DPS leavers when games are about to conclude(quick play)

And as I’ve stated before, it’s never been this much of an issue as it is now. That is the problem. Not that it happens a few times pr week. Now it happens several times pr DAY. And it most definitely was not like this for 5 years.

My data is based on experience, and if you don’t believe me, go play a bunch of qp yourself. You will see it clear as day. I can factually say that my claim of this being a problem is happening, and you can go experience it for yourself if you want. Whereas your non-problem mentality adds nothing, because it’s based on your personal feelings on the matter. But based on what people say in games, YOU are in the minority here. The Majority would agree with me that this is indeed a problem.

Anecdotes are not data.

I know what happens in QP. And you I don’t like playing QP so I found a solution to my problem. I don’t play QP anymore. My game play experience is massively improved and I’m enjoying every game I play.

I take action for myself.

And again, you fail to see this from Blizzards view. QP is the second most played mode in the game. That comes from data, not anecdotes. If something was a big issue, and would be added value to Blizzard and the majority of players if it was “fixed”., It would be.

So, if something is not changed, chances are it is because there is no net positive benefit. Nor has someone come up with a completely fool-proof solution.

Simple logic.

Role que is the perfect example, there was a net positive in introducing it. So they did. Doesn’t mean it is universally approved. But the play rates backed up their plan.

57.2% of play time was in RQ (quick play and ranked combined)

20.1% was in ranked open que and quickplay classic combined.

(side note - I was surprised to see that more people play arcade modes than open que modes).

So, there was clearly a majority of people that wanted said system in place and continue to use it in such a way.

Which would support my theory that if there was a majority having this issue, they would have at least tried something. Experimental has been a thing for quite some time now… not even a sniff.

** numbers were based on play time on the European region of servers.

Although anecdotal evidence is not something to put heavy weight on, the fact that anyone can go and see for themselves makes it clear that there is an issue to be addressed. It’s not something that is said to further an agenda. It’s an observation, and anyone can make it if they want to. It happens all the time, now more often than not.

Yes, you didn’t like how qp is, so you ditched it and went for a different mode with a different ruleset than what is in qp. That’s your choice. But you left qp because you didn’t like it. Why shouldn’t you like it? And say it’s because of rewards. Because that has nothing to do with the reason I think qp needs help to get fixed. If I wanted the ranked rewards, I would play ranked. Not try to bring ranked into qp.

I am unable to find any of this info you are speaking of, so a source of reference would be greatly appreciated. I’ll read it all.

I was however able to find a thread where Jeff himself is addressing the issue. And he’s saying it is tricky and timeconsuming to find a proper solution. They are working with it, but it takes time. So clearly, it’s not “as intended”, as you make it seem like.

Meaning they also see this as a problem. Not just me or some people.

As for the Role-queue stuff, I’m glad they added it. It adds some structure, and ensures that there no longer will be games where there are no heals to get, or no tanks, or as it usually was; 6 dps. It was terrible in comparison. But alas, the mode is still there in Arcade, the place to go when you just want to play something, without regards at all to metas or builds. Just raw play. But that’s VASTLY different from normal QP, and is why I said to you earlier that going THERE to play would not solve my issue one bit, as it’s a completely different thing entirely.

Well, based on Jeff’s post, it’s not as simple as that. They are looking into it, and trying several things to see if it makes it better. This post was from March 20th 2020 though, so it’s almost been a year so far. But atleast they are looking into it. So clearly I am correct in assessing that there actually IS a problem. Even if you don’t let this problem affect you.

But please, by all means, send me a link or reference or whatever to the place you got this info you shared. I’ll happily read about it.