Does anyone else find competitive too toxic to play?

I have been called everything while playing overwatch, the N word, the homophobic F slur, and just generally awful and abusive language. This isn’t every now and again either, its very game… “You F***t healer, why aren’t you supporting me", "why is it that only Fgs play this game now?”. Every single game. I’ve reported countless people and I have not seen anything come of it. Do you support this behaviour blizzard? Do you agree with these views? or are you too afraid to deal with it because you know that so many of these gamers are toxic, and by banning them you’d lose money?

I love this game, but as it stands currently playing competitive is just unpleasant and gross, and I don’t think I’ll be able to continue playing if this isn’t sorted. I have seen countless discussions about this, so why is nothing being done? It is nothing short of pathetic.


This game is FAR more toxic than any other game I’ve ever played. The only thing you can do is mute and report.


The game is toxic, but that is nothing unexpected, and it isn’t any different to any other online game/platform.

You give people the ability to be anonymous and their worst traits will come out.

As “too toxic to play”, I dont think so. I have match chat perma turned offI, and if people in the team start with their rubbish I just mute them.

If you’re feeling braver, when people in your team start getting toxic at someone, distract them by doing dumb things in the game. If they want to be that toxic, might as well make them work harder for the win.

I like your mind set, I often mute them because it’s never anything helpful or something I really want to listen to, but I’m always left thinking “why should I have to mute players on my team for being racist because I didn’t want to support their little suicide charge into the enemy backline”.

I don’t believe in throwing the game tho, I don’t wanna be that petty, but then again, do the homophobes deserve my courteousness? no not really

Last night I was playing open que ranked, my last placement…

There was a duo on my team that immediately started flaming someone for having a diamond border and “still only being plat”. This went on for a good 10 minutes before, before i just stopped caring. Picked a hero I don’t play and used the time to practice.

Not throwing, but not going out of my way to help them.

Overwatch is one of the most fun and most satisfying games I’ve ever played and I only play competitive mode.

the way I see it when it comes to toxicity, it’s merely a numbers game. If the majority of games I play involve toxicity and nasty people, I would probably not play this game as much and probably wouldn’t join vc as much as I do. I love using vc and shot calling in comp because it gives me the actual real feeling of how Overwatch was designed to be played.

For example, out of maybe 10-20 comp games, I’ll only experience one which is really bad and has nasty people who just want to cause trouble and spread their misery to others.

So the way i look at it, 1/10 games not being great is doable. I can just block the bad apples and remove them from my player pool and move on. Simple.

Now if it was the other way around and 9/10 Overwatch games included toxic players, racism, bullies, etc. I might have uninstalled a long time ago, but it’s a small minority of games for me so it makes sense to just ignore it and not let the words of an insecure anonymous nobody get to us. They are not worth your time.

Focus on the good in this game. There is much more of it than there is the bad, trust me.

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It’s because it’s a team game, a team of 6, even one person in that team can lose it for them. I guess that’s why OW is a toxic game.

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the reason why people are overly toxic i think especially in overwatch is because people take the game too seriously for what it actually is.
it’s very explosive with very unbalanced results in the short term that ultimately balances itself out in the long term, which means that games are gonna be crazy and feel like it’s out of your control for most of the time but it’s extremely entertaining because it is that crazy, but it’s also extremely frustrating.

hence the toxicity.
someone is bound to be more toxic when they are all riled up.

Just toughen up a bit. This is not just an OW issue, it’s an internet issue. If they banned every player that has ever been abusive to someone in an online multiplayer game they’d hardly be anyone playing anything. I’m not condoning it, but it’s just a part of the experience. Your best options are just ignore it and move on, or give it back. Either way, letting it bother you is the worst thing you can do.


but i do think it’s a bit too overdone in overwatch, it’s almost like these kids think they will win a medal for being extra towards others, i don’t get the same feeling of endless barrage of salt from other competitive games like league or dota or counterstrike.

but i also do think the “hey can you guys stop” just stokes the fires on this flaming trashpile more than it needs too.

i’m just surprised at this point that both sides has buckled down to continue playing it and endure each other.

it’s almost like they are addicted to the drama more so than the game now.

Agree. There are some that just have zero filter.

But also think there are too many people just reporting anything as “abusive”.

Needs to be a happy middle ground. Being annoyed about something isn’t always being toxic.

Too many snowflakes on this game.

Snowflake according to the Collins Dictionary…

the young adults of the 2010s (born from 1980-1994)

So, anyone aged 11-21… The core of the games player base are “snowflakes”

Stuff like this is why I won’t touch voice chat anymore. It just isn’t worth it (no one in my rank is saying anything useful anyway.)

Some people love the banter, but I personally can’t stand it. If I wanted to be called every name under the sun through a headset I’d go back to customer service, at least there you get paid for dealing with that rubbish.

Blizz ban in waves, so you may not see a result for a while after reporting them. It also takes time for an account to accrue enough strikes against it in order for the system to take action.

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You need to learn the meaning of the word because that’s not it rofl.

May say it on Wiki, but that’s not what many people think it’s what it means…

You need to learn to read.

Not sure how you missed “according to the Collins Dictionary”. And was the original definition of the term. Because before trolls got their mitts on it to misappropriate it, it was “the snowflake generation”

“rofl”. Kids with their internet speak.

You need to listen…

Yes I didn’t know the “Real meaning” and I’m sure many people don’t know, they don’t google it like you because they believe the term “Snowflake” is someone that’s easily offended and offended by everything.

So yes.

Listen to the typed word… Ok.

In the sense you are trying to use it… ie the informal… it is derogatory. Thus toxic…

So calling people a toxic name, for being toxic in game… is a little strange.

But if you don’t know the real meaning of something, you probably shouldn’t use it, otherwise you will continue the echo chamber effect and lead more people to believing something that is wrong.

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The only thing strange here is you my dude.

See. You are being toxic.

Come on now. Just be nice.