At lest do that.
Because for mei to slow she needs to be next to the other team. But when Lucio needs to speed, he needs to be next to his team, where is safe. And that makes a world of difference.

And i love how you have the audacity to call the best players in the game “bad” that makes so much sense. Yet you’ll lose to them 10 out of 10 times.

He counters mai actually.

You don’t believe this… no… not even on this forum…

Just the fact that you use emojis shows me your age and rank.

Oh god you’re right, I’m 45 and GM rank!

Their isn’t one that works for high ranks

Right… only works for the bad players, doesn’t work for good players.

if your better why are you in low ranks?

Throwers, but honestly I don’t mind my rank if being higher would leave me like the people already there: completely detached from reality.

one tricking is bad, like i said, won’t even waste time debating this.

Then you’re admitting that it’s not bad? Ok.

And you can be sure that they’ll nerf them more because they aren’t getting played less even after the armor change

“Let’s keep nerfing heroes despite the fact that the nerfs don’t work! Anyone who suggests an alternative solution is just a silly low-rank with no idea how to play!”

just like everyone who has an agenda

My agenda is a good game, sorry if that conflicts with yours.

its fine that Lucio gets pick’d x10 times more then the rest of the supports

Maybe if you didn’t keep demanding nerfs to Mercy and Brigitte people would use other supports?

Show me proof the Mei is a counter to lucio.

You literally asked for a hero with a slowing effect, which is Mei’s entire utility. She hard counters mobility.

Yet you’ll lose to them 10 out of 10 times.

Unlikely, I’ll just pick something that’s countered by Pharah, and they’ll demand a nerf xD

Your agenda is that dps stays in the trash bin.
I’m aiming for everything to get = use in every team.

Mai can’t go to a fully speed lucio team with 3 tanks and 3 support and just start “slowing them”. If you don’t know what will happen to the mei then i can’t help you. On top of that Zarya is part of that team. A rein shield exist. They move faster then mai thanks to lucio. And all they need to do is look at mai and hold M1 to destroy her.
Unless that mai has a lucio on her side, she cant even escape from them…
If mai was a lucio counter then she’ll at lest have 1/10 of his pick rate.

Your agenda is that dps stays in the trash bin.

So it’s finally revealed, you’re actually a DPS main that’s upset… no I don’t want to hurt DPS, just because you want to hurt tanks and supports doesn’t mean we want the opposite.

Mai can’t go to a fully speed lucio team with 3 tanks and 3 support and just start “slowing them”.

So pick a Lúcio on your team… problem solved.

Unless that mai has a lucio on her side, she cant even escape from them…

HA! Got you!

If mai was a lucio counter then she’ll at lest have 1/10 of his pick rate.

As I’ve explained the pick rate does not mean that a hero is bad, it means that pros are bad at them.

This words can’t even go together like at this point im just sure your trolling me since you can’t have this logic. Pros = bad reall? Please stop bating me in to replying.

Thats the main problem… You have to play the same 2-3 team comps in high rank if you want to climb and not get destroyed but i’m sure since your one tricking them your fine with that fact and is just blindly defending them, ignoring statistics non the less. Like good luck countering lucio with a mai and having a dps on the team, maybe try not picking dps and you might hit a higher rank.

I guess you can look at the whole thing like this.
Goats is for high rank what reaper is to low rank.

And a ban phase will solve this.
Damn are we getting somewhere?
You can’t paly goats without Lucio.
And you can’t play Reaper… well without Reaper.
If Reaper and Goats heroes are getting ban’d non stop.
Then that means its nerfing time.
Without having to listen to the community.
Since you’ll see everything from there ban’s.
Unlike now where everyone has a different opinion.

I mean, I like the idea of a ban system.
I believe Jayne has showed that it works pretty well.
But i cannot control what the developers do.

Speaking of high elo the majority is mid to low elo how about balancing game around them more to suit there play style, im baffled that game still has no good standard coms that suited for region with 23+ languages like dynamic shotcall button group up button, yes we have voice yes we also have language barriers, anyone that says otherwise does’t realize this forum is all English you won’t find non English users here so its not fair to say there no language barrier, text chat should never be used for coms, commonly used coms that present in voice should be baseline features like shotcall button that is dynamic based on what you target x hero is here or low or group up button that says regroup engage and fallback based on situation.
Or how about preference based matchmaking like allowing players to set there languages spoken on profile as preferences, just cos everyone uses private profile does’t mean it can’t be used it can be used by the matchmaking which can see any profile, and doing language based matchmaking should’t be to hard.

Why not making a topic on that. I won’t discuss low SR here because everything is op once no one knows how to play nor can aim.
I’d love it if you discuss about the current topic and not try to derail to low rank(go off topic).
They are 3 topics currently talking about low ranks and 1 who’s talking about “all the ranks and game mods”.

Pings and faster shot calling options have been ask’d before as well.
Even thou they will be a lot less effective then voice chat. I can agree that they will feel good in the game for casual play.

Ping system can be in any language you like and would have huge potential to fix the language barrier problem, all they have to do is record some voice calls on each language im sure community gladly wants to help with that to increase quality of the game.

Yeah but.
90% of this games problems can be fix by:
“All they need to do”
And its been 3 years and its not done.
Like i said, pings and the other stuff has been ask’d for ages.

Jeff stated they had tried a ping system in the early days of development, but it had issues.
Also said “It would be fun to revisit the system and see if we could make something like that workable”

Just like they said that Role que will be a thing.

And that hero ban will be a thing.
More so this just gives false hope.
I refuse to believe at this point.
People have ask’d for this quality of life changes since season 1…

There’s a difference between saying “It would be fun to revisit the system” and “We will add this system.”
So far I’ve not heard them make promises to actually implement the systems people have been asking for. Rather they have just acknowledged the ideas.

Isn’t LFG already a role queue? If you want to be locked into a role find a group which enforces that, don’t force it on everybody else.

LFG take a lot of time for high rank. Its even more dead at the time i play. And i mainly want role que to fix the 3/3 comps without nerfing heroes to the point that they will only be good in 3/3 comps like brig.

Selfish. Not everyone wants to be stuck playing a single role.

If they like EU and Asia and wanna adres language barriers over here they eventually have to make changes to matchmaker but that alone won’t fix it we need good basic com features that is not limited by language barriers, can’t have players swear at each other or be silent at each other for not understanding each other.

I disagree its far more selfish to switch of tank and heals just cos the dps is bad to throw the game and yes that 90% of the time does more harm then good i will not deny that its not always the case tho, however regardless it gives unfair experience for those that wanna pickup dps which why there should be role based SR anyway sometimes that dps is like plat/diamond player but a GM player on tank or support, he cant have fun playing dps because the system forces him to play only he’s best heroes, it’s not fair let alone balanced, sometimes you got to play what others want, but no one does that so you eventually stuck playing just tank and healer instead of what you want, it’s not the players fault its the lack of proper matchmaking role queue and role based SR etc.

Just like its not players fault that no one talks sometimes there are language barriers, imagine ping system in this game that is good enough to make basic shot calls group up retreat calls based on what button you press, the ping system would speak in everyone’s own based language preference, suddenly players become less hatefull and toxic towards each other.

Not to mention having option to set or language preference on profile so matchmaking can find team mates that understand each other rather then fight each other, and when takes to long well that’s why we need better voice com features like ping system as for example, cos its not bound by a language barrier if Blizzard choose to they could have each language covered for just those features.

I mean people are on the same 10 heroes anyway won’t be noticed that much.
Its not selfish to take a side, just like they removed no hero limits.
I enjoy’d 4 Winstons 2 lucio teams :(. That stuff was bananas.
This video sold overwatch to me.