DPS leavers when games are about to conclude(quick play)

It’s a sad thing to be playing dps when you sit for 12 mins in queue just to join a game where there is less than 15 sec of the game, or enemy has won 1 round in best of 3 matches and have 99% to capture and win.

Even though you supposedly get priority queue after, these queues often last about 8 mins aswell. Waiting 20 mins just to play a normal round is incredibly frustrating. I wish there was some sort of “leaver penalty” if people leave games before they conclude. Like an increasing duration of waiting time before they can queue again etc. It could obviously start low, and increase over time, as sometimes people simply have to go, or they disconnect etc., but it’s still incredibly frustrating, and I have to say: “if you are one of the people that leaves when games is about to get lost, I hope your pc catches fire.”

Also, blizzard… please do something about this, because it’s incredibly annoying. Implement SOME form of penalty. Even though it’s called “quick” play, it would be great to actually be able to play, and not just select character and then sit there and wait for score-screen and wait an additional 8 mins before I can actually play. I was quite hopeful about the priority requeue, but when it has hardly any difference to normal queue time, what is the point then? I’m tired of having low dps teammates, and being forced to play tank or healer just to get into games fast. I prefer dps because I can actually do some pretty decent dps. I HATE the queuetime however.

Sorry, just ranting here, but seriously, it’s REALLY frustrating.

PS: if you ARE one of the leaving players, why do it? what is the reason? I doubt it’s ragequit, why not just stay until game ends?

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If it is quick play… they probably just leave to get in the queue sooner, they probably don’t see the point in wasting another minute or 2 in a lost game.

they SHOULD waste it though, as it’s more fair that they waste their own time, rather than some random shmuck like myself. Hence why I think there should be some sort of penalty to force them to stay until the game is over.

If they are going to start a game, they should be willing to finish it aswell. If they leave early, it’s not that big of a deal, I’m mostly referring to the end of a game, with like less than 30 sec of the game left.

If they would get a penalty of (let’s say) 5 mins to begin with before they are allowed to queue again, then they would have less reason to leave just to “start new round faster”.

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Maybe. But in that specific situation, they aren’t really costing anyone anything.

The match is basically done.
It is quick play so there is nothing on the line.

And there is no way you can force anyone to stay.

This is my biggest issue with people complaining about leavers. They all shout about it… but never has anyone come up with a fool proof way to stop someone leaving.

i had this thought about leaving games.
what if people started to leave games because someone else started being really negative.

in a sense i think it could modify some peoples behaviours in the long run for the better.
points don’t matter right? so who wants to be stuck in a game with hostile people for an extended period of time.

idk, just something i’ve been pondering.

I would rather want bad players to leave my game in quick play cuz when they leave sometimes you get better players .best solution is to improve match making first and then give harsher penalties to people who leave the game after one minute has passed

If somebody is being negative .there is an option to block that person .i do that right away .then there is also option of avoid player but that is for limited people

well yeah, but the negative person isn’t really getting any direct feedback, they just get to keep on going being negative into the next game and into the next etc.

(warning anecdote incoming)
when i was a kid i had an awful temper, i got really angry when i lost and when i had to share, i was extremely selfish.
my dad however helped me with this by teaching me that getting angry and lashing out isn’t acceptable so if i ever got mad for losing he just wouldn’t let me play, like he purposely would let me play when i’m happy but if i got mad he’d take it away, and the selfishness part well let’s say he bought a lot of snacks and cake for everyone except me.

at this point in time i can get mad but i won’t break anything or say anything, i would just be quiet or just leave the situation because if i can’t handle myself around others i should leave so i don’t mess anything up or do something i’ll regret.

so that’s kinda why i think maybe some people haven’t been taught this and i think it might be possible to do teach this lesson.

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A tale of repressed emotions…

It is always better to let your frustrations out. The trick is to find a healthy vehicle for that. Screaming at other people isn’t going to help. Maybe set up a punch bag… Get a bit mad in game, take 5 minutes and swing a few punches at it.

Or, just talk to someone about why you’ve got triggered at a video game and combat the source not the reaction.

there’s a time and a place for everything, but taking out your frustrations on strangers is not exactly nice.

i don’t see why it should be acceptable to listen to a stranger because they’re mad and have no choice but be a hostage in that game with a giant baby.

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Exactly why I said get a punch bag, or talk to someone.

If you are getting a bit raged by a video game, then that usually means you need to either stop playing, or find out the reason for the anger issues.

are you assuming that i need to get a punching bag or talk to someone?
i’m confused?


Just to any of these angry kids that play video games and rage at people.

They need help.

well yeah, but i don’t see how a system that doesn’t give direct feedback to them is gonna help them realise this.

to me it’s like a dog, you have to correct the behaviour when it happens and you have to stay consistent with it.

This really doesn’t answer the issue I was raising though. What help would it be to get a better player at the end of the match with like 15secs left until game is concluded? The player who joins that might potentially be better won’t even be able to get to his team or reach the objective before the Victory/Defeat screen shows up, and this dps would just have been sitting in queue for several minutes, only to get several new minutes in the priority requeue, which to be fair, is also quite long usually.

My point has been that IF you are going to sit down and play a game, you should play it from start to finish. Win or lose don’t matter. If they want to leave when they know the outcome of the match, they should leave when there is 15 secs left until they WIN aswell. However, this almost never happens. That way, they could leave the game, know with themselves that they won, and queue up faster for next game. But this is not what usually happens. If people want to leave just because they are losing, they should in my honest opinion get some form of incrementing penalty, based either on frequency they do this, or be time-based.

Imagine something like this:

Leaving game once: Pardoned(no penalty)
Leaving second game: Queue-locked for 5 mins
Leaving third game: Queue-locked for 10 mins
Leaving fourth game: Queue-locked for 15 mins+placed in de-prioritized queue, resulting in even longer queuetimes.

Or something to this effect. Balancing this would be a different matter to discuss. Just an idea.

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The actual penalties for leaving games that matter (ranked) are stronger than that.

Sadly though, and some people don’t like this… it is only Quick Play and it doesn’t really matter.

If someone can no longer be bothered to play, why should they have to stick around in what is only mess about/chill mode like QP

The actual penalties is debatable ofcourse:) I’m just saying, that simply because it’s QP shouldn’t mean that it’s ignored. I personally don’t like to play ranked that much, because the rounds last longer in general, and alot of people there are incredibly meta-oriented and toxic, and I simply have more fun when playing qp because there is not much on the line. However, when people leave right before the conclusion of a game, and THOSE games are the ones I have been sitting in queue for so long to enter, it really demotivates me to keep playing, because what is the point of playing if all I see is the main menu screen for 12 minutes, then get a loading screen into the match, then get “Defeat” on my screen 15 seconds later, never even seeing the enemy team, to be in score-screen for 30 seconds, and then back to queue for 8 more minutes? The fact that ranked games are the only things that truly matters, shouldn’t mean that we should feel forced to play with all the toxic people in ranked just to be able to play. All I want is to play at my own pace, and do my best no matter if it’s ranked or not.

That’s also why I think the actual penalties doesn’t need to be serious, but instead, be a sort of incentive for people to stay until the match is actually concluded.
It’s not so much about them no longer being bothered to play, it’s more that they don’t bother to be in a losing game. But the reality is that in OW, you either win, or you lose. They shouldn’t behave in a way where they put their loss on someone else just because they want only wins. You win some, you lose some.

But penalties don’t really stop the issue.

People will still leave. There is nothing you can do, and you really shouldn’t be controlling people.

If someone doesn’t want to play anymore, they will just go. A bit of a time penalty wont stop that.

I agree that it is annoying. But there is no reward for staying, so why penalise for leaving.

It might not stop it completely, sure, some people will still leave because they suddenly had to attend to real life matters, but that’s also why I said it should be an incremental penalty. Say you were playing a game, and suddenly you feel that you really have to go to the bathroom, and you really can’t hold it. You would go, and subsequently be thrown out of the game because you were afk. When you return after completing your business, you would still be able to queue up again, and keep going instantly, because you didn’t make a habit of doing this EVERY round. If they occasionally have to leave, that’s completely fine, I have no issue with that at all. The problem comes because alot of people leave at the very end of games because they already know they will lose, and then they queue up again to get into a new game instead of finishing the one they were already in. I really think this would give incentive to complete the match, and thus be able to go into a new game, rather than leaving, waiting for x amounts of minutes to be able to queue again, and THEN queue. Why should other players be denied of playing and be stuck in queues for long periods of time just because the leavers don’t have patience to wait 15 more seconds? It’s not about controlling people, it’s really about trying to make the best scenario for all players. If the leavers are the ones that are catered to, then what about the people that won’t leave? should we all just be in queues all day because some players can’t wait to get their defeat?

I really don’t think that accepting that there are leavers is good for the game. Time and time again I see people complain about the leavers that they replace just before the match is concluded, and I honestly feel the same. I think everyone really does. Why should it just “be like that”? Better to try and find a solution, and that’s why I think a penalty system of sorts would be a good solution. Now again, what exactly the penalties are, and how severe they should be is a different topic, but I really think that this is a problem that is hurting the game.

What about the people that don’t really have that much time to play pr day? I’m not in that group of people, I have more or less all the time I could think of, but, it must be incredibly frustrating for a dps player with maybe like 1 hour pr day to play, and they can do 3 games as dps because they keep getting backfiller as dps and spend most of the time in waiting. It would give them very few options, and honestly, if I was one of them, I would probably opt to play something else instead. And I really don’t think that’s a good thing for ANY game to just accept that people does that.

People expect too much from a casual mode. On both sides

  • People leave because the match quality is bad - they shouldn’t expect anything for the match quality

  • People expect others to actually care about the match - why should they, QP doesn’t mean anything.

The trick would be to give them a reason to complete the match, make the game mean something. Not punish them for not wanting to stick around.

Simply punishing people because they don’t want to play anymore clearly doesn’t do anything and is a waste of everyone’s time.