DPS leavers when games are about to conclude(quick play)

If they are allowed to leave without any repercussions at all, that just means they waste OTHER people’s time instead. Why should they be allowed to do that? It’s not fair to the people who join, so why should they be treated fairly themselves? Your reward in QP is exp at the end of the match, and that’s how it has been always, however, the leaving right before games are concluded are pretty rampant now compared to what it was before. I also don’t think that just because “it’s QP” is a valid defense of them leaving like this. I was unable to find any statistics online that shows the difference in how many qp-matches are being played in comparison to ranked, so I obviously can’t back my next statement, but I’m fairly certain that the amount of games being played in QP is huge in comparison to ranked games being played, and that makes sense. I would bet money on qp having more games being played than ranked, that’s how sure I am even though I can’t find any info on this. Just because you don’t get ranked points in qp, doesn’t mean it should not be treated as just as valid of a game-mode to play in. If someone is cheating in qp, it’s just as bad as if they cheat in ranked, because cheating is cheating. Although, they are ofcourse more scummy to do this in ranked in my opinion. But if someone was cheating in qp, it would ruin the fun for everyone on the same level, as if they would do it in ranked.

EX means very little, unless you are leveling an account. Even then there are quicker ways to do that than playing QP.

Sadly there is little point punishing for quick play (if you leave enough times you do get a 75% reduction in XP earnt).

If someone leaves, they are not wasting the time of anyone else. and if you are getting stomped to the point people just leave… I think the issue is the quality of peoples play, not someone just going “f this, I’ll do something else”.

Cheating is different. And not really a comparison to someone getting bored and doing something else.

Ultimately there is not prize on the line for QP so there is no reason to stick around if the game is done.

Change that, maybe a small reward per game, bigger if you win. Then they might stick around for an extra minute or so. But I highly doubt it. People will just leave and reque because they want to play a fun game.

I would rather you que for a game, and the people who start the game finish the game. But, and some people don’t seem to like it, it is only quick play and doesn’t matter at all.

I will occasionally do quickplay classic as a warm up, and when I feel like my aim is warmed up I will just leave and go ranked.

But they ARE wasting other people’s time. What about the people that fill for them? Why can’t they just wait 15 more seconds?

Just because there is little incentive to stay, doesn’t mean that the problem doesn’t get shifted to someone else. If they leave right before the game finishes, then that becomes MY problem just because they didn’t want to stay a few seconds longer. Hence why the “reward” they would get from stay would be to NOT get queue-locked. I honestly think that would be better. There are tons of games in QP that can feel bad and boring, but if that’s the case, leave early atleast, instead of RIGHT before the game ends, that’s the only issue I have with this.

The problem simply gets put on the backfillers. And that’s not cool for the backfiller who has already spent a long time in queue, only to have to go back to queue and wait even longer.

Playing the game normally in qp shouldn’t need any additional reward just for staying, if so, there is already the additional exp-bonus for doing consecutive games. They shouldn’t get a reward for NOT leaving, they should get a punishment FOR leaving. And like I said earlier, it doesn’t have to be punishing if this happens occasionally. Only when people make a habit of leaving every game at the very end because they know they will lose. They are wasting OTHER people’s time to save themselves a few seconds, and that is not fair when the people it affects have been waiting a long time already.

Just because qp doesn’t matter as much as ranked, doesn’t mean that we should ignore qp completely, and LET it stay in a bad state. I play simply to play and enjoy myself, in a relaxed and casual setting. Just because it’s qp doesn’t mean I want bad games and that this should just be accepted. If people have that attitude to the game, they might aswell play skirmish. My proposal to implement a punishment system is a possible “fix” to the leaver issue, as it would only punish those who make a habit of leaving at the last second of a match. Nobody likes to join a game after sitting in queue for so long, only to see “defeat” in their face, and subsequently go back and sit in queue for longer. I would honestly prefer to not even be sent into the game at all. And “forcing” the leaver-people to stay a few seconds longer, would solve this issue.

Now, if they want to leave because they have something else they need/want to do, then that’s fine. But, constantly leaving games at the last second ruins the experience of a game for those who have to take their place. And that’s REALLY not cool or good for the game.

They don’t care. And you can’t change their mind.

Plus that unlucky back filler gets priority que next time.

I’ve back filled a game of Horizon, 30 seconds left of the first point attack. I pick Zen slide to point assuming it’s a dead game, get a 5k take the point then win the game in the next fight. So it is never pointless.

To change their mind, there should be a punishment if they do leave. That way their choice would be:

  1. Leave, and wait x amount of time before they can even queue up for next game.


  1. Stay and possibly lose, but being able to queue up again for a new game right away without having to wait x amount of time.

This would either MAKE them care, or, they could go do something else. Choice would be theirs. What their priorities would be would be completely up to them, but atleast nobody else would have to suffer to their decision(or atleast it would affect others ALOT less frequently).

Backfiller gets priority, yes, but the priority queue is also very often long, as I stated earlier. Waiting 12 mins in normal queue, then getting into a game for 15 seconds, only to be sent back to queue for like 8 minutes more, resulting in a total of 20 mins in queue, is not very healthy for the game.

I have also had games where there CAN be a rather “miraculous” turn-around even at the last seconds, but it’s sufficiently rare in comparison to games I’ve had where there is already overtime, and we instantly lose as soon as I enter the game, not even giving me time to even choose a hero to play as. Not saying it’s pointless to try to win even if it seems like a loss, in fact, I feel like this attitude should be applied ALWAYS when playing. Learning a new champ you never played before etc, that’s completely fine, but still one should TRY to win. If they are bad or good is irrelevant. I personally use QP to practice/learn aswell, and that’s a completely normal thing to do in qp, and I’m not complaining about this at all. My ONLY issue is that people leave, and make other players take the fall by having to spend longer time in queues. Prio-queue doesn’t really make alot of difference on this anyways, unless you think of it %-wise. But waiting 8 more mins doesn’t really feel good even though it would be 33% better than 12 mins. The problem is that you have to wait 12 mins, and THEN 8 mins after. So in a way, the queue just ends up being even longer.

Sadly. You can be as passionate about it as you like. Wont change anything because it doesn’t really matter.

Well, the more people that raise it as a concern, the more likely it is that something would be done about it. Simply accepting things as it is, when it’s not good, would definitely not accomplish anything. If you think it’s bad that it’s like it is now, you should speak up about it, and let the people that are able to change it know about that there is an issue. The point is that the way it is now is not a “good state” for the game to be in, so it should be changed. Exactly HOW to change it into something better, is up for debate, but simply accepting something that is bad and seeing it as “that’s just how it is”, would just mean it will just STAY bad then. Which in my humble opinion, is not a “good thing” for any game.

I doubt it.

It’s quick play. People just jump in, mess about for a bit, chill out and move on.

It is a fairly disposable mode and rightly so.

Play have fun, and when the fun stops, stop.

It’s quick play, yes, but 15 seconds of play is a tad TOO quick to even be able to mess about, chill and have fun. Preferably, I would like to just be able to play a game from start to finish, not take over the scrappy leftovers of a player without enough patience to wait 15 more seconds. I completely agree that qp should not be taken as serious as ranked, but it shouldn’t be put in the same category of meaningless as skirmish or practice range. It should be treated as a normal game. Where you practice, learn, have fun, etc. but still, be taken seriously enough that you actually TRY to play and win. Nobody expects “skills” from a player in qp, as it’s very much used for practice/warm-up etc. But it should definitely not be put in same category as skirmish, deathmatch or practice range. It should be seen more as “ranked, but there are no ranked rewards”, and in my over 2000 hours of gameplay, that has been the GENERAL way that things have been done in QP. This leaver-trend is fairly new, as it’s now rampant compared to how it was before. Sure, it happened before aswell, it’s not “new” in that sense, but the amount of times it happens now, compared to before, is pretty insane.

15 seconds quicker to their next game. Or sleep. Or dinner or another game altogether.

They don’t care. And fair play to them.

And all those reasons I am fine with, except one: “15 seconds quicker to their next game”.

Dinner, sleep, another game, real life issues, etc, are all fine for me. If they left to do any other things these short punishments wouldn’t even affect them, hence why I’m fine with all these things.

Saving themselves for 15 seconds just to go into next game at the expense of my 12 mins is not fair though. And I hope you agree with that part. They don’t have to care in an invested way in a qp-round, but if they treat it that way, then they should get a punishment as an incentive to stay 15 sec longer. They lose 15 seconds, which is FAR more fair than me waiting 12, only to have to wait 8 more after…

If the game is lost with 15 seconds left… Who gives a monkeys if there is 1 person left, or 4 or whatever… it is over done. Go again.

You keep punishing people for something that doesn’t matter. People will just stop playing QP.

Or you can just acknowledge it is a mess about/chill mode that has no consequence. Yeah winning is nice. But doesn’t earn you anything. Losing sucks, but doesn’t cost you anything.

So who cares. It is just QP.

You can just report them if you are that upset about it.

Or just get over it. Either is acceptable.

Another solution. Just play QP Classic. barely a queue there.

Now it sounds like you are talking about a completely different issue. I’m not speaking about teammates I have that leave to early, resulting in my team’s loss. That’s a completely different issue, although that’s annoying aswell.

What I’m complaining about is that I will be in queue for long periods of time, only to replace those people that have left, and it’s wasting MY time because the leavers can’t be bothered to accept a defeat, and instead of getting this for themselves, decides to leave RIGHT before the match ends, and then I join the game in their place, only to lose myself in a game I couldn’t even participate in. These are part of the same problem, no doubt, but it’s not the point I was raising. If I had teammates that were leaving, and there was a punishment system in place, I would find comfort in knowing that they now have to wait to queue up again, and I wouldn’t have a problem with it. I would most likely lose the game, yes, but atleast I know they would be punished.

Essentially, I’m not complaining about that people leave games, I’m complaining that I have to sit forever in queues to backfill them when they do, wasting MY time, because they are too impatient to wait 15 secs to FINISH their round. The situation you brought up at the end there is a completely different matter, albeit a part of the issue, but seen from a different perspective I was not referring to in the first place.

There is no way people will stop playing qp if this system I spoke about was implemented, and if some people did, then good, it would be benefitial for the game as a whole, and make the quality of the game a bit higher.

I do acknowledge that qp is more of a mess about/chill mode, I also know it has no consequence. Earning something is not the main point of qp anyways, that’s why we have ranked. But there is no FUN in getting backfill in the last 15 seconds of a match, whether you win OR lose. The problem is the time-investment. 12-20mins of queue for 15 sec of gameplay is by no means fun at all, and simply a waste of time to begin with.

Saying it’s just QP should only be taken seriously as long as it’s said in the right context. If you see a player sitting down on the ground in a qp-match, and spamming a voiceline, then he should get reported, and justly so. If all they want to do is mess about like that, then go into custom games, or skirmish, or deathmatch. Not in QP however.

I’m gonna ignore the “just report them” part, as there is not really anyone I could report that refers to the issue as I stated earlier. It would fit if I was to report my teammates that leaves too early, but I can’t report a player in a game who was there before me, and that I’ve now replaced, so it’s not really relevant to say I should report them.

Btw, just getting over it would mean that I would be “fine” with the leavers leaving and ruining for others, and that game can just stay in a bad state with regards to that issue instead of finding a solution. A pretty poor decision, if you’d ask me. If something is bad, try to make it better. That’s a much more healthy take on the situation, and most situations in general, actually.

QP-classic is good when it comes to queue-timers. However, it hardly serves as an accurate practice for ranked at all, and brings about a whole different bunch of issues like team-balancing issues and whatnot. I’m not going to go into details about this, because it’s completely irrelevant to my original issue, but there are some fairly obvious ones, like no healers, or no tanks, or 6 dps. Hardly a good replacement for normal qp.

QP should be as it is. As close to ranked as possible, without ACTUALLY being ranked. Just punish impatient players because they ruin the fun for other players who are waiting in queue, that’s ALL I’ve been speaking about. And it would hardly make people stop playing qp. The ONLY people it would affect are the ones that leave too soon. And honestly, better that THEY suffer, than everyone else wanting to play.

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If your team mates leave early… so be it. It is quick play. Result doesn’t matter.

You should be playing to have a laugh.

Or trying to focus on improvements to increase your MMR.

Wins and losses in QP are totally irrelevant.

Again, it seems like you are missing my point.

Imagine this scenario:

You come home after a long day of work, and you sit down at the computer wanting to do some quick plays. You click play, and are placed in a queue. Time passes, and you have now been in queue for 12 minutes because you felt like playing as dps. You finally get a message on your screen saying “Joining game”. You see the loading screen, it’s one of your favorite maps. games finishes loading, and you pick the dps you want to play as. You see the game is in overtime, and the yellow bar is going down because none of the people in your team are close enough to touch point. You realize you were backfilling for someone that left, and you now see on your screen a huge text saying “Defeat”. You are sent to score screen, all your stats say 0. You are now back in the main menu of the game, and are now in priority queue. 8 minutes pass, and you finally get into a fresh game. However, it’s one of your most disliked maps.

Sounds like fun to you? There was no chance to even HAVE fun, because you had to backfill an impatient kid that can’t wait 15 sec to wait for his own defeat screen. Instead, he leaves early, just so he can queue up for his next match, meanwhile, you are the one that is forced to take HIS defeat screen while being in queue 90% of the time.

Whether qp doesn’t matter or not compared to ranked is irrelevant. QP shouldn’t be ignored and made into a bad mode, just because it doesn’t give ranked points.

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Just what happens. Your issue isn’t people leaving it is that you don’t want to back fill.

Well sorry to say this, but it is the same for everyone. And has been for 5 years.

No one really cares enough though. If queue times are an issue you have 4 choices.

  1. find a stack before you que (ques are much quicker).
  2. play quick play classic (basically no que time, can play what ever you like)
  3. suck it up
  4. play something else.

I don’t mind backfilling if there is actually something to work with. Say there is like 1-2 mins left of the game, I’m completely okay with backfilling. When the game is already in overtime however, not so much. I’m aware it’s the same for everyone, and that it’s been like this for a very long time. But it’s alot more of this now than ever before. I’ve been playing this game ever since closed beta, and I have as of now 2084 hours played, where 1743 of these have been in qp, and never have I ever had THIS many last-second backfill games. It’s unlikely that I just occasionally had situations like that for 1700 games, and suddenly the past 43 hours I SUDDENLY get what everyone else has had all the time. The problem definitely seems more rampant now than ever before, and I’m simply suggesting that a punishment system could help solve this problem. Just ignoring it will not fix anything. And as for the 4 choices you listed:

  1. This is fine, however, I don’t see why this should be necessary, I don’t mind a slightly longer queue as long as I can actually play as what I want.
  2. QP-classic, as I said before is not remotely similar to normal qp, where you would get situations with no healers, or no tanks, or none of either. No balance there.
  3. Sucking it up would mean that I would see qp as “fine as it is”, which I’m quite clearly opposing with my arguments. It’s not fine or healthy for the game to ignore issues.
  4. I’ve been forced to do this several times, and same as in point 3, it’s not healthy for a game to give you this feeling. Playing a different role just to get faster queues, or different games entirely, is not a good thing to make the players of a game do.

A better solution would be to make people stop leaving before their defeat-screen shows up. They don’t need to wait for score screen, or watch potg, or anything of the sort. Just WAIT for the “defeat” or “victory” to appear on screen, then they can exit match and queue up right away. They lose 15 sec of their time, but that way, everyone else would not lose 20 MINUTES of their time.

Again, I shouldn’t be punished for someone else’s impatience. The impatient ones should be given an ultimatum. Wait 5 minutes, or wait 15 seconds. your choice.

That would be alot more healthy for the game, as MOST people don’t leave at the end of games. Many more do now than ever before, but most stay. And those with 0 patience should be punished before those that has patience does. That’s my entire point. It would hardly ruin anything for anyone.

Quick play is fine as it is. I am playing some QP games now. No issues.

Back filled 2. Just vibed and had a laugh, tried some funny things.

Alls gravy.

Well, I’m glad you are able to have fun if you got a backfill game like I’ve described. I’m sure that ONE dash as genji out of spawn was alot of fun before you were ejected back to main menu.

Claiming this is “fine” is rather odd, and I can’t really understand how you can claim this as either fine or fun.

QP is MOSTLY fine, small issues here and there, but I’m not asking them to make it perfect according to my tastes, however, I do think this issue with last second leavers is a problem that affects the game negatively. If you can’t see that, then I question your priorities in games in general. Accepting something bad as if “that’s just how it is”, instead of thinking of ways to make it better is a pretty short-term way of thinking, and ensures that a game would either be short-lived or have a very unhappy playerbase. If you think that is “fine”, then I would love to hear more about how your mind works with other games and in life in general. You must have a very unique way of thinking about things.

Last second leavers don’t make any difference and punishing them heavily is counter productive.

Just chill out and have a laugh playing with friends. Do weird strats, funny rollouts, dumb stuff. Then move on. It doesn’t matter.