Does getting a 144hz+ screen actually help?

If a pro beat me, it’s because they are a better player… That’s a silly thing to say.

But it gives you a slight advantage in matched battles.

Going higher FPS is good for more than just OW. Warzone looks amazing at 300fps. My Xbox Series X can play at 120. Improves video quality on YouTube/streaming.

It’s all small wins. Might be very small in some cases, but every little helps (as someone once said)

If you can’t afford then that’s a different discussion, you should always stick to a budget. But I will always recommend getting the best you can afford.

Doesn’t sound like it considering the responses you have or you’re doing something wrong from the list I provided. Yes I can tell the difference very much, especially at 10x speed because like I said, the image is so much smoother and sharp. That’s the whole point of that .gif.

That comparison goes nowhere and it seems like you don’t know what you’re talking about. That movie, or any movie has no benefit from watching in high FPS because it’s already drawn in a fixed, low FPS. Video games are drawn (rendered) in real time over and over, no matter how much you walk the same route, almost everything is drawn from scratch (exception: cut scenes). That’s why video games benefit from high FPS and high refresh rate.

I got a 144hz monitor but for a totally different reason: I can see screen refresh rates (thanks to autism I can see screens and lightbulbs flicker.) It is really nice to play without feeling like I am also in the worst disco ever.

The result has been less eyestrain and fewer headaches. It hasn’t made me a pro player, but I can now at least hit some shots I would definitely have missed on my old 60hz.

Getting a 144hz monitor actually messed up my aim for a few days, because on my old monitor I was aiming where people were going to be (as opposed to where they actually are on my screen.)

There are far fewer “there is no WAY that missed” moments. But I attribute any climb to an improvement in gamesense rather than hardware.

As an aside: why a laptop and not a desktop? Is it space or budget? Because gaming laptops and gaming PC’s often share a similar price tag. And a great screen is nothing without a great GPU to back it up (kind of like hooking up a high def TV screen to an ancient games console… the screen will only do so much.)

Finally: always be mindful of your parents budget for such things. You can find really decent monitors/PC’s etc that do what you need them to do for a price that suits, but you need to do your research into it first. If you ask your parents for something and they just google it, chances are they’re going to be faced with an eye-watering pricetag and say ‘no’ immediately.

it is a night and day difference . it has helped me in overwatch as well as world of warcraft


People saying it doesn’t matter, have no idea what they’re saying.

I went up litterally 500 SR in a few days after swapping to my first 144, and if I ever go back to 60hz it looks laggy.

I’m now using a 240hz which is much less of an improvement from 144 than 60-144.


Not surprising. 60 → 144 is 140% more FPS , 140 → 240 is only 66.66% (repeating of course) more FPS

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Who said I don’t?

I would suggest not assuming reasons for things you don’t know are true.
I use a 1440p 144hz ips viewsonic panel, but go off I guess.

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i’ve provided in-game example of the differences, now i wouldn’t be able to make out the differences in how it would serve my needs to have a higher fps count, but i do advocate for a steady 60 fps at the very least because fps drops is more affecting than having 144 fps for me.

you do understand people watched movies in 60 fps for a long time on CRT monitors and then settled for 30 fps on flat screen monitors for a period of time right?
hell most console games ran at 30 fps for a long time it’s only now they are actually catching up to pc hardware somewhat to atleast 60 fps.

yes videogames benefit from higher fps rates, but only if you have the hardware to run it and have everything else that you could possibly need to take advantage of that, like a fast internet connection, input lag from various peripherals on your mouse and keyboard.
response time from your monitor etc, etc.

this is also why i advocate for connected devices and not wireless as wireless peripherals come with higher input latency.

and on the subject of actually getting advantages, why invest into a better monitor if your sound quality is so poor that you can’t pin point where everything is, sound is to me more important than having a high fps.

i’m just saying that 144 fps is not a deal breaker, there’s a lot of things you could do with that money that would improve your experience, probably more so than get a slightly faster framerate.

for example what chair you’re sitting in could affect your performance aswell, the ergonomics of your seating position, the size and quality of your mousepad and so on.

but yeah let’s just hyper focus on one thing that could improve your experience over everything else.

it really depends on what you’re actually looking for, as they stated they were looking at a laptop with a 140hz, and i cannot for any sense in me say that’s a reasonable thing to buy.
there’s just so many other things that would be better in my opinion.

i gave them the example to make their own mind up if it’s really that important to them.
for me honestly i’d rather have a more powerful pc with 60 fps over a laptop with 140 fps.

I’d always say, stick to what you can afford.

144fps is better than 60. That is a fact.

But is it worth going hungry over. No. Not at all.

I’m lucky, I can afford to do whatever I like (I bought an Xbox Series X, which until Halo came out I used exclusively for streaming platforms and YouTube…), and I can tell you, OW at 300+ FPS is miles better than 60.

Also, 360fps graphics set to ultra… OW is one beautiful looking game. Just makes no sense to play on anything other than low for ranked as it is actually a disadvantage to have settings on higher.

so do i, and i don’t think fps is the first place you should look at if you’re sitting at a comfortable 60 fps.

let me ask you this, would you buy a laptop just because it has 140fps monitor?
if the answer is no, then you’ve answered OP’s question in the exact same fashion i did.
if your answer is yes then i won’t discuss this further as anything i say will be meaningless to you.

If You’re on a basic set up. My priority for upgrades would be

  1. Mouse
  2. GPU
  3. Monitor

Playing 144hz with a mouse that can adjust DPI and poling rates will help players so much.

It makes refining mechanics a much smoother process. A lot of players scatty aim and movement is purely down to “poor” set ups, and badly adjusted settings.

all i wanted was a yes or a no on the question.

honestly for me it’s

why chair and desk is even a thing to consider is because i wouldn’t sit at an uncomfortable desk/chair for more than an hour.

and really everything else is negotiable, it’s basically what i consider is good enough for my purposes.
and i would never suggest getting a laptop to anyone unless they are sitting with it for more than 30 minutes to an hour a day at most and needs to take it with them to various places.
and so i would never expressly recommend anyone to game on a laptop if they had the choice.

You do understand that most movies are shot in 24 frames per second right? Like I said, the comparison between a video game that draws an environment and a movie which is already drawn, goes nowhere.

Also you keep mixing up FPS with refresh rate (HZ) which are two completely different things. There is no such thing as a “140 fps monitor”.

Also, wireless peripherals nowadays can compete with wired peripherals. Look it up on Youtube.

yeah but you’ll be paying through your nose on those peripherals for basically making it wireless to get the same quality you would if you just used a cable.

explain that to OP that’s asking for a 140hz monitor to get a 144 fps count.

all i’m saying most of the time, the juice ain’t worth the squeeze.

would you buy a laptop simply because it says it has 140hz monitor if you had other options?

I would never play on a laptop but maybe OP doesn’t have that much choice, needs it for a school or something considering the parents are involved. If I would be forced to play on a laptop then hell yeah, I would definitely go for one with a 144HZ screen at least.

No that’s not all you said, that’s a personal preference which is fine but you said: “i think this is a lie, they say they notice a difference but they really don’t.” which is quite a statement and most of us that actually experienced high refresh rate screens disagree strongly with that.

But tbh, it’s not worth debating over for so long. You don’t like those screens, fine. Most people, me included, like them very much.

High refresh rate makes a big difference outside of games.

Even just scrolling through a website or document it makes a big difference.

Yep agreed, the difference is not only limited to games.

I put the investment in to help with working from home, games, entertainment and studying.

It’s improved things for all of them.

Are the changes life changing… No. But they are QoL changes that have been worth the capital investment.

most people don’t, that’s why i’m saying it like that.
i don’t think this person is gonna notice a difference between a 144hz monitor and a steady 60 fps monitor.

there’s been blind test proving this that most can’t tell a difference, some can tell the difference and the reason is because they stare at those screens and have gotten used to them so they notice that slight difference when it’s not 144fps or above.

but if you take someone who have never experienced a 144fps screen they probably could not tell.
if you take someone who have explicitly only watched things at 144 fps for half a year or so and then show them a screen that’s on 60 fps they will notice a difference.

so can you tell a difference? yes and no.
for most people i’d say no, can you train to see it? yes.

it’s not because i don’t think there’s value in them, i just think it’s overhyped to the point where people think it’s a necessity to have it that i don’t agree with.

you can make do just fine without it, just as you don’t need a 3080 graphics card to play something like idk final fantasy 14. a 1060 graphics card is gonna serve you pretty well.

Can you provide a link to this test?

As all tests show visible differences. There will always be some that claim to not be able to see the difference… But they are just as likely to be people who refuse to acknowledge differences in tech (like my mum who claims there is no difference between SD and HD TV…). Or just doing so to be funny.

Does having better equipment make you a better player… No. But it does give you a much better base to play from and improve from.