DPS leavers when games are about to conclude(quick play)

Okay, first off, what do you mean they don’t make any difference? They ruin the queues for other people. As I’ve stated many times already. Instead of allowing me to actually PLAY the game, they put people like me in longer queues. That is the difference they make. Secondly, they wouldn’t be punished at all, as long as they would wait 15 more seconds. The way I see it, they would only punish themselves heavily if this system was in place. Your comment about chilling out and have a laugh etc is well and fine has nothing to do with the issue I’ve been addressing this whole time.

You are addressing a non issue.

Sadly, you’ve just got to suck it up and move on.

It’s not really a non-issue though, as I’ve explained several times already, I don’t think this is good for the game itself to allow things to unfold that way. I’m claiming that a punishment system would reduce this problem in a quite noticeable, positive way.

Most likely I will have to suck it up and move on, yes. But pleading for the game to improve rather than give incentive for people to not play at all, or play at a reduced quality of fun, SHOULD be done before simply ignoring the problem in itself. All I want is for the game to improve for everyone’s sake, and make it more fun and worth sinking your time into.

The only way I can think of to do this is to address it here, and get feedback from others, and hopefully if the thread would have gotten enough attention, maybe it would even draw the attention of some dev who could also hear what everyone else in the thread was saying. That’s all.

Well. There are not going to be any major changes to OW til OW2 arrives.

As for leavers, there is zero point worry about them. You can’t control them, and you have no say in the punishment/reward or any other system. You just have to roll with the punches.

You are playing QP… It is one big clown fiesta, and not even an accurate representation of the game 99% of the time.

And at that point I can see a lot of modes we have now being absorbed into the ‘Hero Missions’

OW2 looks promising as a game atleast, but if they don’t implement something there aswell, the same mistake would just get repeated, and killing it for many people. But that’s a completely different topic, so I’m not gonna go into it. Looking forward to it being released though!

Well, if there was a punishment system, we actually COULD control them, atleast when they leave for impatience, which to be fair, is what I’m complaining about in the first place. They SHOULD be controlled, that’s my whole point. Better that impatient people gets punished and controlled, rather than letting the impatient ones control other players. True, I don’t have a say in what the punishments would be, I’m just spitballing possible solutions to the problem.

I disagree that qp is not an accurate representation of the game, as I’m fairly certain QP is the MOST played mode of all the modes. Just because there are clown fiestas there doesn’t mean it should be ignored and accepted. If it would be possible to increase the quality of games being had there by implementing changes, then that would be an IDEAL thing to do, you agree with me on that I assume?

Hero missions? Are you referring to OW2? I only heard briefly that in OW2, there will be like “story missions”, and that’s the only thing I can think of that you are possibly thinking about. So if you are still speaking about regular OW, I’m not familiar with Hero missions, unless you are talking about the archives-stuff where we fight in more of a pve-style.

You just want to control people. It won’t happen.

You could implement harsher bans… People won’t care, they will just leave.

Quick Play is mostly nonsense. You want more people to play the full match then rewarding is better than punishing.

Quick Play is meant to be a pick up and drop, casual chill mode. Punishing people for playing it like that would be dumb.

(also make it so it is full matches (att/def) you might get more players playing qp in general then)

If you don’t know what hero missions are… I guess you didn’t watch the BlizzCon stuff…

Story Missions are the campaign mode, will be pretty much what you expect. Here you have to play one of the set heroes for the mission as you flow through the story.

Hero Missions are a 4 person co-op missions that have loads of variations of objective and map and so on. Basically like a raid/dungeon from any other MMO. This you can pick who ever you like to do the mission on the table and unlock parts of each heroes skill tree.

Both are a bit similar at their core to the archive missions. As they were created to test the concept. But as the engine for current OW is so limited, they could only be these boring, cookie cutter, run throughs.

It’s not that I want to control people myself. I just want to be able to actually play the game without being in queue for 20 mins pr match. I can deal with the initial 12 mins because DPS is the most popular role to play as, but when I sit in queue for 12 minutes, I expect to actually be able to play aswell. Not just get some impatient leaver’s sloppy seconds because they couldn’t be bothered to wait 15 seconds to get their defeat on screen.

Some people would care, other wont. But, atleast it would be an improvement to how it is now. Getting completely rid of leavers was not my initial subject. The only leavers I have a problem with are the ones that leave 15 secs before game concludes, just so they can save themselves a measly 15 seconds to join a new game, but at the cost of ruining the queues for other players who would also like to play a game. The incentive would simply be in place to make sure they stick around for their defeat screen, as to not ruin the experience for other players.

Rewarding is not necessarily better than punishing though. What if some people simply don’t care about the rewards? Alot of people simply don’t care, and the problem would persist because of that. Better to cut out the problem at the roots, and make them stay to finish, or they can leave, and sit and wait instead of making others wait. It’s a far more fair situation to give incentive to stay and finish the game.

It is meant to be a more casual and chill mode if you compare it to ranked, yes. But by all intents and purposes, quick play is “standard” OW, not ultra casual super chill. That’s what the arcade and custom games are for.

Playing the full atk/def as you call it was(or maybe still is) already in the game. It was called “Draft” unless I remember incorrectly, but as I mentioned earlier in this thread, that just makes the games last longer, and that is not something I’m talking about. People would still leave there aswell, so it really isn’t adressing the problem I’m referring to.

I didn’t watch the blizzcon stuff, no, but I heard about this, and I saw what had already been talked about and showed prior to blizzcon, so I assumed this was what you were speaking of. Will be interesting to see what it will be like. I always liked the Archives-stuff, so I’ve got some hope for it. I just hope it won’t feel AS repetetive as archives does. Fingers crossed.

its quickplay, bro.

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And? It should just stay in a bad place then, is that what you are saying? Even if this problem affects players? Did you even read any of the things I wrote? Or did you simply read the title of the thread and spout the same nonsense as every chat ever?

Just because it’s NOT ranked doesn’t mean it should be left with it’s problems. Not everyone wants to play ranked.

  1. I can uppdate my manga anime, news sites and see if there is anything new worthwhile.
  2. Unpause the tv series i had on.
  3. Go for the toilet x min faster.
  4. I honestly, do not care if someone else gets a game on defeat screen. Ive gotten it and i honestly do not care. Que times are what they are, if you sit and watch the loading screen then thats on you.
    While in que im doing 1-4 different other things.
    If i leave in a clearly lost game, i can resume those while i wait on the next.
    Again, i honestly, do not care if someone else gets a defeat screen. I have gotten it, il get it again. It does not bother me.

I appreciate your honesty, Banshee. Now, I also do 1-4 things as I’m waiting for new games while I’m in queues. I have 2 screens, so no problem at all to multitask a bit. But honestly, it’s not like 15 seconds of extra time gives me any meaningful extra time anyways. If it doesn’t matter, then just go afk while still in the match then, and you will have even MORE time to do your things before next match. Your 4th point is interesting. You say you don’t care, and if that is true, I assume you don’t mind at all to get backfill and just jump back into queue, because you feel it’s just as giving for you to read your manga or watch series anyways, am I correct in my understanding of what you said? If so:

Would you have stayed for 15 more seconds until the game concluded if you knew that leaving would have given you a 5 minute lockout?


Would you not care about these 5 minutes either, because it would simply not affect you because you have enough other things to do while you wait anyways?

World of warcraft and ffxiv have each 30 min penalties for leaving a dungeon.
In ffxiv, there is one dungeon, i swear i wished i could ‘blacklist’ so that it never appears in my ques. EVER.
Sadly i cannot do this. So whenever i get this dungeon, i will instantly leave no matter if i am the tank, healer or dps. I simply refuse to do that place. Even if i played a class where i ‘really’ wanted to level up to progress the story.

Same in Wow. There exists three such dungeons.

Screw a 5 min penalty, i view a 30 min penalty, in these cases as ‘At least i did not have to do THAT’

To answer your question, overwatch could add a 30 min penalty as these games and it would still be option 2.
I can do other stuff while i wait. It wouldnt affect me one bit.

that’s why wow classic was better, you had to get to the dungeons, but while there you can just camp it and leave bad groups and get teleporrted out for free.

but if you have other things to do, why even play?

Read my replies to this thread, you will understand a portion. I dont play because i -like- this game. I play it because i hate it. And my only source of fun, is ruining it for others.

oh so you’re one of those, well good luck, hope your activism works out for you.

*looks over at the burning trash pile that is the tank shortage *
yeah good luck.

well it is what it is, intended gameplay. Quickplay is for jumping on/off whenever you feel like it, thats what it was designed for and thats how its played.
I wish Blizzard just gave us a more serious game mode where thats not possible anymore without severe consequences…

oh wait… THERE IS ONE!!

You don’t want to play it… Fine then go away and stop starting threads over non-issues that are addressed in a proper game mode thats in the game from the beginning of OW.

And this is completely different from what I’ve been saying anyways. Lets take Horizon Lunar Colony as an example. Most people seem to dislike this map profusely. Alot of people leave once they see that this is the map they have to play. And I’m FINE with them leaving that! The problem is not people who leave in general, it’s the fact that they leave right before they will get a loss, making other people waiting to play get backfilled into their positions, and thus forcing upon them a long queue that will just instantly result in a loss, and then back to the queue again.

Leaving in the beginning of a match because you dislike a map is completely different from my arguments. I assume if you got a map you don’t want, you just instantly leave this, you don’t stay in it until the very last part, correct?

Leaving at the end is the problem I’m speaking about.

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Still, if its the start, or the end same result. I, and others have lost all interest in that match. 15 seconds earlier in the que is just that. There -is- no downside for us.

Even if OW decides to add a penalty for leaving, they tried that with the endorsement system. The same ppl dont care, honestly i am SHOCKED when i see my level go from 0 > 1. Im like ‘that cant be right’

Even with a penalty ppl will continue to leave at the same pace as they are now at 15 sec left if they want too.

It’s not the same result for OTHER players though. It’s the same result for the person that leaves, yes, and that just means they are entitled to ruin the experience for other players. Ofcourse they don’t need to care about how other players feel, but Blizzard really SHOULD care about this. Hence why I’m saying that a downside for players that leave matches SHOULD be in place, in order to cater to other players. Leaving at start or end is the same result for the leaver, but not for the backfillers.

The endorsement system is the complete opposite of what I’m saying would be a good system though. The endorsements rewards players that just happens to be voted for(which you have to stay until match ends to recieve), but the rewards are negligible, and doesn’t really give incentive to stay for people that don’t care about these rather uninteresting rewards. As a player with well over 2000 hours in this game, I’ve already got ALL skins/sprays/voicelines etc, so why should I care about the lootboxes when they only give duplicates? There is no reason for me to care about the lootboxes at all. HOWEVER, if I was sitting down to play, and I knew that leaving the match too soon would result in a soft-lock for a few minutes before I can queue again, I would much rather opt to stay until match concludes, so I could keep playing without getting a penalty for trying to ruin the experience for the poor schmuck that would take my place if I left the game right before it concludes. The penalty could be applied after 1 minute of the match has passed, and there still are several minutes to actually do something. So say you get horizon for example, and you don’t like it, you could still leave early, but as soon as match is 1 minute into the match, the penalties would apply. That way you can dodge the maps you don’t like, and still not be punished, and at the same time not ruin the experience for others.

They CAN, yes, but if they would want to continue playing, they would be less likely to do so because they would prefer to wait 15 seconds extra in comparison to 5 minutes extra. That’s my whole point. If they would leave still because they felt done playing, well then too bad for the next guy, but atleast the numbers of leavers would drop dramatically if a system like this was in place.

Dude. Banshee is a troll.

But sadly he is on the right side here, even if he is doing it in weird way. Just move on.