Does getting a 144hz+ screen actually help?

admittedly i think this is 120fps vs 60 fps.

linus could tell the difference but the other one could not.

1 person claiming it in a YouTube video. Assuming he isn’t claiming for content…

How many people on here claiming it makes a difference (either small or big)… I will take the volume.

edit noticed someone in the comments…
“Considering that the game was running at 84 fps, also allowing for fluctuations in fps, this might not have been very accurate. It’s better to test with a game that could get a constant 120 fps without any fluctuations.”

If true. I wouldn’t give that video too much weight as it is a pretty limited and poor test.

a good base will always be beneficial, but what’s overdoing it in certain aspects?
do you really need to go overboard to be competitive? i don’t think so.

just need a decent setup, not an extreme one and i think 144hz monitor is going a little bit on the extreme, but since it’s getting cheaper it will be a part of a regular decent setup.

but on a laptop? i would not even play games on a laptop unless i had no other choice and in that case i wouldn’t make the distinction between 144hz and 60hz if i could get maybe a longer battery time or a stronger cpu/gpu. etc.

fine, my proof might have been not the best evidence but you haven’t given me a blind proof of the opposite so where’s your proof?

Whatever make you happy and comfortable. If you’re enjoying how your set up when you play, you can play longer.

Personally , I wouldn’t either. But my friend plays OW on a 300FPS laptop and is in GM… So it is horses for courses.

If you can’t tell the difference between 60hz and 144hz in OW, either your settings (game or PC) are wrong. Or your personal settings are a little off (need glasses).

If I take my glasses off, the game might as well go from 300fps to 30fps for all I’d be able to tell

Some times my settings bug out and i can instantly tell when my monitor and Overwatch is running at 60HZ because when you move fast, you’ll almost see an object and its contours multiple times. Really muddy. Then i go to the Overwatch graphics settings and yeps, there’s that 60 indicator next to my resolution number.

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i have perfect vision and i run at locked 144fps.
there’s probably a difference but i wouldn’t be able to pin point it.
it’s not something i am immediately going to recognize is hampering or improving my performance.

a fps drop is, a late key input is, an odd mouse sensitivity is. wonky hitboxes is.

imo you can’t win against peakers advantage by simply having more fps.
and in overwatch where hitboxes are generally decently generous i wouldn’t say tracking is that much of an issue that you would need above 60 fps.

if people like the smoothness that they perceive is nice, then by all means go ahead but you will pay for it aswell, but i don’t think there’s a big advantage to be had.

it’s a minor improvement in experience at best i think.
it’s not something i would personally say have changed much in my experience to a degree where i must have 144fps over 60fps myself so i don’t advocate for it.

it’s to me basically the difference between 50$ headphones compared to 70$ headphones if i had to compare it somehow.

Hardcore press X to doubt on this one.

Sorry to tell you mate but if you really cant tell the difference between 60hz and 144hz in OW or think its a “minor improvement”, you should NOT be playing FPS. Its not your jam and your eyes are not really made for it. :man_shrugging:

You can argue the change from 144 to 240 is not as big, sure but the previous one is INSANE. Almost like from 30 to 60hz. The responsiveness of modern mouses on a 144hz (hell, you can even lock it at 120fps) compared to 60hz are astronomical. In 60hz the mouse is slow and “heavy”. Aiming is definitely better, for mechanical, visual and hardware compatibility purposes with 144hz.

Again, this is a FACT. Sorry that you are not able to see it because that is a visual issue that some people experience.

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umm… you know what press X to doubt this one.

nice way of trying to prove your point by trying to put me down.
not even gonna entertain this one.

His tone and choice to insult wasn’t cool.

But he is right that if you can’t tell the difference, that’s a you problem as the difference is noticeable.

Just move you settings between 60 and 144 in the training room and see the difference.

If you can’t see the big jump, your missing something your end.

I think pressing hardcore X to doubt is a nice one. As if there is a new dimension to pressing X to doubt.

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Dont try that pal, mischaracterizing a post is not going to give you an easy way out. My response was not a wordy “haha you dumbo”, it is fundamented.

Again, you can check any research, test, podcast in regards reflex, input lag and responsiveness on 60 vs 144 and you will see the same result. It doesnt matter how much in denial or “not wanting to entertain” the thought, this has already been proven.

Now if you want to stop arguing because you got triggered, feel free to not respond anymore but you should actually provide any evidence/study in this regard because afaik, theres absolute none.

Your move.

come with hard evidence and i’ll support your claim 100%
as far as i can tell me and lethal have provided any proof of our claims.

theirs however is a slowed down version to show the amount of frames, mine are video examples one of which is less reliable due to some circumstances.

but the other is actually words from FPS profesionals, one of which actually plays with 60fps.

not triggered, just felt like you contributed zero to the conversation and then slandered me for disagreeing with the general consensus that it’s necessary to have 144fps monitor to play an fps game.

so seeing as you didn’t do anything but slander me really i didn’t see fit to even give you a proper response but since you asked so nicely i gave you one.

now give me a blind test of casual players picking out 144fps monitors between 60 fps monitors without being told which is which or simply do not bother.

because anything else i will simply ignore.

it’s not that i don’t, but that difference is so slight that it doesn’t matter to me.
if i wasn’t looking for it i wouldn’t pay it no mind.
and really at the first time using it, i couldn’t really tell.

guess i’m just not as uptight as other people about the amounts of frames i’m getting as long as it’s high enough.
i mean that’s fine by me, it’s just everyone else that gets kind of upset with me for not really being a part of the same mind.

i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again, i personally don’t feel like it benefits me that much that i would pick 144fps monitor over something else if i had to make a choice.

but obviously more frames is nice, but i don’t think it’s necessary.

fighting games run standardly at 60, twitch and youtube content is at 60, most triple A games you want to be able to run at 60 atleast, so yeah.

144fps and above is purely for self enjoyment and for those 1337 skills in fps games that requires precision.
but really to me i think you really need to be “this tall” to even make it worth your while to even bother in terms of fps advantages.

me messing around with buddies isn’t exactly necessary for me to have above 60 fps really.

If more frames wasn’t better… Why would they bother making it an option. Why would Sony and Microsoft be pushing devs to make console games 120+

It makes a significant difference.

You messing around with buddies would look and feel significantly better on higher FPS.

The question shouldn’t is it better (because the answer is yes and there isn’t really an argument otherwise)… The question should be what can you afford to do.

And that answer is all totally personal. I’m certainly not going to go around asking “do you have more money” because thats rude. I know I’m in a lucky position to be able to afford what I want. Others aren’t.

So should you upgrade? 100% yes. But only to what’s affordable for you.

i’m just pointing out the necessity or the lack of it rather.
it’s nice, but not necessary.
and on a laptop it’s even less so for me, like i wouldn’t bother, if it’s for school get a cheaper one and get yourself a real PC that will serve you well over the years.

unlike my friends i don’t buy a new pc every 2 years when it gets only slightly outdated.
my pc kind of have to fail me before i even consider getting a new one and i save up for those times, so i make do with less for a long stretch of time so my economic side of me tells me don’t buy things that will break or be replaced in a year or 2 unless i can get it for dirt cheap.

And that fine. Subconsciously your nature to not spend is what is making you think it isn’t worth it.

Ignoring cost. Is it worth it? Yes.

It is a large and noticeable upgrade. So if you can afford it. Do it.

In which universe does math not simply prove you wrong?
You are literally claiming that a change from 60hz to 144hz, which is way more than a HUNDRED PERCENT increase, is “a minor improvement”.

Burden of proof is not on me mate, but on you. You are the one making the outrageous claim based on nothing. Even the videos you posted and the gifs listed are proving you wrong, on this very same thread. Also, dont throw strawmans:

I never said its necessary at all. That is 100% made up.
What I said is that it is a huge increase and just because you can’t see it (which again, its a sight/vision issue), it doesnt mean its minor nor it will not improve ANY gamer’s performance (this is literally said on the video you posted, on the 31:40).

You can ignore everything and be in denial, but you are still taking the L.

Again, just because some dudes cant see it or feel the difference, it means nothing. Empirically, logically and mathematically is there. Theres nothing much to discuss. We are not talking about Apex being better than OW or CoD looking better than PubG or whatever, which can be opinion based … we are talking about HARD math and facts that can be measured with cameras etc.

Again, FACTS are not changing:

  • 144hz is more than a 100% increase in frames
  • Responsiveness is higher, also proportionally on 144 vs 60
  • Any player will achieve better results with higher framerate

Thats all there is (and this is proven even in your posted videos) :man_shrugging:

to me it’s not that visible and does not grant anyone a significant advantage that you need it.
a casual as i see it will most times fail to leverage any advantage over others by using it.
it’s in the extremes i can see it being somewhat useful.

as they showed in the videos exactly what those scenarios are i fail to see how a casual will ever compete and leverage those things.
as for general enjoyment of games it’s still only a minor upgrade.
like for example using stereo headphones to 5.1 fake surround headphones.
that is a similar advantage you could expect.

however an upgrade is an upgrade, but i wouldn’t care that much to go out of my way to get it as i don’t deem it as necessary.
especially on a laptop.

i’ve stated this several times
and i’ve merely showcased it so people may make up their own minds about it so they can figure it out themselves if they think it’s worth it which i also have now stated several times.

just because my opinion is one thing i don’t want to be the sole arbiter on the issue and i always advocate for people to test and try it out before they get something before they buy it.

should you get it? depends, you have a friend with a 144 monitor? try it at their place.
look at videos of profesionals using it, get casuals opinions.
gather as much info before your purchase.
be a responsible consumer and don’t blindly buy things because it’s a supposed upgrade.

gaming chairs? imo are scams.

If it isn’t that visible to you, that is fine. But I would be taking myself off to Specsavers just incase.

You think people upgrade GPUs and monitors blindly.

This actually sounds more like you’re annoyed you don’t have the resources, and have over the years convinced yourself that it isn’t better to justify why you haven’t.

Not being able to afford something is perfectly fine. But it being better isn’t up for debate anymore as you haven’t provided anything to show that it isn’t.

i showcased a video of the supposed advantages you could enjoy from it, i also did it so people could make up their own minds about it than just listening to my opinion on it.

you are either blind or ignorant to fail to see how i simply gave the people evidence to come to their own conclusions, just because i think one way i wouldn’t let people determine solely based on my opinion and give concrete evidence.

saying that 144fps is more than 60 fps is not saying a whole lot. yes it’s more than double the frames, but how much of an upgrade is it really.
and that’s something i want everyone to be responsible and say their opinion on the matter, have i discredited others? certainly not, disputed them yes but not conclusively.

merely laying out my opinion on the matter and something substantial to make their own minds on it.
to blindly listen to people who say.
“it’s better, therefore you should get it” is not saying how much better it is.

give an example of what you can do with it is one thing that you could point to as an advantage.
some say they have gotten better tracking because of it and i kind of disputed that claim that it did not for me which is also true, but i also came with the conclusion that overwatch does come with forgiving hitboxes so the effects might be minimized by it.

now calling me visually impaired etc is such a claim that not eye doctors who have examined me would agree with you.

why i simply made the test of you bringing evidence to the table is not for me, it’s for the OP to get more information on the matter, otherwise you’re just stating what everybody else seems to be agreeing with, the general consensus on the matter and not contributing to more than standing in the same choir and singing the same praises.

so for you to show up without evidence proves that you do not care what i say or what’s in the best interest of the OP and therefore a voice that could simply be ignored or lumped up with the others for saying basically “get it”.

where as i am over here saying, “try it before you buy it”
which i don’t think is a hard stance to take.